San Diego

Not an unreasonable . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 234 reads

request if I was a regular, but we haven't met, so a little bit presumptuous.  I use no other screen names on other boards.  If its not CDL, then its not me.

I would like either one.  I have been with many "creamers" and love it because it lets you know they are getting something out of it, but to be a squirter, a girl... I assume, needs to not only be very into it but also very comfortable with you so a squirter would be great too.  Maybe not if you planned to sleep in the bed later... :-)

I had one squirter and it kinda scared the hell out of me but I did like it.

but she was without question the best time i ever had in this endeavor.

alas, she has left the hobby, she found her prince charming.  and it wasn't me

even being a female i've always wondered is it really cum?  

Posted By: AliseFranklin
do you guys like squiters or creamers?

Onlyalurker284 reads

According to the recent study no. Just urine. Which means that all those who thought they were being squirted on were actually peed on. Oh well....

I can say that it can be either.  Pee and cum have a very different taste.  A girl friend of mine a very long time would pee some when she had an orgasm.  That is unless her bladder was empty before we started.  On the other hand, a provider I know will squirt some when having an orgasm.  I can even feel it enter and it does not have the taste of pee.  

Also that said, if anyone thinks what you see in porn squirting videos is cum them you are delusional.  It's either pee or a water prop.  For one thing, the volume.  A squirt of female cum is not going to be very much as all.  You can feel it enter if you are in the correct spot.  I can't imagine a situation where any would come shooting out like when a guy has an orgasm.  

So yes, some women can sometimes squirt.  However, I guess it depends on what you define as squirt.  There is a K-girl who goes by Yoko that puts on quite a squirting act.  But she obviously preps herself with some type of container she inserts and can actually break or release with her Kegel muscles.  In fact, if you listen carefully sometimes you might even hear a little click or pop sound as she does it.  She is quite the actress.  

It is funny how this topic is such a mystery.  It shouldn't be because pee and female cum have very different taste

if i were a cop i must be doing a shitty ass job i dont have any reviews im still using this site and no one has reported me thus far come on now really

Alise, I hope I am wrong. I want to be wrong. No disrespect is intended here. I just can't help but wonder if you are law enforcement. Here's why. One, after more than a month on this board you still have no reviews here. Two, your ads here and on BP are suggestive at best but show very little. Three, Your price point is low. Four, your board posts are benign and, I suspect, are designed to build trust and interest.

Could you be setting things up for a sting?

I truly hope not. I know I tend to be a cynic. I really am and I've been suspicious of a lot of things where I didn't need to be. But, I've stayed out of trouble, too. So, prove my suspicion wrong. I really do want to be wrong.

Guys, has anyone seen or met Alise? Any proven hobbyist out there that can vouch for her?

Somebody prove me wrong!

eloquently into words exactly what I have been thinking.  She doesn't seem to have taken any of the advice she has been given so far in previous threads, she never responded to my PM with some suggestions to some of her previous questions she posted, and now wants to engage in small talk.  Typical undercover tactic to gain trust.  I hope we're wrong, too, the red flags just keep accumulating.

so because i havent paid for vip im a cop wow you guys are pathetic ive asked numerous of hobbyist to leave me a review the fact that they havent  cant control i really wish they would just to proove you guys wrong  

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
eloquently into words exactly what I have been thinking.  She doesn't seem to have taken any of the advice she has been given so far in previous threads, she never responded to my PM with some suggestions to some of her previous questions she posted, and now wants to engage in small talk.  Typical undercover tactic to gain trust.  I hope we're wrong, too, the red flags just keep accumulating.  

to attract customers.  I believe the VIP rate is the same for everyone and is more than reasonable compared to the rates that providers charge.  It gives you the advantage of being able to talk privately with your potential customers.  If it resulted in just one or two new customers in a month, it is worth it to you.  Just my opinion, and your reluctance to embrace PM capability is what made me suspicious.  Your responses have allayed my suspicions, but I still encourage you to get VIP so that you can talk privately with members here.

why dont u pay for it then?
help me out since your so helpful... i hope that wasn't you on the other site basically telling me that since i didnt do gfe i dont stand a chance in this profession

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
to attract customers.  I believe the VIP rate is the same for everyone and is more than reasonable compared to the rates that providers charge.  It gives you the advantage of being able to talk privately with your potential customers.  If it resulted in just one or two new customers in a month, it is worth it to you.  Just my opinion, and your reluctance to embrace PM capability is what made me suspicious.  Your responses have allayed my suspicions, but I still encourage you to get VIP so that you can talk privately with members here.

request if I was a regular, but we haven't met, so a little bit presumptuous.  I use no other screen names on other boards.  If its not CDL, then its not me.

