San Diego

Re: Frenchie...
SD_Guy_2865 25 Reviews 716 reads

Someone IM'd me saying that Miss Frenchie Rose was also featured on a late-night Cinemax program.

They forgot the title of the program. They said that she was being interviewed about 2 of her fantasies, which turned into 2 scenes that she starred & acted in.

One was about a late-night rendevous, the other about having sex on the rooftop in NYC (?).

Can anyone confirm this?

Recently, I heard that quite a few of our locally-based (San Diego) providers have made appearances on adult-oriented cable-TV shows and movies.

I was curious as to who they were, what shows/movies they were featured on and if those programs were available for viewing either on-line or on-demand

I had a really great time, even though the final result was embarrassing. All four of those guys were awesome and great at their jobs.  Even Brace, though the audience may not realize this.  He might have been my favorite.  They each made me feel like I was fascinating and sexy.  Brace, too.  I can only hope that I am half as good at doing a similar job!

-- Modified on 7/21/2015 1:17:19 PM

You will have to watch season 1 of Gigolos but I had recognized both Fraya and Chloe appear on that show. The show was heavily scripted and both ladies mentioned appeared in other characters but NOT as female providers. I think that Arden and the other ladies mentioned beforehand did appear as their providers selves because on of those Gigolos was putting a "business plan" together, IIRC.

At the very least two, if not more, of the male characters in that show (they have had cast member changes) were certified gay or bisexual but as previously stated the show was all heavily scripted. Full disclosure, I had never met any of these female providers mentioned (nor those male ones) in person but had recognized them from here on TER. Arden Moon doesn't show her face on here but she's been in front of the camera without any blurring for that show.

So I watched S1 see what the fuss was about that had Freya and Madam P going at it.

Sadly, there wasn't anything appealing about the guys nor the scene. Brace is too caught up in his tanning, bleaching his hair and building those muscles that (if on roids) it's prob made him in capable of fucking unless he took aid to help in the dick dept. AND he also stated numerous times that he simply was not attracted to Freya nor into the multi scene.  

So making excuses for him. Doesn't fly. He made his own excuses and shouldn't of been there. But it's a SCRIPTED SHOW and he was getting paid by the show regardless. It's a sad sad show to watch.  They are WAY to stuck on themselves. A bit like Kim Kardashian.  They all would make my clit go limp.

And in real life when in the *hobby* don't come off like that* unless your meeting with a cash/ n dash or porn star.

Perhaps the show ought to take some lessons from the hobby work.  Gigalos is like pornos......scripted and fake and nothing sexy about it but watching a Ck go in an ass. That's about it!!

Sorry, MATURE men are far more sexier than those guys.  They know the true meaning of pleasing a woman!

But hey, ya'll enjoy the scripting and macho egos

Have you ever heard the saying, "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful"?  I think maybe you're presuming that these guys are stuck up because of their good looks, jobs, and the TV show.  

I met them, and I liked them.  Even brace.  Maybe especially Brace.  I thought they were REAL, nice, and good at being seductive.  They were very excited about being on the show, but I sensed a few felt a little swept away by it all, somewhat embarrased and out of control at times.  I also felt that they were genuinely interested in my well-being during the scene.  

This is just my opinion based on my interactions with them, I don't know anything for sure about them or the show.

-- Modified on 7/24/2015 8:12:45 AM

-- Modified on 7/24/2015 9:52:54 AM

1 SD provider could not get a paid male provider to service her.  He obviously was no pro!

How many times are you going to point out the Brace didn't participate in my gang bang?  You try to make me look bad every chance you get.  By the way, I know that you've contacted clients who have written reviews for me to say bad things about me.  I usually just ignore you, but your negative interference is getting old and when you do it from now on, I'm going to draw attention to it.  

Brace was awesome.  He was the one who didn't participate in my gang bang.  

On the show his official problem was that he didn't want to be part of an encounter with other male partners (homophobia), and the underlying current, for those who knew his character, was that he didn't want to work when all of the money made was going to be given to the fifth gigolo, anyways, so that his kid could go to camp.  His character was always self-serving, which makes the show more fun to watch, I think.

