San Diego

Re:Totally Curious
thisfukerguy 13324 reads
1 / 8

You guys HAVE to tell me, as far as the latina Tania girl, the one with the web site where you have to go down to TJ and she's all hippy and spiritual and shit, please please tell me how much she charges. By the way those are old pictures of her.

The reason I'm curious is because I fucked her when she was working in the bar, I saw her (had heard about her on another site) I approached her and she had already heard about me, I was dating another hooker that worked in the bar but was back home in Guadalajara for the Holidays. Anyway we talked, I told her I had a hotel room down the street, she came over and spent about an hour and a half with me. About a month later I did her again in the hotel above the bar for about an hour.

I'll tell you guys how much I paid her but only after you tell me how much YOU guys paid.

I really REALLY want to know what she's charging now. If you don't feel comfortable telling me here you can e-mail me and we'll keep this private. [email protected]

humpQ 12211 reads
2 / 8

I heard she charges 150.

dawctor 10 Reviews 10136 reads
3 / 8

I believe her "prices" are posted on her site. If you need to know, go have a look.

thisfukerguy 11351 reads
4 / 8

I know what her web site says. And what she is "suppose" to charge, she told me some bullshit prices in the bar too. I want to know what people actually PAID.

84593 15 Reviews 12981 reads
5 / 8

I think that among members of this board you will find it considered very bad form to dicker over dicking price.

thisfukerguy 11291 reads
6 / 8


Inappropriate outburst.

-- Modified on 7/19/2002 3:58:22 PM

w_b 3 Reviews 12219 reads
7 / 8

Who cares what you paid...did you have a good time?

aspuser 34 Reviews 13187 reads
8 / 8

I have to question what your motives are for asking your pleading question.  Is it so that you can say you did her for less?   For what other reason could you be asking us this?

Do you not believe what her website states are her prices for her incall or what?  It is a known fact that she expects the locals to meet her in the bar.  Her website is intended to give the guys from out of town a chance to connect with her instead of the hit or miss chance they would have take otherwise.

Many of us have paid her less, and some have paid her more.  Many of us have had your experience with her and some of us have had much more experience with her.  Many have dated hookers from the bar.  I am stating this to make sure you understand that you are not the exception by any means.

I'm just curious what your intention for posting about a providers rate was?

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