San Diego

Your welcome, thank you Jezebella & everyone
MichelleRene See my TER Reviews 312 reads

for contributing to the creation of our safe community!

There are many beautiful ladies in this industry but also many kind ones as well. I just want to say thank you to all the ladies who are reference friendly in this industry, for putting safety first above everything else. xoxoxox

Always my number one concern. Location is a significant part of decision making process. It also often reflects on the judgement of the provider. Great spot makes everything hot! Sorry, i just couldn't resist that.

Yes Sir indeed, for both the security of the Hobbyist and Provider, location is
essential, as well as an area which has good exterior street-lighting,
passersby, ample parking, and an interior which is spotless, fragrant, and  
I've just described the downtown Gaslamp/East Village Area, which is where
my loft is, and the locale of many Providers in San Diego.

However, I've just recently been informed that one's perception of downtown San Diego,
is viewed very differently, by East Coasters.
{unless they are an Architect, a Land Developer, Interior Designer or an Artist},  
they tend to think that an "industrial-looking area" is an unsavory, "not 5-star" area".  
{as directly quoted to me}

In fact, many parts of the Downtown Gaslamp/East Village area are rather
"industrial-looking" with stainless steel and concrete buildings, extensive  
floor to ceiling windows {my fav}, and modern accoutrements.    
That, my friends is "Modernism", and I personally adore it!  

Though East Coasters have a bevy of Modernistic areas in each city, the burbs
tend to have your basic brick and mortar American Colonial and Cape Cod architecture.

Though that style is very appealing to many, I do not personally care for that modicum of

These  high-end downtown Gaslamp/East Village lofts are leasing starting at $4000/monthly.  
That is hardly as one person recently said, "less than a 5-star neighborhood"!  
Any thoughts or comments from you all out there?

I have lived in various parts of San Diego;  fortunately, all lovely, however, none  "perfect";
a beach mansion in La Jolla, and one in Mission Hills, a compound in Rancho Santa Fe,
and a modern tri-level 7000 sq ft. canyon home in South Mission Hills.
Oh, I forgot to mention my 2000 sq ft. $4800/monthly loft in Little Italy.  
{I was not paying for this massive rent myself, though it was split three-ways}

Every neighborhood I've lived in and yes, even Rancho Santa Fe, had unsavoriness
floating around.  {Columbian drug lords residing down the street, driving several $200,000
Lamborghinis around town.}

Unless it is a strictly gated, monitored, guarded community, one will find
most areas of San Diego, are not pristine and untouched.

San Diego is ever-rapidly changing with pros and cons attached to this extensive  
Ten years ago, one could dine off the downtown sidewalks and gutters, as it was  
virtually free of debris, human and animal urine, and homelessness.

It was  regularly power washed and street swept.  The streets however, have always been
pothole-ridden, and never perfect, actually, always subpar in my view.  
However, San Diego was truly one of the most clean larger cities I've ever been to.
{I've travelled extensively}.

With that being said, homelessness, vagrancy, debris, traffic congestion, and passersby, is
an unfortunate "con" of many of the downtown area neighborhoods.    
Yes, even in the very high-end areas of the city, unfortunately.  {does anyone have to
commute daily from La Jolla Shores to the freeways?  Indeed it is nightmare traffic to and

It is all an unwelcomed residual of too much growth, too little monies coffered for cleanliness,
and too many persons unemployed, illegal, and otherwise.  It is a very unfortunate
circumstance in many large cities.

Indeed, I reside downtown, it is eclectic, has the good with the somewhat not so wonderful,  
however, tis mine, all mine!
If one has ever been to my lair, one knows, upon entering,  
the entire world outside disappears for a while....isn't that the point of "hobbying" anyway?
To lose oneself in the moment is the essence of a date, no?

One must not be too concerned about whether the abode is a brick and mortar Colonial,  
or a loft?  Cleanliness and safety yes, of great concern, however it is all in one's perception....

Location, location, location!

Thank you for allowing me to "soapbox" again!
Angelina Jones xoxo

Thanks to those beautiful ladies for being reference friendly!

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