San Diego

Re: That's the difference between a woman and a man . . . .regular_smile
1angelinajones See my TER Reviews 378 reads

LOL, I know!  As in for example:   Women may say, "I love their cute
Men say ..."What uniform?!"

ThePeopleRule2464 reads

This gal posts that she is short on rent.  Apparently her shoe budget has been OK.

short on class, too, which often goes hand in hand with being short on rent.  Selfies are not always a good way to promote oneself as an escort.  Most men want fantasy, not reality.

Unless the fantasy is gnd... I would rather see a selfie than something that's photo shopped.  

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
short on class, too, which often goes hand in hand with being short on rent.  Selfies are not always a good way to promote oneself as an escort.  Most men want fantasy, not reality.

you and I will never be competing for the same providers.

If you've turned it into a competition.... you're doing it wrong.

that scheduling is the biggest challenge I face in Hobbying.  There are many popular providers that I have not seen because it's been difficult to get our schedules to line up.  So its nice to meet a guy who I will not be standing in line behind because we don't like the same type of girl.  Maybe I didn't make my point clear.

I sometimes find myself competing with other hobbyists for appointment times with popular providers.  My schedule can be sometimes rigid, so if I ask for two hours at 11:00 and the earliest time she has is 2:00, I usually don't have that kind of flexibility.  I'm fully aware that I can move down-market and there are many more available choices day or night to fit my schedule, but that's not really appealing to me.  I got the money, Honey, but I don't always have the time.  Lol

I will endeavor to post to the lowest common denominator in the future and make myself more clear.  I appreciate you calling it to my attention so I could explain in a way that you would understand it.  I don't want anybody left behind.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
I sometimes find myself competing with other hobbyists for appointment times with popular providers.  My schedule can be sometimes rigid, so if I ask for two hours at 11:00 and the earliest time she has is 2:00, I usually don't have that kind of flexibility.  I'm fully aware that I can move down-market and there are many more available choices day or night to fit my schedule, but that's not really appealing to me.  I got the money, Honey, but I don't always have the time.  Lol  
 I will endeavor to post to the lowest common denominator in the future and make myself more clear.  I appreciate you calling it to my attention so I could explain in a way that you would understand it.  I don't want anybody left behind.
Wow... I've never seen someone engage in such an acrobatic display, just to prove that he's a condescending asshole. Well done sir. I for one feel privileged that you'd grace us with your wisdom. Between making juvenile remarks about a woman's looks because she's not taking glamour shots, and schooling us I just don't know how you find the time. Bravo.

of the dim-witted that have no coherent argument on the subject at hand.  You have outed yourself as a moron.  I didn't have to do anything.  Thanks.

AND, you just proved my point about the lowest common denominator here.  Only an idiot would have taken the bait,  Lol

-- Modified on 10/6/2016 7:21:30 AM

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
of the dim-witted that have no coherent argument on the subject at hand.  You have outed yourself as a moron.  I didn't have to do anything.  Thanks.  
 AND, you just proved my point about the lowest common denominator here.  Only an idiot would have taken the bait,  Lol

-- Modified on 10/6/2016 7:21:30 AM

how to lose an argument gracefully.  You were on the wrong side on this one, and you realized it too late.  That's why you did not accept my challenge to replace all of your professional photos of selfies done with ratty hair, no makeup, etc. The debate was about professional photos versus selfies and presenting oneself in the best possible light to potential customers.  You ran out of argument, so you went low with the personal attacks, even against my mother, who you have never met.  Would you agree that doing that was classless?  

This is your problem here.  You like to lecture everyone on a variety of topics, often saying things that are the opposite of what you do.  A little bit of "do what you say, and not what you do?"  One would think you are purposely misleading other ladies here in order to thwart competition.  Obviously, if you talk other providers into going with selfies while you have professional photos, who is going to get the business?  At best, its hypocritical, and at worst, devious.  

