San Diego

Wake up! Most of above is incorrect. Here is real scoop
incallman2 32 Reviews 758 reads

Lurker comes closest. Here is the correct info.

LE is allowed to lie and most definitely will lie. Lying is a tremendous investigative technique. However, LE must still follow the rules. Their biggest hurdle is proving a sex act was offered for an exchange of money. Keyword here is proving. No proof, no conviction. That does not necessarily mean you can't be arrested, but the vast majority of cops, vice especially, know what they're doing and the requirements for a good bust. If they can't meet the requirements, no bust.

So what do we all do? Ladies, you've got to start playing by the rules most of you have on your sites and ads. That means any money exchanged is for your time and companionship only. Most of you skip this. How to do it? Simple, the envelope is the perfect start. Don't talk about it. Don't mention money or any sex act. Ok so far in my experience. Here's where most of you mess up. Most of you greet the client with a huge hug and a light or heavy french kiss. Then its clothes off and the main event! What happened to time and companionship? A case agaainst you just got easier to make.

When your client arrives, or, when you arrive at the outcall, avoid all talk of money or acts. Light hug, light kiss on cheek ok. Sit down and chat a bit. Obviously, with a regular this can be skipped. DO NOT SKIP THIS WITH A FIRST TIME ENCOUNTER. After chatting awhile, say something like, "Wow! I'm finding myself suddenly attracted to you." Move in for a little kissing and touching and let it go from there. That is the definition of time and companionship and anything else that happens is between two consenting adults. Very hard for LE  to make a case using this scenario. Why? Because there is no talk of money, no talk of sex, no immediate move toward sex, and everything after that is simple attraction between two consenting adults.

The above should not be a problem for established low volume providers. Higher volume ladies should consider extending an hour appointment to an hour and ten or fifteen minutes. The extra time at the beginning could/should be off the clock, in my opinion. Again, my advice applies to meeting new clients only.

Following the rules most of you have already set but, don't follow, should prevent any arrests by an honest cop. However, if an arrest should occur, keep your mouth shut. This applies to guys, too. Just keep your mouths shut. You were meeting only for some female companionship. There was no expectation of anything more. Period

I've only used a few well reviewed providers over the last eight or so years and have not had to worry about LE busts. However, I am now living on the Gold Coast where there have been some LE stings on hobbyists which makes me quite nervous. I am embarrassed to say I have no idea what an LE check involves or why it protects the provider or hobbyist. Could someone enlighten me - thanks.

Also,would like to send a shout out to Goldie Knox. I saw you a few times before you remodeled your superstructure. That was when you went by Mila. You were beautiful and fun then (see my 2011 review) and can only imagine how gorgeous you must be now (yes, I've viewed your site, but in-person is the only way to truly appreciate a lovely woman).

Onlyalurker764 reads

In my opinion so called LE checks together with all kinds of disclaimers that providers like to put in their ads,  are total BS and only offer you a false sense of protection. Once you step into the hotel room where the sting is, you are walking out in handcuffs. The key is to avoid one in the first place.  

And yes I agree,  Mila was a true free spirit,  full of life, energy and fun

ShillBill764 reads

And the provider may take your hand in her hand and put your hand on her tits. As the previous poster mentioned, once your in a room with LE it's over. My advice if this unfortunate circumstance ever occurs is STFU.

Onlyalurker927 reads

believe that when asked such a question, cops are required to tell the truth. Unfortunately, that's totally incorrect. Not only is it perfectly legal for LE to lie, they are trained to do so, as well as how to manipulate, scare, exaggerate, mislead, threaten and play good cop/bad cop. Other than telling the cops your real name and address, which you must if asked) you don't have to say anything else. More people probably talk themselves into being arrested than by doing anything else. And that's exactly why cops love talking to suspects so much

I talk too much so must remember not to talk myself into more trouble than is necessary. Do they have the power to search you or your belongings does anyone know?

Onlyalurker504 reads

If they believe there's probable cause to suspect you of some wrong doing. Which the cops can always say that they do. That's why it's never a good idea to carry a lot of cash, drugs, guns etc. on you. As a side note - the most popular disclaimer of all: "donation is for my time only" just doesn't fly in the courtroom either . I don't know of any instance where it helped a provider win her case

If your laptop and cell phone are password protected, they can't get into them without a warrant and my attorney and told me that they rarely do that in a prostitution case. It's just not worth their time and effort.   But they will tell you that you must give them the passwords and if you do then they can and will use all of that information against you and your clients. So don't give them that information. Also, if you use your password to get into your cell phone and use it, they can then take your phone and get information from it. So it's best to leave your laptop and phone alone and password protected in the presence LE.

In many cities LE will not go to your in call, even if you are in a hotel, but in some cities they will. Then, even if you don't say anything about exchanging lewd or sexual acts for money, (prostitution), you can still be arrested for escorting without a license if you don't have one or for massaging without a license if you mention massage in your ads.

It's best to always check references.

When I finally started checking references (because I didn't know how to do that when I started) all I really did was eliminate a bunch of no-shows.

-- Modified on 6/20/2016 8:40:32 AM

-- Modified on 6/20/2016 8:42:19 AM

They can search, take, and use your belongings any way they see fit. Cell phone, laptops, money, anything worth value.  

Posted By: clairecavendish
I talk too much so must remember not to talk myself into more trouble than is necessary. Do they have the power to search you or your belongings does anyone know?

To continue on the line of Onlyalurker's answer, LE have been known to even get into the act before the bust occurs.  

