San Diego

Possibly you should read my Original Post Carefully
toutbob 23327 reads

I did not like the screening process; and I made the decision I did not want to pursue that Provider.

I was not complaining when I posted CHOICES---CHOICES---CHOICES; I feel that the Discussion Boards are there to express and share information about encounters and situations that we have with Providers.

I stand fully ready to accept the criticism as it is being made by the 7 or 8 members of "THE BOARD" and 85% of their posts are regarding each other and the 2 or 3 Providers that post. The are allowed their opinion; I have no ax to grind with the Provider or other Providers that post there; but, unfortunately no other valuable information is being posted regarding situations, encounters OR any new or other providers. (It was my opinion that is what the Discussion Board is meant for)--

You are entitled to your opinion!

toutbob18762 reads

Why do so many Providers in San Diego make it so difficult to get the treatment that a customer deserves?

There are over 250 Providers working in the San Diego area at this time---------What should we do or consider before we decide to see a particular provider?

(Blond, Brunette, Red Head, Long Hair, Short Hair); (Natural Breasts, Enhanced Breasts, Large Breasts, Small Breasts, Firm Breasts, Big Nipples); (Tall, Medium, Short,in Height, Great Buttocks, Long Legs)

Search all review boards; read every review, search all the discussion areas, and try to find out each and everything you can learn about and expect from a provider? Try to see if the services they typically provide will satisy our expectation of the visit and that the cost of the services are as we expect.

After all of this work we then start the process of making an appointment; I am sure many of us have had problems of being Screened, No Shows, Late Appopintments, Failure to Furnish Expected Services, Being Rushed and Lack of Attention to Details during the appointment, wrong provider, old or different pictures.

Recently, I decided to try and make an appointment with a popular local provider---after numerous e-mails, submission of a personal application, 2 references, and the williness to have a prior to meeting (very poor communication with timing and location) I decided this experience was not relaxing or enjoyable and that my $$$ would be better spent, if I decided to make another choice of Provider; therefore I withdrew my application for an appointment.

I as a customer want to enjoy each and every experience I have with a Provider; I want and expect it to be light, happy and enjoyable; being pushed to the limit before you have your visit is not a great way to enjoy yourself.

hotlick21337 reads

I think the word “choice” is a good one here, because we all have the choice not to participate in this hobby if we find it to be stressful. I personally have not had any of the problems that you have mentioned. After doing the homework as you have described I have been able to avoid the “bait and switch”, and “no touch dancers”, the legitimate Providers are easy to identify. I only see those providers that I have been able to clearly identify as being Legitimate. I have accepted the “security screening” to be part of the process and do all I can to provide the lady with all the information that she requires.
I fully understand the need for these security steps and they make sense to me. We, the client, are not the ones who are subject to robbery, assault, LE, or worse. These processes are there to prove that you are who you say you are. Some of the ladies have gone one step farther and that is a preliminary meeting. I have seen several providers on the web require this type of meeting now. One actually charges for it in Vegas. I have only met one provider locally that does this, at no cost to the client, and this preliminary meeting was very enjoyable and we talked for over an hour. I’d do it again if she would require it.

One thing I try to remind guys that continue to complain about the security requirements. This is a hobby for us but for them its their lively hood, each and every new experience is an exciting adventure for the hobbyist, but for the provider it can be very stressful, full of anxiety, and distrust. It’s up to us as a “good” client to ease their apprehension, if you can accomplish that then you will receive the best she has to offer.

Unless you have seen a provider before, don’t expect to just call one up and have her show up in an hour. The good ones don’t do that anymore

toutbob20930 reads

You are either very naive or have not visited providers in any other city other than San Diego. The reason these boards exist are for the benefit of the clients to discuss the service that we receive from providers.

We the client are subject to as much exposure if not more than that of the providers unless you are homeless or on the street.

I support the Good and Honest Providers that try to make our visits pleasant and enjoyable; I also support the fact that these review boards should be that---an honest review of Providers by unbaised

IF YOU WISH TO BE THE "MOUTH FOR A CERTAIN PROVIDER" you should advertise on Eros or SD Exotics or some other site to support her.

hotlick23592 reads

I have seen providers from other cities, Chicago, Dallas, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Los Angeles, just to name a few, they all had some type of screening process if not just references. I do not contact agencies, which may be the big difference. I don’t see how pointing out my views is a “kiss ass” response.