Personality disorders are often the reason that providers like you have so many clients that are one-and-done, while others seem to have so many regulars, they seldom have room for new clients.  Just an observation.  I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

Where does all this anger come from? I am wondering what there is to gain if you are correct? Is there a BIG price somewhere to be given out to people who can say the worst thing possible?

Or, is this a self esteem issue?  

I was bullied when I was small and I came to realize that the people who feels they need to bully have issues to be dealt with. They have a need to feel superior. It is a maturity thing.  

I meet a lot of different people and the people who are content and feel comfortable in their own skin would be gracious enough to let things go or even try to communicate in a friendly manner.  

I would like to see more of that level of maturity on this board

passionate debating as anger.  I have no anger in me at all.  People make seemingly crazy statements here, and so I like to challenge them into providing support for their position.  Many times, they can explain themselves, like you did when I challenged you on another thread.  You set me straight and I found your responses to be coherent and reasonable, and did not take the low road and resort to personal insults because disagreed with you.  You are clearly intelligent.  I did not respond back because there was nothing else to debate.  You did not change my mind about hotel incalls.  I still prefer residential incalls, but it sounded to me like anyone who sees YOU when you're touring will have a nice time in a comfortable and clean environment, quite unlike some of the experiences I have had with touring girls working out of hotels.  

As for my posting style, I do not personally attack people until they have attacked me first.  You are free to say my ideas or positions are wrong, and debate me or argue accordingly and I will keep it civil, but name-calling and personal insults just lowers the bar, shows a lack of imagination and intelligence, and will force me to stoop to the name-caller's level to respond, because you usually can't get them back on the topic.  

As for Goldie, she and I have a PM history.  I think she is a phony.  In fact, I was shocked to read her racist position on competing providers of other ethnicities while communicating with me privately.  So I will admit that I might be a little quicker to call her out for some of the two-faced shit she spouts than I would other providers who are a little more "what you see is what you get."  Its not anger, its just her reaping what she sows, a sort of repayment in kind.

Thank you for being so kind in explaining your approach and why. I have just recently found myself looking at the board posts and there is certainly a lot of feelings going up and down on the posts.  

I might be logically intelligent but English is my second language so I might miss a few things in the interpretation.

I was kind of hoping for people to be nice to each other, it is a bit intimidating sometimes.

I have been blesses with only nice encounters with clients. Even though I do not really ask for references. The most difficult time has been the stress with odd balls on the phone. I think the second hardest part is the schedule that changes so quickly. If I could choose I would like to know my whole schedule for a year with no changes or cancelations. But that will never happen :-(

Then you must be a dimwit. First you disparage Quagmire's taste in women, then You try to turn your shit phrasing, and inability to properly express your thoughts into a sideways criticism of others. The difference is I don't bother with circular, passive aggressive bullshit. I get to the point.

I did not disparage anyone's taste in women.  After saying I prefer professional photos over selfies, and he said he liked selfies, I simply made the point that his taste is not my taste, so we would not be seeing (or competing for time with) the same girls.  How is that disparaging? Your attempt to save yourself from looking like a moron with no debate skills is too little too late.  Bring on more personal attacks if you want, since that seems to be all you've got.

Save myself? Hilarious. You're the one who fucked up his phrasing so bad that you had to exhaust an entire paragraph explaining yourself. And then when you were finished with it all, it amounted to you saying "Let me explain this to you simpletons in terms that even you can understand."

And then you have the temerity to admonish me for using insults. In fact I've seen your past posts, and you seem to delight in insulting other peoples intelligence. Trust me... You're woefully unqualified to do so. You're a typical internet troll. To be clear, negative remarks about  someone's class is a far cry from stating that you prefer professional photos to selfies. So spare me your bullshit.

with only three or four reviews PER YEAR?  Your responses are increasingly predictable, but I can see you are the kind of troll that has to have the last word, so go ahead, I won't respond to you further because you don't have enough cred as a hobbyist from what I see and hear to warrant any more of my time.

