San Francisco

Maybe a comedy show ?red_smile
Utrrose See my TER Reviews 126 reads

Then both of you are smiling and I think that's a great way to start a fun friendship 🥰

If you like booking dinner dates with companions, where do you take them and what kinds of social things do you like doing?    Dinner dates is a relatively new thing for me.  I started trying that last year.  :)  So far, I've been to four different restaurants and to one live music show.  Had fantastic times each time and three of those dates were dinner only.

I find I do like the longer engagements.  One event I want to try is a live symphony movie score performance.  I've attended a few of those, before the pandemic, but haven't done so with a companion yet.

What kinds of things do you like to do on dinner/social dates?

Then both of you are smiling and I think that's a great way to start a fun friendship 🥰

Fantastic idea!  I haven't been to a lot of comedy shows, but each time I've been, I had a great time.    Thanks for mentioning this!

GoogleWasMyIdea125 reads

The problem with most passive entertainment ideas (music, comedy, movie) is little interaction. And landing with someone you don't know at a restaurant can be awkward, though most escorts are good at making things feel comfortable.

My suggestions  
- If possible, 'stack' activities. If you do two things together, even if they are brief, you'll feel like you've shared much more and know the other person better. But they should be in separate locations
- Be willing to spend money, but don't feel you need to

Yes, you'd need to talk to your date and ensure there is a genuine match of interest, energy, and comfort level. And all of these will require some planning since getting the logistics right is 90% of the battle.

Some examples
- Game of pool at dive bar followed by nearby upscale cocktail bar followed by a quick meal at a handy, neighborhood restaurant
- Walk/short hike (if it's a first-time date, this will def need to be a very public place for safety) followed by a meal
- Bowling, PickleBall, Batting Cage, Mini-Golf followed by one or two (dinner/cocktail bar) activities
- Wing lady. OK, This is not for every lady or every gent, but have an early dinner, and then spend an hour (no more, no less) in a nice-ish bar hitting on civvies with your date as your wing lady. Working with a lady can help other ladies feel safe and make you look good; you may end up with a few numbers. But even if you don't, both of you will be so horny by the time it's done (again, you have to be the right people with the right chemistry) that by the time private time rolls around, you'll be sooooo legit ready to go.

Hope this helps!!!

Thanks for the reply!  These are some great ideas!  Your ideas read like a "mini-adventure", which sounds like a lot of fun.  :)

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