I disagree about the exposure, we had a well know traveling provider beat up and slashed, I have never feared for my life while making an appointment. I bet you are substantially larger than the average 125-pound provider is. LE very seldom target the client and providers get robbed a heck of a lot more than we do.  That’s my opinion.

Choices you've made
You sent me an email on September 19 after a post you had made under one of your other handle's "SexSport" basically informing me you were going to make an appointment with her.  You then proceeded to post that you had been trying to obtain an appointment for a month.  You chose to exaggerate.

You knew the process involved but chose to request that appointment.   On September 23rd you posted that you decided to cancel the appointment process, another choice that you made.  I have no idea what happened in the 5 days in-between.

What I don't understand is your choice to launch some type of campaign or vendetta across three boards. "In your own words you feel the review boards should be that----ah honest review of Providers by unbiased."   But you haven't been honest or unbiased. Up until this post my comments have been generic in nature responding to issues of security and my support that the Providers have the right to chose their own level of security/screening process.  You chose to make this personal.

You also made a choice on the "other board" to resort to name calling when no one agreed with your point of view.  Then chose to whine when the moderator of that board deleted one of your posts.   I'm sure when the mod reads your new posts they will also be deleted.

Any one that knows her also knows that she doesn't need me to be her "mouthpiece" as you put it.

I hope you choose to drop it and move on.

toutbob18087 reads

It is amazing how much you know about what the moderator on TBD does and does not do---such as delete messages, change headings, change and alter messages.

I did decide not to pursue an appointment with a particular provider--it was my CHOICE.

gumby00720014 reads

Actually, from some of the reviews that I have read, even the customer is subject to robbery and LE. I have read where a provider has walked out to the car to give the driver the money, jumped in and she was gone. Of course, this is not the norm but it does happen. Also, stings on Johns happen often. A customer must also be careful as to what he says or does in the providers presence before certain acts take place.
  I also have been able to avoid the rip-offs. I credit this to TER. Thanks to the VIP search, I am able to find well established, FS providers. I have yet to meet a provider that required more than a drivers license. I wonder how willing a provider would be to give me the same information that she may require of me. I make it a point to keep an old address on my license. If a particular provider should want to pester me, (this has happened), at least she will have to do a great deal of homework.
  Trying a new provider can also be very stressful I would imagine. If a provider is to stressed out, she may need to take a break of look for another line of work. I am always happy to find a provider that honestly loves her work. It's rare, but it happens.
  I would like to think that he is not "complaining" about his experience. He is more or less making a statement. I share that I see no reason to go through a time consuming process just for an hour of fun. But that's me. I understand that some clients want a memorable experience to treasure and will do what is required to get it.
    While I do agree that calling at least the day before is a good practice, some people like that spur of the moment appointment. There are still many FS providers that can be had at a moments notice. Every client has his own idea as to what a good provider is. As you stated earlier....Choices. And well said it was.
 This post is not intented to be flame. Just another persons opinion. Thanks

I agree with toutbob on this one. The provider has picked her profession on her own free will (we hope) and must take some inherent risks. I too have had it with providers who want way too much information before a meeting. Because of my type of work, I can't/won't give out a work number, and giving out my home phone # is radically stupid for obvious reasons-way too vulnerable. I recently had a local provider turn me down because of not supplying enough information for her to do her research, even though I did give out my address and phone number. I was totally pissed at myself afterward for giving out as much information as I did. I can understand a pre-meeting for both parties to "feel each other out", but some providers seem to want to make it risk free for themselves, but put the customer in a very potentially vulnerable situation. Maybe some providers should find another business that has less risk.

If you and Bob dont like the screening process, maybe it is advisable for you to pick providers that dont have such stringent screening (they do exist). Or maybe find another hobby. No one has ever twisted your arm to give out more information than you feel comfortable with. This is one case where the customer may not always be right and complaining about the situation will get you nowhere. If you're not comfortable giving out the level of information required, dont give it. Seems pretty simple. There is always the backup provider at the end of your arm.

toutbob23328 reads

I did not like the screening process; and I made the decision I did not want to pursue that Provider.