So now you make a judgement based on number of reviews per year.

Jesus you call other people stupid. Quality not quantity. At least when I do post I don't sound like a teenage girl pouncing on a rival because a selfie she posted didn't pop.


Come on

ANYONE with VIP look at CDL's reviews


It appears my suspicion when he had only 30 reviews appears accurate: they are all phony bologna.  

Let's just say you ONLY hobbied for those reviews you have up: 73 currently.
So let's also say you booked an hour with each who have rates ranging between 200-300 hourly so for the sake of argument we will say 73x250 = 18,250 in barely over a year (15 months).  

But it's doubtful you've ONLY seen 73 dates and that every time you see someone you only see them ONCE - and this is known by your other posts saying how your regulars treat you so well. So we could likely add about 10% to that amount you have "spent". And yet zero whitelists and zero reviews submitted for any verifiably independent ladies. Claiming to have been a user/member since 2008 yet no reviews till 2015? And how about how CDL appeared on the forums and scene only within a year? And very opinionatedly... Very similar to another troll who used to have the alias AEJ (abbreviated) and returned as AnitaLittle but was called out on that and caught.  


Dude: you're only fooling yourself. I suggest getting on some kind of medication. How is Beth by the way?

Its okay, I get that a lot from women.  If you look back a year on various boards you would learn my hobby pattern and see how far off you are.  TER only allows one review per girl.  New girls only account for about 15% of my hobby hours.  I always do two hour minimums when repeating with regulars, which accounts for the other 85% of my hobby hours.  2016 will be the first year in the last three that I have stayed under six figures if I stay on the track I'm on with just a few months left.  If I keep going at the present rate, I will finish at about $88K for the year.  That doesn't mean I'm cheap this year, just haven't had the time as business picks up.

Up until last September, when another review site operated by CV closed down, I was only reviewing there.  No point in putting the same review on two sites, is there?  I was the second highest reviewer there nationally and very active and opinionated on the boards.  The few hundred guys that came over here at the same time I did can attest.  Most are still PM buddies sharing which providers to see and which ones to avoid.  

I'm so flattered that you took the time to speculate on all of this stuff without looking any of it up, throwing caution to the wind about being wrong and looking stupid.  Its all been explained on the LA, Kgirl or GD boards a dozen times in the past year. I AM happy that you only made a passing disparaging remark about agency girls rather than the full-on racist rant of last time.  Perhaps you are becoming more introspective.

By that logic you're obsessed with me. You actually went and checked out my per year review ratio... While I could give a fuck about yours.  

Goldie does bring up some good points though. All those reviews and not a single whitelist. You must have the charisma of a wet cornflake and half the charm.

I keep my CDL handle completely anonymous and don't use it to make appointments. I post slot here "promoting" prostitution, which is what LE is using these days to get jail time for johns by linking us your review site handles. Girl gets busted, your TER handle us in her book/computer, and whatever you write in the boards or reviews can be used against you  No white list just keeps me safe.  I also have said before that I don't review indies. They're lower volume and might figure out they saw CDL.

Most John´s get in trouble when vice sets up a sting and it is usually either in a hotel room or on the street depending if they are setting up a sting for hotel or street prostitution. Not for what is written on a website or a computer or phone.

To vice it is a production line where they would want to "produce" as many successful arrest as possible on that day they have the sting. They have multiple task to perform so they do not set up prostitution stings every week more like twice a month a street prostitution bust and the twice a month in a hotel. The other days of the month they do check on liquor licenses, game license etc etc.

At these few times they set up the prostitution stings they have to have the John´s specifically say "what" they want for "the money". If a John say massage then he will get a ticket for hiring a unlicenced masseuse. If the John does not say anything and do not hand the money and leaves, there will be no consequences.

Same goes for the stings where the escorts gets set up in a sting. You do not want to take the money because then you get a ticket for escorting without a license unless you say you are giving out sex for money then you get arrested. So best for both Johns and escort is to say nothing and not pay or give money and just walk away.