...... I would have PM'd her instead of posting my question here.

wtf so what i dont pay for vip theres other way to contact me my showcase shows all my contact info u could have emailed shit called m y number is posted u could have went about it better did better research  

Posted By: incallman2
...... I would have PM'd her instead of posting my question here.

Yes. But, then I would have had to reveal my private email address or phone number.

i hate that i even made this post smh crazy did it to get convo and i most certainly did that thanks anyways  

Posted By: AliseFranklin
wtf so what i dont pay for vip theres other way to contact me my showcase shows all my contact info u could have emailed shit called m y number is posted u could have went about it better did better research  
Posted By: incallman2
...... I would have PM'd her instead of posting my question here.

When googling her info you can find other ads of hers on other forums

She has asked for help here and not taken any of it
We can not help people who won't help themselves

Nobody can vouch for her or we would see a review posted

So nearly 6 months with NO REVIEW does not bode well - at this point anyone taking the "plunge" would be crazy in my opinion, but then again, I don't like our community being asked for help then having it completely disregarded so I may have a bias.

Bias or not, your observations are some I've forgotten about. Between you and CDL's response, my suspicions just get stronger.

Posted By: GoldieKnox
When googling her info you can find other ads of hers on other forums  
 She has asked for help here and not taken any of it  
 We can not help people who won't help themselves  
 Nobody can vouch for her or we would see a review posted  
 So nearly 6 months with NO REVIEW does not bode well - at this point anyone taking the "plunge" would be crazy in my opinion, but then again, I don't like our community being asked for help then having it completely disregarded so I may have a bias.

ik havent i take advice just because i havent paid for vip i dont even really knoe how to use this site to even oay for vip  

Posted By: Bic54
Posted By: GoldieKnox
When googling her info you can find other ads of hers on other forums  
  She has asked for help here and not taken any of it  
  We can not help people who won't help themselves  
  Nobody can vouch for her or we would see a review posted  
  So nearly 6 months with NO REVIEW does not bode well - at this point anyone taking the "plunge" would be crazy in my opinion, but then again, I don't like our community being asked for help then having it completely disregarded so I may have a bias.

I can't prove you wrong, however there doesn't seem like anything fishy just by looking at her backpage.  
I saw her many BP pages and she actually does show her soapy bare ass.  The price point is low because I think that is probably what it should be.  No disrespect but she does not advertise or look like a VIP provider.  The fact that she has no reviews is interesting but not enough to suspect that she is a Cop.  

Nothing wrong with asking the question but, I would not have jump to that conclusion.  I am also not a regular on here either.  
I googled her phone number and looks like she was or is a BDSM massage girl and sometimes more.  She has been from Monterey to National City and in between.  Not really a stretch considering woman do travel.
But I am also a little naive sometimes

This is quite the claim (that she's a cop) to make simply based on her asking questions and not producing any reviews.  Anyone is free to ask questions here, and she's not able to write her own reviews.  

Posted By: matkim
I can't prove you wrong, however there doesn't seem like anything fishy just by looking at her backpage.    
 I saw her many BP pages and she actually does show her soapy bare ass.  The price point is low because I think that is probably what it should be.  No disrespect but she does not advertise or look like a VIP provider.  The fact that she has no reviews is interesting but not enough to suspect that she is a Cop.    
 Nothing wrong with asking the question but, I would not have jump to that conclusion.  I am also not a regular on here either.    
 I googled her phone number and looks like she was or is a BDSM massage girl and sometimes more.  She has been from Monterey to National City and in between.  Not really a stretch considering woman do travel.  
 But I am also a little naive sometimes  

Pretty strong statement questioning if she is LE on this board.  Since it is her means of income, I would be a bit more careful.  In the year that I have been here, this is the first time I have ever seen an accusation like this.  I see mean and nasty comments, but not like this.  Am I wrong here?  If so, that's fine.  I don't really need it.  

