San Diego

Re: on the other hand....
tungOfun4U 84 Reviews 306 reads

If  tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?  Put another way, "the objects of sense exist only when thay are perceived" (George Berkeley).  As the mind is numbed by chemicals, as perception fades, so to do the objects of sense, that of being with partner(s).  What is left for memory?  Thanks s4td as this gives me another opportunity to thank you ladies for all of those 'objects of sense' that remain from our times together.  They are awesome; you are awesome.

I thank the lovely ladies who have taught me the valuable lesson that sex is light years better when sober.  I'm sure I had sex when I was younger but the memories have been diminished or lost because so much of it was done under the influence of alcohol, pot, cocaine, and/or acid.  When I woke up, there was a primer coat of excretions on my face, hands, and genitals and on my brain.  The chemicals were used to reduce inhibitions; they also reduced memories.  Thank you for showing me how to release my inhibitions the natural way, with you!  This past year has been an awakening.  Fond(ling) memories are ripe for the harvest.  The places, the faces, the caresses, the voices, the scents, the shadows, the tastes, the braiding of bodies are right there on the surface of my cortex, accessible in the blink of an eye and can impose recalled pleasure and elation seemingly at will.  I understand the lady's perspective concerning drugs and alcohol, safety and behavior issues, but from the consumer's perspective, my view point, your insistence frees me to plunge into the ocean of enjoyment you offer and 'burn a DVD' of the experience inside my head.  Thank you for another of your many gifts.
What about rock and roll?  Bouncing to the beat of the Rolling Stones "Beast of Burden" with many of the TER women is fantastic.

If not for the chemicals things would never have happened.........things that didn't happen are hard to forget.

If  tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?  Put another way, "the objects of sense exist only when thay are perceived" (George Berkeley).  As the mind is numbed by chemicals, as perception fades, so to do the objects of sense, that of being with partner(s).  What is left for memory?  Thanks s4td as this gives me another opportunity to thank you ladies for all of those 'objects of sense' that remain from our times together.  They are awesome; you are awesome.

Tung! Stop overthinking things.  My ATF/Nemesis made things clear for me. I asked about lunch. She said $1200 (no sex) and that made me's all about the BENJI"S. Keep that in mind. Enjoy the moment.  

Posted By: tungOfun4U
If  tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?  Put another way, "the objects of sense exist only when thay are perceived" (George Berkeley).  As the mind is numbed by chemicals, as perception fades, so to do the objects of sense, that of being with partner(s).  What is left for memory?  Thanks s4td as this gives me another opportunity to thank you ladies for all of those 'objects of sense' that remain from our times together.  They are awesome; you are awesome.

Posted By: tungOfun4U
I thank the lovely ladies who have taught me the valuable lesson that sex is light years better when sober.  I'm sure I had sex when I was younger but the memories have been diminished or lost because so much of it was done under the influence of alcohol, pot, cocaine, and/or acid.  When I woke up, there was a primer coat of excretions on my face, hands, and genitals and on my brain.  The chemicals were used to reduce inhibitions; they also reduced memories.  Thank you for showing me how to release my inhibitions the natural way, with you!  This past year has been an awakening.  Fond(ling) memories are ripe for the harvest.  The places, the faces, the caresses, the voices, the scents, the shadows, the tastes, the braiding of bodies are right there on the surface of my cortex, accessible in the blink of an eye and can impose recalled pleasure and elation seemingly at will.  I understand the lady's perspective concerning drugs and alcohol, safety and behavior issues, but from the consumer's perspective, my view point, your insistence frees me to plunge into the ocean of enjoyment you offer and 'burn a DVD' of the experience inside my head.  Thank you for another of your many gifts.  
 What about rock and roll?  Bouncing to the beat of the Rolling Stones "Beast of Burden" with many of the TER women is fantastic.

As someone who has on his bucket list to try sex with a little 420 buzz, your post indicates that my experience won't be so great. I still want to try it though. I'm not sure why I want to- I just do.

Yo comprendo.  I was a habitual user; it wasn't a one time thing.  What was I missing?  I don't recall.  Now, thanks to the limits of the ladies, I recall it all and I enjoy the memories.

Personally, I think 420 enhances the experience.  Everybody reacts differently, but I've never felt like it prevented any chemistry from forming.  In fact, not a single woman has called me out for it based on the way I act or talk to them.  It isn't until they can taste it that they say anything.  At that point, we usually just giggle and carry on with the fun.  Also, try asking the girl before hand.  Worst case, they'll ask you to please refrain.  Best case, they'll want to partake before the session.

1 in 50 of my clients ask to partake…
That's pretty low but every so often someone comes with a joint or a little pipe wanting a toot.
I just grin and turn on the fan knowing that everything for them is about to be very relaxing...

Only been well buzzed while getting laid (with the wife) once, over 30 years ago. I remember it well as being very intense. Never been a regular user, though, for various reasons. Probably been 20 years, but if the opportunity arose, I'd certainly be on board, given my one experience.

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