I have ONLY in very few nationwide large sting operations seen more detective work being performed like going through phones/ computers. Then when it comes to court it get´s dropped because what you say in writing some where does not seem to stick unless you admit to anything in court. The people who does not say or admit to anything walks without charges.  

Saying you get in trouble what you wrote on a website somewhere will get you in trouble is not true. I would say that would be your rights to freedom of speech. Think about it, if you wrote a fiction book or an article on "how to" kill someone, you would not necessarily get arrested for that unless you specifically threatened someone. Same thing here, by you writing about paying for sex does not mean you can get arrested for writing about it. They have to set up a sting where you admit to wanting to pay for sex.

I mean let´s say I retire and I get arrested a year from now because of events that happened a year or more ago. That would not happen for these type of crimes. Same goes for you who writes about your experiences in reviews.

So, do not be afraid of what you write and try to hide in panic. With a better understanding you can be more relaxed and hobby without so much paranoid fear.

Makes sense

But I'm not taking about penny-ante solicitation stings.  I'm talking about major busts that took years for undercover LE to develop.  2014 had the San Jose bust, that took down RB website, many customers, many girls and some organizations.  Last January had the Seattle bust, with 12 hobbyists facing and/or doing, jail time.  Solicitation doesn't usually get jail time, but LE is linking a hobbyist to his reviews and charging him with "promoting Prostitution" which is a felony.  The owner of the review website in Seattle committed suicide while charges were pending against him.  Last week there were major busts in Chicago, Los Angeles, and a few other major cities.  Details are sketchy, but they started the investigation in 2009.  The Seattle investigation took three years.  Sorry love, its apples and oranges.  I agree with you that walking into an LE sting may be inconvenient, but not life-changing, but when they are enhancing the charges up to a felony, its pretty serious, and hence, my abundance of caution in not having a whitelist, and maintaining complete anonymity on my CDL handle

True but wonder how often that much time is spent to get people in trouble? But, I get your point.

you are the ONE arrested and charged with a felony, then it doesn't matter that it doesn't happen very often.  If 100 people decide to go swimming in the ocean during a shark warning, and only ONE gets killed, its probably not a big deal unless you're that ONE.  Each hobbyist has their own comfort level with how much risk they are willing to take on to enjoy their hobby time.  My risk tolerance is probably lower than most guys, so I look for ways to stay safe, and no whitelist and remaining anonymous on the boards and in reviews is one way I protect myself.

Oh my god I am not reading that damned novel.

Just admit what it really means.

Here say it with me... I am a douchebag and no one likes me. There is that easier than that lengthy dissertation you just posted

7 Years without writing a review.... hmmm.... No WL.... And yet he digs into my review history as if his is something to brag about

Goldie I get all hot and bothered just listening to you brow beat CDL like this, and I don't know even know CDL, nor have an opinion either way on whatever it is you two are arguing about.  This thread just prompted me to look at your website and see what you look like.  Seriously Hot Hot Hot.  You would win every debate with me.  I wouldn't even put up a fight so long as you promised to keep arguing with me, I'd be so happy just being the object of your attention.  :-)

to the beginning, but wouldn't you say things are fading out the last few years for him?  Its okay.  Guys that don't tale care of themselves find themselves slowing down in the sex department.  Probably just age.


Or just maybe... maybe I don't write a review every time I see a provider. And Maybe just maybe... all my dates are 90 minutes to two hours. (So much for your stamina hypothesis).

Or maybe just maybe I do a lot of repeats.

Or maybe just maybe... nah you're DEFINITELY a fucknut who thinks he can know everything about a person by reading post history. Clue dummy, this site isn't even my primary source or community. It's one of four.

PM me for a special offer baby!  
I love a guy who can see through bullshit and isn't afraid to call it out!


That can get Goldie wet!  Good luck you two. You deserve each other:  the white knight and the princess.  Right out of Disney.  Maybe not, I don't recall Disney having any prostitute princesses.

