San Diego

Re:Go for it and enjoy youself.
funtime69 6 Reviews 9819 reads

I got carried away & didn't get to my point. Hows the wait coming back into the country? Is it still bad during the day? At night it is 20 minutes or so, in the day it's over an hour. I was wondering if it's improving lately?

hobby veteran 200312927 reads

I'm thinking about going to TJ for some fun but I'm a little nervous.I'm looking for some advice on what to expect.There are some pretty ladies I would like to see in TJ.Any info would be appreciated.

hook up with a girl with reveiws on this site plus a few will pick u up and take u back to the border.

nctyguy12177 reads

Forget about being nervous it will not help with the overall experience.  I recently took my first trip down to have a little fun in the Zona Norte and first trip to Mexico since 1987 or so. I was almost over welhmed with too much selection and this was during the late afternoon on a weekday. I too was a little nervous from not really knowing what to expect or not being familiar with the lay of the land sort of speak.

Occassionaly some members will post that they are going down, as is the case right now. It is a way of learning the ropes and have a safety net if you get too nervous or are not sure what to do. I tend to participate in this hobby as a individual so I just took a trip on my own with information gleaned from other posts on this site.

From your post it is unclear if you want to vist the clubs or see one of the providers who work on their own.  If it is with one of the providers I do not think you need to know too much other than how to cross the border.  It sounds like they will pick you up and drop you back off at the border. Everything else should be much like north of the border except for some language issues depending on your Spanish and her English.

If you are going the the clubs there is more information that is needed.  There have been numerous posts on the SD and LA boards regarding this topic. The basics take a cab to the clubs, $5 each way, $40-60 for approx 1/2 hour for the woman, the room is $11 or 12, a $1 tip for the guys that clean the room, and about $3 for each beer for you and double to triple that for drinks bought for the women.  So you need about $100 for once around and about $70 for each additional at bat. If you look lost some of the more aggressive women will approach you so just sit back. They may not be the best but in my case definitely got the job done and usually can speak more English. Others you will have to make initial contact with.  

It is definitely a little different than what most hobbyist have become accustomed to north of the border. I have never been to a Nevada brothel either, but I do not think that experience can even prepare you for what is like in TJ. Brothels might have ten to twenty girls where as the clubs in TJ are easily over fifty. So many women, many quite attractive and relatively young with some mature women mixed in as well. Somebody for everyone. If you are looking for the California beach blonde type this might not be the best place for you.

I know very few words of Spanish but that does not seem to be a real problem as the women seem to know some English and the dollar seems to be the dominant currency of the area. I am sure as I take more trips down to TJ I will get a little more comfortable, be more relaxed and have even a better time.

My only regret is that I took so long to get up the nerve to go down there. If I would have gone south from the beginning I would have been able to have much more fun, for far less money, and might have learned to speak more Spanish. Also in my younger years I could have gone for seconds or maybe even thirds. Oh well maybe I can get in training and be able to do multiples or maybe it is time to try the big V.

I do not want the providers north of the border to think that they should be forgotten.  I have had many memorable experinces with them that I will always cherish and hope to have more in the future.

Excuse me for butting in, I would suggest going to Adelita Bar tonight, Saturday. There will be 80-100 woman there. I would expect to pay $60-$75 for a girl. $100 tops. Very few charge $100. Then the room fee, & save a dollar bill as a tip for the man who cleans the room. Don't leave it in the room, someone will ask for a tip as your leaving your room, or in the hallway.
Have fun!!Pick wisely. Have a beer and "scout" the most desirable lady. Then approach her. Even if you don't want to take her to the room immediatly, cuz if you hesitate to long, someone else will approach her. Be polite, and ask either; would you like a drink? or if she would like to go upstairs. You can point upwards also. She'll know what you mean. If you buy her a drink it will be $9-$10. So only one maybe two. You can certainly put your hand on her leg while having a drink. be polite at all times, as she's still a lady.
NCTYGUY, how the wait coming back?

I got carried away & didn't get to my point. Hows the wait coming back into the country? Is it still bad during the day? At night it is 20 minutes or so, in the day it's over an hour. I was wondering if it's improving lately?

hobby veteran 20039637 reads

Thanks alot for the info.I'm more comfortable with the independants and I love latina women they are very beautiful.

For more TJ information try these websites: is a pay site. is a free site.

I like the escort experience.  The girls treat me like a date.  When I was at the bars I felt like another number, in a revolving door.  Check the reviews and make a date.

[email protected]12447 reads

Email me for my special prices.

RebeccaTJTJ is definetly worth a visit.  ill be seeing her again soon.

When I went accros fort he first time I went with  TER member. I felt safer knowing he new the ropes.

Chicago club is ok but not as nice as AJ.Liek everone has said there are 100 hot woman and a few not so hot. The hot runs ask 75 but will negotiate. The room is 11 and the tip 1

The taxi each way is 5 but ask before you get in some drivers will try to charge more. Teh rate is 5.  I am going across tonight. you are welcome to share the taxi. if your comforatble we can check out the ladies togeather.....

I like being on my home turf-the good old USA.  Do any of the ladies cross into the US for outcall?  Can they?  Do they need a work permit or something?

nctyguy12969 reads

Why would a foreigner cross the border to knowingly commit a crime when she can stay south of the border where it is accepted. If you are a regular of a TJ provider this might be a different issue and something they might be intereseted in. It would probably have to be for a multiple hour session with dinner, shopping or other activity that they may want to do.

As for the documentation that would be needed for a Mexican citizen to cross occasionally for a few hours or a day, I do not know.  I am sure the documentation for occasional crossings would be different from crossing several times a week or on a daily basis.

Harleydude10082 reads

I feel I should add .02 cents for the TJ inexperienced. I would strongly suggest heading south with someone who knows the ropes down south. TJ can be a very unforgiving place if you screw up. Sometimes you may just be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It is not just as simple as it may seem. I would urge caution and street smarts. If you have not heard of the dollar switch you might want to do more research before you race down south so you can be better prepared. Also, the holidays are a time when many of the women leave to visit relatives so the selection may not be as it would the rest of the year .

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