San Diego

Re:Thanks! Good stuff!
gingergrrrl 20247 reads

LE can do anything they like to bust guy got completely naked and fondled himself...they have used collared johns that have actually had sex with the provider...they use couples looking for a threesome and even frequented Jolars and jerked off several times before coming in and busting the lady that consider him a regular.My friend was busted by a guy with an active military I.D. The recent busts in east county at the massage place stated in the arrest warrant that they had received sexual favors for money several times before thay were arrested. Those ladies last time I checked were being charged with felony attempt to commit. SO look at it this one should need to talk about money ever during actual conversation, all requests for donations should be spelled out prior to meeting and NO talk of money should ever occur beyond that....girls with websites and a good informative standard response should give you all the info you need...and ladies tell them to leave the money on the table not pick it up until you fee lost is a lot less than the 2500 I have spent on lawyers. MEN don't ask what you will get or use the acronyms so easily thrown around on websites,,,if they are in print allover the internet a case can be made to use them as an understood reference to illegal acts. Also Ladies it isn't enough to not solicit yourself....they will ask you questions as to what you do ...they will also ask about others you have seen....tell them resolutely that their line of conversation makes you very uncomfortable. And last but not least ALWAYS SCREEN There are alot of ways to illiminate them and I was just being lazy when I got in trouble. The best way to avoid is to not accept new clients for same day appointments. and make all out of towners call you from there area code which they should have on there cell phone...There is alot more but you will have to e-mail me and be known for me to tell you.

everyone be safe and spread the love,

There has been some speculation on her being asociated with LE. I took a chance and made an appointment last week. She is the real deal. Absolutely a great girl to be with. Pretty as well as accomodating. I'm not a total unknown here so I believe I have some degree of credibility. Since she has no website so I can't post the traditional review so no details here. If you want more info e-mail me at  [email protected]. I will not release any graphic details to unknowns so dont ask.

Thank you for posting this!  Both Holli and myself were unfairly accused of being LE. That litle post  a while back really impacted Holli's business which is just getting started!  Let's not start rumors without any basis.  We WANT nice girls like Holli in this hobby so vicious, unfounded rumors should be avoided.  

Granted, Holli didn't have a website and didn't have a pic to share, but that is not much evidence (or lack there of) to suggest she is LE.  And seeing a (relative) unknown is also not very substantial.  There ARE very effective ways to discover if someone is LE or not.  One really good way is to simply ask, "Are you associated in anyway with LE?"  Ask that in email.  Ask that on the phone.  And ask again in person. They cannot answer to the contrary or it becomes entrapment and (I think) a violation of your privacy.  If the answer is "Yes", then the date simply becomes a date - you only want her companionship for the course of the date.

This boards serves us well to protect us from ripoffs and indentify the real providers.  Let's not use it to start malicious rumor.

My understanding of what LE can & can't say is just the opposite of what you said here.  I don't claim to be an expert on the legal stuff, understanding is that LE can say or do pretty much anything 'in the line of duty'.

"There ARE very effective ways to discover if someone is LE or not.  One really good way is to simply ask, 'Are you associated in anyway with LE?'  Ask that in email.  Ask that on the phone.  And ask again in person. They cannot answer to the contrary or it becomes entrapment and (I think) a violation of your privacy."

They do not have to admit to being LE, and it is not considered entrapment.  Entrapment is getting someone to do something they had no inclination to do in the first place.

They're also allowed to get completely naked, and I understand they're allowed to drink a little, so those so-called tests don't work either.  Sucks, doesn't it?

I stand corrected!  I have always relied on these questions!  Guess I have just been lucky.

Levendi had some good advice.  Is there anywhere that this type of info is compiled concisely?  I'm sure there is some lines that LE can't cross.  The fattie was an interesting one, but it only addresses one side of the arrangement.  Both sides need to be comfortable that the other is not LE.  I'd like to start collecting specific ideas on how to ID LE.  But please post your ideas in the new thread I started above.

gingergrrrl20248 reads

LE can do anything they like to bust guy got completely naked and fondled himself...they have used collared johns that have actually had sex with the provider...they use couples looking for a threesome and even frequented Jolars and jerked off several times before coming in and busting the lady that consider him a regular.My friend was busted by a guy with an active military I.D. The recent busts in east county at the massage place stated in the arrest warrant that they had received sexual favors for money several times before thay were arrested. Those ladies last time I checked were being charged with felony attempt to commit. SO look at it this one should need to talk about money ever during actual conversation, all requests for donations should be spelled out prior to meeting and NO talk of money should ever occur beyond that....girls with websites and a good informative standard response should give you all the info you need...and ladies tell them to leave the money on the table not pick it up until you fee lost is a lot less than the 2500 I have spent on lawyers. MEN don't ask what you will get or use the acronyms so easily thrown around on websites,,,if they are in print allover the internet a case can be made to use them as an understood reference to illegal acts. Also Ladies it isn't enough to not solicit yourself....they will ask you questions as to what you do ...they will also ask about others you have seen....tell them resolutely that their line of conversation makes you very uncomfortable. And last but not least ALWAYS SCREEN There are alot of ways to illiminate them and I was just being lazy when I got in trouble. The best way to avoid is to not accept new clients for same day appointments. and make all out of towners call you from there area code which they should have on there cell phone...There is alot more but you will have to e-mail me and be known for me to tell you.

everyone be safe and spread the love,

2sense18079 reads

To followup on gingergrrrl's point on the East county massage parlor, this is from the San Diego Union Tribune article: "...According to a criminal complaint, undercover investigators had sexual contact a total of five times with the four women on visits between February and April...."

The four women were indeed charged with felonies, but subsequently plead down to misdemeanors, as long as they agreed not to work in massage parlors. This effectively closed the massage parlor.

The above is wrong on so many different levels, that it should put a chill through everyone. Here, the cops are using taxpayer money to commit crimes, in a base attempt to leverage up the "supposed" crimes of the massage providers. If the assistant DA proved in court that the providers were guilty of felonies, how would that absolve the "undercover" detectives of their guilt? If sexual activity did in fact occur during these so-called investigations and STD's transmitted, who would be responsible for the liability? Us taxpayers?  

It seems to me that that the above undercover operations represents crimes under color-of-authority, which is a lot more scary than anything the above providers were charged with. This abuse extends to the DA office, as they knew the charges would never stand up in court.

You have to remember that LE vice attracts a certain type of personality. In our society, it is illegal to harass women in almost all circumstances. However, if you're a vice cop, you can do virtually anything you want to beautiful women providers, with no fear of recriminations.

It is also important to remember that LE are consummate liars. They lie to providers and clients all the time, and they will lie on the stand. It starts from the premise that the end justifies the means. We're all criminals (obviously at the same level of the 9/11 and anthrax terrorists), and anything they do to bring us down is justifiable.

No wonder our society is going down the toilet with our brave LE harassing and imprisoning women for private, consensual acts.

Last, here's a bulletin to Lemon Grove LE. While you were busy with the massage parlor, three members of the bin Ladin cell were busy plotting the 9/11 attack in Lemon Grove. What were you doing to protect us from the real criminals?

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