White Knight? LMAO. I'm just targeting your I'm better than you bullshit. And what Pray tell would I need to be saved from? Your assertions about my virility or veracity, based on your expert analysis of my reviews? Please.

I would probably say something like this if I was in your position, trying to make yourself look like the stud you might have once been.   If you're doing two-hour sessions then maybe you should cut back to one hour. Then you could write eight reviews next year.  Goldie doesn't believe in repeats so good luck convincing her.  Look what she said about me.  It's probably because she doesn't see many repeats.  Might be because she only gets wet for you. At least that's the impression I'm getting.

No one who pays for sex can claim to be a stud. Anyone who does is delusional.

who has never seen OTC time with a provider. Why am I not surprised.

Studs  never meet Providers because they never had to whip out their wallet in the first place.

Thanks for making my point for me you poor deluded idiot.

made MY point . . . . . you've never seen OTC time FROM A PROVIDER.  tsk tsk

Cosmos Kramer of the old SD site!!  Same ol' BS...

Posted By: nakedmarine
Cosmos Kramer of the old SD site!!  Same ol' BS...
Oh my fucking god. You're right. Same ol' bullshit about off the clock action. Especially with one girl who called him a sociopath and another who he took advantage of when she was three sheets to the wind drunk.

Definitely sounds like someone with a pathological need to stroke his own ego.

I guess women don't want to see you naked anymore?

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
made MY point . . . . . you've never seen OTC time FROM A PROVIDER.  tsk tsk
And you've never slept with a woman that you didn't pay first.
Tsk tsk.


You have head and heart. I like that you stand up for what you feel is wrong!

Why are we picking providers apart? Speaks volumes of your character.  

This is a very catty and negative choice to publicly shame this "provider" (if she is a provider and you're not making some stupid abusive joke).

Why can't we bring each other up instead of dragging people down...


Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours burn brighter.

Posted By: ThePeopleRule
This gal posts that she is short on rent.  Apparently her shoe budget has been OK.

you a very nice, appraising PM a week ago, and I've not
heard a peep from you luv. :)   Did you not receive it?

It was regarding this very topic of "uplifting each other",  
instead of everyone tearing each other to shreds

I don't have time to respond to every PM unless it's a booking/screening.
Email is where I can chat or on twitter.

Sorry! And thanks for the note

Posted By: 1angelinajones
you a very nice, appraising PM a week ago, and I've not  
 heard a peep from you luv. :)   Did you not receive it?  
 It was regarding this very topic of "uplifting each other",  
 instead of everyone tearing each other to shreds!    

couldn't blow my candle.  I just said the photo doesn't show a very classy woman, what with the disheveled hair, no makeup and cheesy underwear.  I don't see you promoting yourself with selfies you took in your closet.

lol  okay touche' kindest Sir...aka @Mr. Coeur-de-lion...
I missed all that apparent detail, when usually I pay attention to
things as such....I guess I was blinded by the shoe collection..
{for a woman, it's really not that many shoes however...}

Correct though G,  resale value on used shoes or even tagged new shoes, is
minimal at best. ;)

zozozxoxox Angelina Jones

Your eye is drawn to the shoe collection, my eye is drawn to the woman.  Until someone mentioned the shoes, I would have been like, "What shoes?"  Lol

LOL, I know!  As in for example:   Women may say, "I love their cute
Men say ..."What uniform?!"

three to a straight.  Don't ask me "a straight what?"

There is no evidence this girl is even an escort!
This could just be a selfie that this person "ThePeopleRule" found and decided would make fun of.


What makes someone classy?
Fancy hair? No.
Lots of make up? No.
Fancy underwear? No.

You perhaps don't know what class is (having none yourself) so please don't judge and assume this person (or perhaps provider) is lacking any based on appearances. Perhaps your mother didn't teach you but don't judge a book by it's cover.

Now try to do something to better yourself by saying some nice things about people.