If she is LE, it doesn't appear she has had much luck.  So she spends an entire day here making innocuous comments to get a bust?   I doubt many people are beating down her door after they saw her comment about squirting.   Frankly, I would have passed right over it if you didn't mention she might be a cop.  

 I would be very very careful making such remarks when someone's livelihood is at stake.

-- Modified on 3/21/2016 5:20:37 PM

I did not accuse her of being a cop. I asked if she is and then made some observations that led me to believe she could be. I said a few different times I hoped to be wrong and I do hope I am. I have asked others to help prove me wrong.  

I noticed my original question to her was only one minute after she made a post. Still no reply. Granted, she may have logged off after her post and not seen my question yet.

Also, in her defense, I went to BP and looked at her old adds. She does have a photo in an old add I had not seen before that reveals more than any current adds. That suggests she is not a cop. But, are the photo's even her? I don't know.  

But, until she replies with more evidence, or someone else provides evidence to the contrary, I stand behind my suspicion which, in addition to my previous post, is also based on experience, that she MAY be law enforcement.  

And, for the record, I posed the question only for the protection of everyone who reads this forum and not to hurt her. GK noticed she has been active here since October, has posted adds, posted on this board, and still has no reviews. Again, I hope I'm wrong but she could be fishing. Be careful.

and this is why i get discouraged and end up stop getting on this site ok so what i havent paid for vip alot of people tell me its not worth it i would love to have a million reviews but i cant write them my self i have asked alot of my clients to write reiviews hell i even hand out hand made notes with all my info to leave me a review i cant control that i post cause i thoght that was a way to get seen asking about the squirting was just to get a response to make a conversation not to ever suggest that i was a cop check out all my stats and u can see i need help how am i not taking it i read all post blogs reviews site etc u guys didnt wake up and suddenly have it so why assume i will  

Posted By: incallman2
I did not accuse her of being a cop. I asked if she is and then made some observations that led me to believe she could be. I said a few different times I hoped to be wrong and I do hope I am. I have asked others to help prove me wrong.  
 I noticed my original question to her was only one minute after she made a post. Still no reply. Granted, she may have logged off after her post and not seen my question yet.  
 Also, in her defense, I went to BP and looked at her old adds. She does have a photo in an old add I had not seen before that reveals more than any current adds. That suggests she is not a cop. But, are the photo's even her? I don't know.  
 But, until she replies with more evidence, or someone else provides evidence to the contrary, I stand behind my suspicion which, in addition to my previous post, is also based on experience, that she MAY be law enforcement.  
 And, for the record, I posed the question only for the protection of everyone who reads this forum and not to hurt her. GK noticed she has been active here since October, has posted adds, posted on this board, and still has no reviews. Again, I hope I'm wrong but she could be fishing. Be careful.

You stand behind your made up facts?  This is a witch hunt and complete BS.  You have no idea what you're talking about and the impact your post may have on her.  I can pose the same Stupid Question about anyone here, but I don't, and I have NEVER seen an accusation like this on any board.  HAVE YOU?  

I doubt you have any experience with law enforcement.  I am not taking her side here on all of her actions, but I can't stand to see this lady's name dragged through the mud like this when you have NO evidence to support your claim.

LE FACT:  No one cares what law enforcement suspects; we care what they can prove. That famous saying is the basis for our entire judicial system and why we are innocent until proven guilty.  

Going over your head here?

So this is cool this time, but next time INCALL, or some other AH, is calling YOU a cop?

yes you are very wrong truth be told i am a street walker and i am very new to the whole internet. what am i suppose to be showing i post on numerous review site with review specials i have tried to get them but obviously i am doing it wrong i started the post to get peoples response and to put my self out there wtf you are very wrong and i find very offending  

Posted By: incallman2
Alise, I hope I am wrong. I want to be wrong. No disrespect is intended here. I just can't help but wonder if you are law enforcement. Here's why. One, after more than a month on this board you still have no reviews here. Two, your ads here and on BP are suggestive at best but show very little. Three, Your price point is low. Four, your board posts are benign and, I suspect, are designed to build trust and interest.  
 Could you be setting things up for a sting?  
 I truly hope not. I know I tend to be a cynic. I really am and I've been suspicious of a lot of things where I didn't need to be. But, I've stayed out of trouble, too. So, prove my suspicion wrong. I really do want to be wrong.  
 Guys, has anyone seen or met Alise? Any proven hobbyist out there that can vouch for her?  
 Somebody prove me wrong!