I was not complaining when I posted CHOICES---CHOICES---CHOICES; I feel that the Discussion Boards are there to express and share information about encounters and situations that we have with Providers.

I stand fully ready to accept the criticism as it is being made by the 7 or 8 members of "THE BOARD" and 85% of their posts are regarding each other and the 2 or 3 Providers that post. The are allowed their opinion; I have no ax to grind with the Provider or other Providers that post there; but, unfortunately no other valuable information is being posted regarding situations, encounters OR any new or other providers. (It was my opinion that is what the Discussion Board is meant for)--

You are entitled to your opinion!

vantana24737 reads

I beg to differ.  Only one provider I have seen has asked me for any information that could be verified.  And it just so happened  that that provider asked me for my social security number, and stupid me with the little head, I gave it to her.  A week later, I got a call from a cop that he had just busted someone (not the provider) that had my social security number.  Coincidence?  Perhaps so.  Will I ever see a provider again that gives me the third degree?  HELL NO!

2sense18814 reads

I have been amused by the near-public mugging that you (toutbob) have been suffering on TBD. I think you're being attacked by acolytes of the "goddess worship" that has been going on for some time on the SD board. One so-called "goddess", in particular, refuses to be reviewed, yet requires enough information from prospective clients to choke a horse.

I agree with you that the information that many internet providers (at least in San Diego) are demanding is onerous and could put hobbyists at risk. Already, a large percentage of S.D. "providers" are really cash-and-dash artists, and if they come with a driver, it's more like armed robbery. There is a recent case in Orange County of a hobbyist murdered by an escort and her "driver." Now we're expected to provide enough information to escorts that could leave us susceptible to blackmail or identity theft. I think that the argument by hotlick that providers are more at-risk is erroneous. This is risky business indeed for everyone.

Should be interesting to see how long these additional screening demands continue, if the general economy follows the stock market into the dumpster.

The mugging is absolutely hilarious. And well deserved I might add. Think you can run away by posting here ....BOB?  LOL

toutbob22213 reads

I didn't realize I tried to run and hide--I did have an opinion that I have posted and stood behind it. I do not like my messages changed and or altered; I do appreciate your opinion and you are entitled to it.

Mara20103 reads

I think that everybody has a right to run their business as they please. I appriciate toutbob point of view from a client perspective, this will help me to better my buisness. I think that through talking to clients and some of you who I have not yet met however post on these boards # 1 safety for us all.
My expectation is that if I am going to invite you to my home where I live 7/24, after reading my reviews and you know I am ethical about my business. I ask a potential client for 2 things:
#1- First and Last name
#2-work number( not cell) discretion is used to varify identity.
#2 can be replaced with a provider recomendation or a client review on TBD.
This has helped me being that I have only  been in this "biz" for 6mths.
Just thought I would share..............
Kisses & Licks...

gumby00722782 reads

Why do so many of you people use aliases?? What is wrong with your original TER handle? It would be nice to know, more or less, who is speaking.
  Now, TER is TER and TBD is TBD. Please let us keep them seperate. Why do we need to drag an argument from over there to here? Toutbob didn't even mention that, if I recall correctly.
  I'm not taking sides, but Toutbob simply made a statement as to a less than stellar experience he had with a local provider. He was informing those of us who have yet to see this provider as to what to expect. I don't reacll him referring to her as an old bag or anything like that. If he slandered someone for no reason, contact TER staff. Every member has that right.
  Now, we have all gone over the robbery, LE and murder stuff. Everything happens on both sides. We are all equally open to such dangers. All of us need to practice a certain amount of safety. Some prefer more than others. We will all have to live with that.
  When a well established provider, with reviews, asks for such things as my last name and work #, I have no problem with that. By looking at her review, I feel as though I am getting a great peek at her private life. Face it clients, we do have the advantage in this area.  Only if we give the provider our handle, do they have the same advantage. Even then, they have no idea what we look or smell like.
   Sorry if I went over board on this. But, every member has the right to post. As long as it isn't flame, that is. I know that Toutbob is getting crucified on TBD. I don't know why, but he is. 2sense, I really liked your first paragraph.
  One last thing......Why is it that she refuses to be reviewed. We all know who I am talking about. I'm just curious. If she is so good, I would think that she would want future customers to be aware as to what to expect. I'm just trying to understand her view on this. Thanks

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