To add: I have many selfies: some with the background messy some that are dark some that aren't very sexy some that are me eating and making faces (blurred) but to assume that just because the selfie isn't what YOU like doesn't mean that some other person won't be incredibly aroused by it. I for one think the pic is nice and her body looks good. It's nice seeing some images that aren't professional.

Very well stated.  Sad to see a girl completed judged based on one photo..


Posted By: GoldieKnox
There is no evidence this girl is even an escort!  
 This could just be a selfie that this person "ThePeopleRule" found and decided would make fun of.  
 What makes someone classy?  
 Fancy hair? No.  
 Lots of make up? No.  
 Fancy underwear? No.  
 You perhaps don't know what class is (having none yourself) so please don't judge and assume this person (or perhaps provider) is lacking any based on appearances. Perhaps your mother didn't teach you but don't judge a book by it's cover.  
 Now try to do something to better yourself by saying some nice things about people.  
 To add: I have many selfies: some with the background messy some that are dark some that aren't very sexy some that are me eating and making faces (blurred) but to assume that just because the selfie isn't what YOU like doesn't mean that some other person won't be incredibly aroused by it. I for one think the pic is nice and her body looks good. It's nice seeing some images that aren't professional.

You are circling the wagons and saying when you are a provider, your own presentation in your ad photos does not convey a certain classiness to your customers, and you would get just as much business with nothing but selfies?  That's just absurd.  

If you really believe that, then how about tomorrow morning you get up with dissheveled hair, no makeup, ugly pajamas, and hairy armpits, and start taking selfies for your website that you think are going to attract the kind of customers you want?  Do you see the irony in what you are saying just to be argumentative and what you do in your own business to attract customers of a "certain class."

When I want to see someone who is not professionally presented, I will go to the gym and pick up a civvie girl.  A bag of tacos and a jug of wine, and I've got my sex partner for the night and will be less critical of her looks, but if I'm paying an hourly rate, I want what I want, and I won't settle for less, because I don't have to.  Their are providers out there that get it.  Others don't.  Nothing personal, just keeping it real.  

-- Modified on 10/5/2016 7:07:37 PM

-- Modified on 10/5/2016 7:54:36 PM

I couldn't agree more, but just a reminder, you're preaching to a room full of mongers, not exactly saints.  

Posted By: GoldieKnox
Why are we picking providers apart? Speaks volumes of your character.  
 This is a very catty and negative choice to publicly shame this "provider" (if she is a provider and you're not making some stupid abusive joke).  
 Why can't we bring each other up instead of dragging people down...  
 Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours burn brighter.  
Posted By: ThePeopleRule
This gal posts that she is short on rent.  Apparently her shoe budget has been OK.

I agree.

I bet the same men complaining about peoples looks and posts are not too good looking them selves...

The sad about this kind of negative publicity is that the guy posting this are not only hurting her feelings, he is also hurting her income and business. For what? So you can make a few laughs?

Ha Ha ...real funny!

Looks like kinder garden...

Since you saw her first, I'm going to back off and not compete with you for her time.  She's all yours.  Who says I can't be a nice guy when I want to?  Don't forget to pick up the pound cake on your way.

There's a lid for every pot. So yeah. She probably even has regulars.

Talk about a "niche market" product.   At least afterwards, her floor will be clean.

The number of foot fetish and sploshing related fetish guys out there never ceases to astound me

For all you guys know, this girl needs money ASAP and didn't have the time to invest in professional photos.  She simply needed to snap a sexy selfie and post it immediately.  Or maybe she can't afford better photos.  Say what you want about her shoe collection, but it's the norm today for the middle class to not even have $1,000 in their checking accounts.  In fact I bet many of you choose to hobby eve though you live paycheck to paycheck.  Unless you know her situation, shut the fuck up.  I'm no white knight, but posts like this are useless.  

Posted By: ThePeopleRule
This gal posts that she is short on rent.  Apparently her shoe budget has been OK.

