San Diego

Re:Another chuckle regarding Kianna
masgrande 1 Reviews 8741 reads

The level of self promotion on this site is getting to a level of almost unbearable.

Between the offers for "specials" (which i happen to like) and the "faked" commentary by some of the providers simply to be in front of us all, it is getting to a point where I'm becoming less inclined, not more inclined to try someone new.

My concern is that the reviews are becoming unreliable and that some of the "hobbyists" are actually "fronting" for some of the providers.

While I have shared this opinion with a provider or two privately some months back, it now is time to share it more openly with the group.

Not only do we have "providers" acting as hobbyists, we have hobbyists basically promoting providers for their own gain in a variety of ways.

This crosses the line of what a web site that survives on user generated content should allow, and sadly will not be in our best interest long term.

If the moderators and operators cannot ferret out the truth and there is no credibility on the board itself, then the ability to make decisions on "new" providerd becomes difficult, and we all go from taking one for the team, to all being taken.

Sorry, if this offends anyone, and to the honest, hard working providers, who know who you are, cream rises to the top.....


vantana10733 reads

As soon as the glowing "NATATLIE12" self post is removed following a problem report, another reasonably complimentary review from a reviewer with no other reviews pops up.  However, he gives Kianna only a 6 in appearance, which is totally inconsistent with her pictures, no matter what your tastes might be.  So maybe it's a legit review (I doubt it), but my guess it's as good as it's going to get (speaking in reality)!

Bottom line, the stuff's pretty deep here, and stinks too!

The level of self promotion on this site is getting to a level of almost unbearable.

Between the offers for "specials" (which i happen to like) and the "faked" commentary by some of the providers simply to be in front of us all, it is getting to a point where I'm becoming less inclined, not more inclined to try someone new.

My concern is that the reviews are becoming unreliable and that some of the "hobbyists" are actually "fronting" for some of the providers.

While I have shared this opinion with a provider or two privately some months back, it now is time to share it more openly with the group.

Not only do we have "providers" acting as hobbyists, we have hobbyists basically promoting providers for their own gain in a variety of ways.

This crosses the line of what a web site that survives on user generated content should allow, and sadly will not be in our best interest long term.

If the moderators and operators cannot ferret out the truth and there is no credibility on the board itself, then the ability to make decisions on "new" providerd becomes difficult, and we all go from taking one for the team, to all being taken.

Sorry, if this offends anyone, and to the honest, hard working providers, who know who you are, cream rises to the top.....


I don't have any control over the reviews, however, there's a consistant complaint aout the explicit detail required in the reviews. Consider that a self promoting provider probably won't post that level of information in a review. Also, as has been posted numerous times before, if you see a new review from a new reviewer, always be cautious.

Short of creatng some type of "hobbyist verification" system, the potential for fraud always exists. A detailed email message to [email protected], explaining why a review is bogus, including a link to the review-will get the best response.

As far as posters with agendas and providers who use aliases to self promote-that's being watched. If a poster uses an alias to post on the board, that alias is traceable.

A heads up warning to EVERYONE regarding aliases: If you post a message on this board, and then use an alias to reply to your post-you will be discovered eventually. I will permenantly moderate you and post a message for other mod's to NEVER release that status! On the positive side, we don't have that problem. We do have a few posters who are alias-happy, and they've contributed to discussions using different aliases, however, they've not shown a schizophrenic tendency towards responding to themselves.

I'd like to comment here, beginning with your quote:
"if you see a new review from a new reviewer, always be cautious." For openers, everyone is new at some time or another.
And being 'new' can just simply be new to TER. There are plenty of Providers as well as their clients who aren't into the whole internet, hi-tech, discussion boards, reviews or any of it - they just want what we've always had from the ever popular Profession.
And as far as reviews go, not everyone chooses to write a review in the same style. Not everyone wants to disclose all the details. Basically, they just want to let you know that they would definitely recommend that person and maybe share something from their perspective. I have in mind one review in particular written on Lara Jett. I happen to know both Lara and that reviewer. The review was legit, as is Lara. It wasn't fair for her to get slammed because someone preferred another writing style and disqualified it.
I'm a 'new' Provider as well and appreciate the importance of the reviews, (especially as someone new), and see how they are most helpful for the client in deciding to make an appt. with a provider, but I sometimes feel that we've gotten away from the purpose of the reviews and our response to them a bit off track.
We have wonderful ladies, and most certainly wonderful clients, and we LOVE to provide the best possible service to our gentlemen. I for one, simply want to enjoy and be enjoyed, indulge in the fantasy and not have in the back of my mind "so I wonder if he'll write a review? What will he say?" My focus would be the REVIEW, and not him..
I for one want to keep focused.


gumby0079564 reads

I will never understand why people get so flustered with the explicit details. The reviewer is not required to talk dirty or degrade the provider with what he says. A simple description or abbreviation of positions and acts is all that is required. I had one review kicked back due to lack of juicy details. I simply got a tad more explicit and it was accepted. Now, if a provider requests that you not include juicy details, and you honor her wish, your on your own.
   I have noticed some providers who keep having hobbyists post on this board as to what a great time they had. If this happened with every highly rated provider that hobbyist sees, that wouls be fine. But instead, it's the same provider(s) that are always mentioned. Shameless self promotion? Maybe. Then of course, we have some providers that constantly suggest the same site to search for companionship. Not a problem. But, it gets old. Only an opinion and not intended to create flame.
  Now, while I am happy to say that I do not have such a low level of self esteem that I need to reply to my own posts, I don't understand why there is a warning if there is no problem. I saw nothing posted where it stated that one is not allowed to do this. I can only guess that the list of rules grows as time goes on. Unwritten rules at that. Come on mod., Give all of your rules up front so we will know if we are stepping on your toes. According to another board, I understand that you don't like it if there are to many posts. You stated that it was difficult to moderate so many. A suggestion: Lay off on moderating so many people. So many posters have been consistently clean in their posts, that I don't understand why they are moderated. Now, I obviously don't know who is or isn't moderated, but it must be quite a bit for you to ever so mildly complain about it. I recently saw a post on the other board you moderate laced with profanity. I thought that was against the written rules. Just my opinion. Hope I don't step on to many toes.

Vianca9092 reads

some of the reviews are pretty explicit, that does not bother me at all. some others have a clear lack of information. And some others... well really don't help that much.
I thank you all my reviewers for the scores that you had given me and for taking the time to share your experience with me.

In the other hand why don't providers have their own space to review the "client"?.
That would be a very interesting site to visit.

warm hugs and lots of wet kisses!!!

2sense8906 reads

Besides living out our fantasies, I would imagine that most hobbyists want above all to maintain our privacy. "Client" boards such as you're suggesting breaches that anonymity, potentially exposing the hobbyist to LE and community sanctions.

Yes, a provider might say that it isn't fair. If clients write review which might expose us, don't we have a similar right to review them?

These arguments might make sense, except that clients pay providers professional-level salaries (i.e., per hour rates that match those of excellent attorneys) which include an embedded "risk-premium" for you ladies engaging in these activities. You'll note that where escorts are legal, such as Canada, Australia and Mexico, the rates charged are much lower. In other words, we're paying providers high salaries to act professionally. Not so they can tattle on us, out of school as it were.

-- Modified on 11/3/2002 8:17:23 AM

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