To reinforce Onlyalurker's statement, remember that LE has been doing this for years. Your questioning will not be like the movies and your best move is to keep quiet and get a lawyer

Onlyalurker528 reads

legally, one can only request a lawyer after they are arrested. For that reason, when people mention an attorney, cops will often say something like: hey you are not under arrest, you don't need a lawyer, which is true. That doesn't mean of course that anything you say cannot be used against you. It can and it will be. That's why you should say that since you are not under arrest you have nothing else to tell them and demand to go home.

If you are not under arrest, you may leave. Except, an officer may detain you for a "reasonable" amount of time to conduct an investigation IF there is reasonable cause. "Reasonable" varies based on the circumstances. If both parties keep their mouths shut except to say they were just getting together for companionship, and nothing else, the chances of an actual arrest are very low. Just remember what Lurker wrote earlier, it is legal for cops to lie and they will!

Lurker comes closest. Here is the correct info.

LE is allowed to lie and most definitely will lie. Lying is a tremendous investigative technique. However, LE must still follow the rules. Their biggest hurdle is proving a sex act was offered for an exchange of money. Keyword here is proving. No proof, no conviction. That does not necessarily mean you can't be arrested, but the vast majority of cops, vice especially, know what they're doing and the requirements for a good bust. If they can't meet the requirements, no bust.

So what do we all do? Ladies, you've got to start playing by the rules most of you have on your sites and ads. That means any money exchanged is for your time and companionship only. Most of you skip this. How to do it? Simple, the envelope is the perfect start. Don't talk about it. Don't mention money or any sex act. Ok so far in my experience. Here's where most of you mess up. Most of you greet the client with a huge hug and a light or heavy french kiss. Then its clothes off and the main event! What happened to time and companionship? A case agaainst you just got easier to make.

When your client arrives, or, when you arrive at the outcall, avoid all talk of money or acts. Light hug, light kiss on cheek ok. Sit down and chat a bit. Obviously, with a regular this can be skipped. DO NOT SKIP THIS WITH A FIRST TIME ENCOUNTER. After chatting awhile, say something like, "Wow! I'm finding myself suddenly attracted to you." Move in for a little kissing and touching and let it go from there. That is the definition of time and companionship and anything else that happens is between two consenting adults. Very hard for LE  to make a case using this scenario. Why? Because there is no talk of money, no talk of sex, no immediate move toward sex, and everything after that is simple attraction between two consenting adults.

The above should not be a problem for established low volume providers. Higher volume ladies should consider extending an hour appointment to an hour and ten or fifteen minutes. The extra time at the beginning could/should be off the clock, in my opinion. Again, my advice applies to meeting new clients only.

Following the rules most of you have already set but, don't follow, should prevent any arrests by an honest cop. However, if an arrest should occur, keep your mouth shut. This applies to guys, too. Just keep your mouths shut. You were meeting only for some female companionship. There was no expectation of anything more. Period

Onlyalurker620 reads

If a cop ever gets through the screening and makes it to your premises,  he is not going back empty-handed. It just doesn't happen. For one thing there are very few honest cops and none on vice-squads. Besides, everyone knows what's really going on. The courts, the juries and LE. I would love for someone to give me just one example where following some rules or using disclaimers helped avoid arrest or win a case. That's why after being busted just about everyone chooses to plead guilty to a lesser charge, go into some program and just get on with their lives.

Lurker, with all possible respect, you are wrong. Please believe I know what I am talking about.  

In San Diego, most cops, even vice, are honest. Whether they get in the door or not, if they can't establish the elements of the crime, no bust. The reason most people get arrested is because they talk too much. Just as you said earlier, shut up! If people keep their mouths shut and follow the rules most have on their sites etc. and as I suggested above, the police cannot make a case.  

And, to keep things real .... in the situations involved here, as in providers and hobbyists that use TER, the possibility of a bust is already small. The threat is when seeing someone for the first time. Following the rules makes a bust almost impossible provided you don't talk. Why? Because these cases are hard to prove. He said, she said doesn't work with these cases. The police need at least an audio recording. When there is no mention of money or sex and several minutes elapse before the real kissing and touching begins, a cop will get desperate and start asking questions about money and what is he getting for it. Otherwise it's entrapment! At that point, everything should stop right there! Tell the person there must be some misunderstanding and end the date. Believe me, the cop can't make his/her case. No bust. After that, it's important to keep your mouth shut.  

I know what I'm talking about.

spacex468 reads

and actually go through with the session? I've heard cops do actually fuck if it helps them.

If they do, then the provider is in a lose-lose situation. At the end of an appointment, a guy is about to walk out without paying. She can remind him subtly, that will help the ones who forgot. But if he pretends not to understand, she can ask (and risk getting busted) or let him go (lose revenue).

No. They will not go all the way. And if you have followed the rules above for time and companionship, it wont matter. Two consenting adults because the envelope has already been dropped and there has been no mention of money or any sex act.  

If the envelope was not put down at the beginning, there is nothing wrong in asking for it to compensate for time and compaionship because that is what was advertised.

Onlyalurker577 reads

Sexual intercourse or any lewd act with another person in exchange for money or other consideration. If you change a providers tire in exchange for a BJ, that's prostitution. So if your so called "companionship" includes a "lewd"  act (which is very vague on purpose) you will be busted. Various placements of envelopes is not going to make any difference. The only good way to avoid problems is by sticking with regulars and thorough screening

Epicurus61424 reads

but that's a different story.

There are legal resources available through SWOP USA DOT ORG website.  Do a keyword search for "legal" at the top of the homepage and find the legal resources page, then scroll down for the "Know Your Rights Manual" (for California.

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