In my opinion he was an awesome, sexy and respectful guy.  I loved all four of the guys that I met.  And Steven actually called me after the season to say "Hi".  He was the one gigolo I did not meet.

I've been threatened multiple times with a law suit if I talk about the show.  All I'm doing is explaining what was on the episode that I was on, and why Brace did not participate, as would have been perceived by the audience.  I can't say anything else.  

I had a wonderful time doing this show.

Season one, episode 2.

-- Modified on 7/23/2015 11:26:21 AM

As I understand reality shows, they are usually anything but. Most are scripted with a planned outcome. The scripting may be less or more depending on the show. I trust you, Freya. Ignore the negatives. Those of us who have had the pleasure of your company enjoyed every minute.

Contact your clients...  I do not have the free time, nor do I care about you, or your clients this was an amusing read this a.m. for me & that is why I read these boards for pure entertainment.  Your saying the show was fake & you agreed to those terms prior to being on the show...tells me a lot.  Thanks for sharing.  Did you get paid, or do the show for free?

The show was hopes for fame, fortune & attempts to increase your business.  This is a public board, so anyone can post their opinions.  I do not take any comments personally.  I thought the show was a poor reflection of what actually occurs in this industry, but it was entertaining to watch.  

As far as your clients go you should not believe everything they tell you they're usually recycled. Now your white knights are pming me calling me names as if I give a fuck.  "Twit with a twat"...these are the guys I would never date, so again thanks for sharing.  Lmfao!

Have a wonderful weekend & smile 4 me

Someone IM'd me saying that Miss Frenchie Rose was also featured on a late-night Cinemax program.

They forgot the title of the program. They said that she was being interviewed about 2 of her fantasies, which turned into 2 scenes that she starred & acted in.

One was about a late-night rendevous, the other about having sex on the rooftop in NYC (?).

Can anyone confirm this?

loved doing the show, a totally fun experience :)  

It's so funny that people can get so serious and opinionated over something that's meant to be fun...  

Newsflash kids...  
....This isn't National Geographic its Showtime LMAO...  

Is there anything "real" about 4 cameramen, 2 key grips, an assistant, and the director in a hotel suite filming people having sex??

OH MY GOD! does that mean PORN ISN'T "REAL" ?????  

No Way..... Awwww I feel so devastated :(

However, my naked filming in Antarctica for the illustrious NAT GEO isn't due for release until next spring... TOTALLY unscripted...NIPPLES so hard from the subzero Temps that they could cut ice lol....  

Oooh Look a Polar Bear!!

Oooh! Thinking about your nipples is giving me goosebumps! I must say that Miss Eva's nipples are the best, in my humble opinion, out there!  

For those with the negative comments: come on! Catty bullshit, really? This is supposed to be fun, and frankly, won't do anything for your bottom line.  

Now, where's my remote? Gotta find that episode with Miss Eva Bliss in it. Hubba hubba!  

Posted By: missevabliss
 I loved doing the show, a totally fun experience :)  
 It's so funny that people can get so serious and opinionated over something that's meant to be fun...  
 Newsflash kids...  
 ....This isn't National Geographic its Showtime LMAO...  
 Is there anything "real" about 4 cameramen, 2 key grips, an assistant, and the director in a hotel suite filming people having sex??  
 OH MY GOD! does that mean PORN ISN'T "REAL" ?????  
 No Way..... Awwww I feel so devastated :(  
 However, my naked filming in Antarctica for the illustrious NAT GEO isn't due for release until next spring... TOTALLY unscripted...NIPPLES so hard from the subzero Temps that they could cut ice lol....  
 Oooh Look a Polar Bear!!!  

Posted By: jackdawkins  
 BTW polar bears live in the North Pole. But still a great visual.

It seems like the camera was on you more than anyone else. I love your look during the interviews when you were wearing your glasses. And, your story about throwing the cream pie at the guys crotch and making him come was funny and sexy and you were great!

I totally give you two thumbs up for your performance.


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