San Francisco

Rates in Sanfran are crazy
GuyS2020 13 Reviews 118 reads

I guess people are paying these crazy rates. NYC is higher than the averages I’d never say NYC was affordable until I started checking out Sanfran. 6-800hr for average services is a nope for me.

Hearing from several Kgirls who I have seen last few weeks that business is slow.  They all made mention of tech layoffs impacting customers.  Actually got one provider to lower her price which was a  big surprise.  

... but I certainly have slowed WAY down this year.  Last year, I went "buck wild". lol  It will be interesting to see if rates adjust, in general, over the next few months.  I'm not a rate negotiator, so that's not something I would try.  

One of the first lessons I learned as a baby monger was to NEVER haggle, it's insulting. If you can't pay, don't play.
The exceptions are Nevada cathouses and TJ, where you're quoted the "rack rate" that only rubes pay.

Generally, prices are a one-way ratchet. As discussed *ad infinitum* on these very pages, most ladies will quit before lowering their rates.

I would have to disagree.   Almost all providers not part of a Korean or Chinese management company negotiate rates.   Hispanic / black / white providers rates aren’t  always what the add says.  Services and price will adjust to demand and if the girl has bills to pay.    Its so ironic that most Asian-Indian businesses “barter” yet its deemed taboo not for us todo so?  There is wiggle room I have done it especially on slow nights, holidays, or doing doubles.    You are starting to see more doubles avail because business is slowing.. and staying on these high prices SJ / SM apartment complexes are $$$  I look forward to some of Korean establishments that are putting our privacy at risk with insisting on photo ID to book with them get a reality check when customers slow and seek cheaper and easier to deal with POs.

What you post makes sense.  I'm just not a negotiator, when it comes to this stuff.  If I'm purchasing something to own, I'll haggle and negotiate if the seller is open to it.  :)  When it comes to this stuff, I just tend to see ladies who post rates I can afford and who have a screening policy I'm comfortable with.   There's one lady I see every now and then who offers me deals, sometimes.  lol  In that case, I'll take her up on her offer but I never ask for a discount or try to negotiate a lower rate.  Just not part of my DNA.  :)

Lastly, in this time of high inflation, I actually recently saw a lady who RAISED her rates by 1$$ since the last time I saw her!  lol   I guess if the market can support that, more power to her.

I recently had the PO at BGC reach out to me unsolicited after I was reaching out to some other orgs because I was tired of getting some lack luster experiences.  While I don't see them lowering their rates, I could see some specials come out of the woodwork if you have enough rounds at a certain place.  I have received a few of those.  
I think more will seek out going on mongering trips like Mexico or other spots as it isn't as expensive per lady and well, let's be honest, man can not live on Kgirls alone.

I've had some unsolicited contacts as well, but not from "orgs" or "PO"s.  lol   In some cases, what I've done is booked an appt at a lower service offering than I normally would.  In other cases, I just told them I wasn't able to see them.   While I fully understand I'm probably "over paying", I'm just not one to try to "haggle" or negotiate rates, when it comes to this stuff.  If we were talking about a physical product being sold, I would possibly do some negotiation (and I have, in the past).   I just don't feel good about negotiating or haggling, given the intimate nature of things.

On the flip side, the quality of my experiences has really been off the charts, especially last year.  Last year, I met a ton of new people and have since fallen back into "regular mode" with some of them.  I don't see a direct correlation between higher rates and "better" overall experiences, but I have noticed the specific people I've met have pretty much all been fantastic!  

I have to agree with you that money spent does not equal the level of quality experience.  This hobby is so fickle and sometimes, chemistry and normal interactions can make the experience completely different from one person to the next.

There are some providers who are clearly better at their craft and give an experience that is top notch regardless of the client and they are a rare breed.  Most will have some biases and regardless of how much you pay, you may not get their best efforts.  In other cases, a provider really likes the client and is willing to give specials and reach out because they enjoyed their first time and want to see the client again.

My best experiences this year were the cheapest ones as well.  Don't ask me for contacts as they will most likely not deliver the same experience to you.  These are situations where the provider really clicks with me and turns around and offers a highly discounted rate in order to see me again.  They also asked me not to review them as they already get plenty of reviews.  Yes, not helpful to those hunting but I guess what I am trying to say is, develop your great sessions into more and who knows, they may actually introduce you to other ladies who are new and need a more friendly introduction into the hobby.

"fickle" is certainly the word. lol  Do you have any contacts?  :)  j/k  It's interesting, I actually wouldn't ask for contacts due to what you wrote: "they will most likely not deliver the same experience to you".  One thing I firmly believe in, especially when reading reviews posted here and elsewhere is, despite their being a possible pre-determined "flow" or "structure" to service being provided, each experience will be unique since your interaction with someone will be different than mine.  So, I wouldn't expect to have the same or similar experience as you. I *would* expect not to be ripped off, etc.  lol

Something else that changed for me, starting last year, is I started booking longer appointments for the first meeting.  90+ mins has been my minimum and I've found having the extra time really makes a difference.  At least for me.  I mean it's certainly possible to do everything in 60 mins, and depending on the circumstances even less time than that.   I've really enjoyed being able to spend more time to "break the ice" and learn more about the person I'm going to be intimate with.  

Your point about developing great sessions is a good one and one I certainly take to heart.

At least in El Norte ..TJ Hotel prices have doubled since the pandemic, as has the big clubs, (HK, Chicago, etc).

Between air, hotel, meals, etc, --  on a price-per-pop basis, I would have been better off staying at home.

It's easy to forget how spoiled we in YaY are are WRT to K-Gals ..  

PM me if you want current on-the-ground info.

I guess people are paying these crazy rates. NYC is higher than the averages I’d never say NYC was affordable until I started checking out Sanfran. 6-800hr for average services is a nope for me.

Just like the overall cost of living is pretty crazy.  lol   There are some 'gems' in the area, fortunately. :)

Would you mind Pm' ing or sharing those gems?

I know people are tired of me mentioning the same names over and over again, but what can I say?  :)

Kate LaFleur is certainly not to be missed.   If you tend to prefer younger providers, I suggest you make an exception in this case.   Eat you wheaties, drink a Red Bull, and do some cardio exercise every day the week before you see her to adequately prepare for her intensity and stamina.   Her 2-hr rate is significantly less than the higher priced ladies and you get 2 full hours of...well, read her reviews.  :)

I'll also mention Sunny, a petite Filipina with a great body!   She offers specials pretty often and her rates fluxuate a bit.

I'll add Isobel to this list, even though I haven't met her myself.  However, that's going to change once I can find the right time in my schedule.  Hopefully, that will be sometime in August.  :)

You know, I hear Utrrose is quite the rad gem too!  :)

UTR Rose is sweet, beautiful, and smart!

I've met her socially a few times and would just love to spend some private time with her.

If you are into having a provider take interest in you and be connected, she is good for that.  Its like having a therapist or life coach.. if you need that

It happens & even on occasion when I feel generous to offer specials I still get those who try to negotiate. I’m going back to 2 hours minimum. I would never go to the Gucci store & complain about the price. Providers are not a swap meet.

It's funny, TODAY I read the ad of a companion I've seen a few times and she states "Don't ask for a discount and for extras in the same sentence". lol


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