Totally agree with you. There is many people who would be amazingly happy to even have anything in their accounts. I have been there myself.

When I came to this country I worked with Mexican hard working people. I worked in minimum wage jobs 80 h /week on my feet not being able to pay for any food, only rent. My hips, knees and shoulders were hurting as soon as I sat down in the evening. I could not barely move, once I sat down. I had to eat from the food I was preparing when no one was looking otherwise I had nothing to eat.  

I sometimes I got free food from church organizations giving out free food. They never had any fresh vegetables and always cans that could not really make a meal that made sense. It was red beats and cabbage or something odd. A lot of times it was past due date. If they gave out milk it could be milk that was not fresh anymore.  

I washed my working pants in the sink in the evening and hung the pants up to dry because I could not afford to pay for a washer and dryer to do the job. I only had one pair of working pants because I could not afford buying another pair. So my pants was wet when I got to work the next day and I had to go into cool freezer with wet pants and get the food to prepare. My button was starting to hang loose on my only working pants but I could not afford to buy a needle and a thread. I was considering asking some one at work if I could borrow theirs.

I had no family and no friends here to ask for help. So I worked hard. I could not feel sorry for myself because everyone around me was going through the same thing. That is the reality for many people today. So consider yourselves lucky you are not there in that situation. Many of my co-workers had nothing and they kept struggling like that for years and years. I only lasted like that for four months. I admire these hard working people. I am grateful for everything I have today and I am grateful for all you great men out there.  

It is not fun to be poor and worry about your bills. It is a good lesson to have been there. Because then you understand how it is and will look at people differently.

Instead of hanging this girl out perhaps help her with her bills by seeing her? Or even bring a good camera to take some shots she can upgrade her photos with?

xo Jessic

Posted By: JessicaSweden
Totally agree with you. There is many people who would be amazingly happy to even have anything in their accounts. I have been there myself.  
 When I came to this country I worked with Mexican hard working people. I worked in minimum wage jobs 80 h /week on my feet not being able to pay for any food, only rent. My hips, knees and shoulders were hurting as soon as I sat down in the evening. I could not barely move, once I sat down. I had to eat from the food I was preparing when no one was looking otherwise I had nothing to eat.  
 I sometimes I got free food from church organizations giving out free food. They never had any fresh vegetables and always cans that could not really make a meal that made sense. It was red beats and cabbage or something odd. A lot of times it was past due date. If they gave out milk it could be milk that was not fresh anymore.  
 I washed my working pants in the sink in the evening and hung the pants up to dry because I could not afford to pay for a washer and dryer to do the job. I only had one pair of working pants because I could not afford buying another pair. So my pants was wet when I got to work the next day and I had to go into cool freezer with wet pants and get the food to prepare. My button was starting to hang loose on my only working pants but I could not afford to buy a needle and a thread. I was considering asking some one at work if I could borrow theirs.  
 I had no family and no friends here to ask for help. So I worked hard. I could not feel sorry for myself because everyone around me was going through the same thing. That is the reality for many people today. So consider yourselves lucky you are not there in that situation. Many of my co-workers had nothing and they kept struggling like that for years and years. I only lasted like that for four months. I admire these hard working people. I am grateful for everything I have today and I am grateful for all you great men out there.  
 It is not fun to be poor and worry about your bills. It is a good lesson to have been there. Because then you understand how it is and will look at people differently.  
 Instead of hanging this girl out perhaps help her with her bills by seeing her? Or even bring a good camera to take some shots she can upgrade her photos with?  
 xo Jessica  


Besides she's not a bad looking girl. I'm not going to bang her pumps anyways.

So I figure I can bury this and say what I want....
been seeing a fbsm lady for 2 years.  On 3rd visit it turned to FS.  Over the top.  No discussion, just happened.  And what was incredible she was/is a 9 in looks.  We have continued this affair for 2 years now.  She has moved out of town twice but returned.  What is fucked is she is BSC. LMFAO.....

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