your post does perhaps shed some light on the review issue.  If that is the way you get clients then I question if very many of your clients are TER members.  I might be wrong, but I would think you get a high percentage of guys acting on somewhat of an impulse.  I would not expect them to be the type to write a review.  Lots of guys here I think plan their dates out at least a day in advance, sometimes a lot more.  A lot of guys here avoid BP, including me.  Yeah, I use it on occasion, but carefully.  

If you had VIP I would be willing to discuss this issue with you more off the public board.  But without it, that makes it a bit hard.  I'm not very inclined to post the e-mail address I usually use on the public board.

...that first review.  It's a Catch-22: guys don't want to see someone with no reviews, but she has to get guys to see her so she can get a review.

Another thing to consider - it's even harder for an African-American provider.  Several have told me that they have to tour much more than other providers in order to make it in the biz.

hey bp thanks  yes i believe being aa does hurt ive toured lots of places and thats pretty much the general census but im determined  

Posted By: BigPapasan
...that first review.  It's a Catch-22: guys don't want to see someone with no reviews, but she has to get guys to see her so she can get a review.  
 Another thing to consider - it's even harder for an African-American provider.  Several have told me that they have to tour much more than other providers in order to make it in the biz.

I have seen several AA providers and never had a problem with any of them.  They have always been near the top of the list as far as being dependable, honest, and good at what they do.  It's only been white chicks I have had the occasional problem with.  Granted, I have seen a lot more white providers than AA providers so there have been more chances to stumble across problem  white ones.

Would love to find them!

ThePeopleRule250 reads

in my 12 years here.  In my opinion, the possibility of her being a cop would be about as likely as Pluto being classified as a planet again.

She seems like one of those people who did not pay attention in high school.  I have communicated with her and have not asked for an appointment because she is not GFE, which is now more understandable to me given her explanation that she has walked the streets (which still happens in 91950).

wtf how can you assume that?... not everyone is computer savvy and can just get how to use this site i dont get online everyday and i cant be on forever... everyone keeps saying im not taking the help when i do take heed to whats said hence the reason to mingle and get to know people which people on this site suggested newbies do.  

Posted By: ThePeopleRule
in my 12 years here.  In my opinion, the possibility of her being a cop would be about as likely as Pluto being classified as a planet again.  
 She seems like one of those people who did not pay attention in high school.  I have communicated with her and have not asked for an appointment because she is not GFE, which is now more understandable to me given her explanation that she has walked the streets (which still happens in 91950).

In fact, it's been soo long, it's like a pregnancy.  I want to give you a party when U get it.

The fact you have stood up and defended yourself, in my opinion, gives you more credibility and my "Question" less. Yes, your lack of reviews despite your time on the board, the content of your posts, led me to suspect you COULD be a cop. I asked the question and also asked for anyone to dispute it while saying all along I hoped to be wrong. One main reason for TER is to help keep us out of trouble with the law. That was the reason I posted the question. I had no intent to hurt your business as it appeared you had no business.  

So, Alise, I thank you again for responding. It took courage to admit you were a street walker. Regarding VIP membership - I would think a lady who has posted ads and posts here, and other sites, wouldn't have much difficulty with that. Not being a provider, I've never looked into that.  

About my suspicion, I still have a little but you have thrown a lot of doubt on it. Assuming I am wrong, I wish you the best and many positive reviews.

To those of you critical of me for asking the question, go back and read my posts. I was very careful in how I worded them. Most of all, it was your safety I had in mind. In over four years of reading posts, I was never suspicious of a providers posts being LE related. When I became suspicious I asked the question. No regrets. I now think I was probably wrong and I am happy to be so.  

Hobby on!

you are not welcome at all just cause i havent gotten any reviews doesnt mean i havent got any business just havent seen a hobbyist that uses review sites that subject doesnt come up on the streets  

Posted By: incallman2
The fact you have stood up and defended yourself, in my opinion, gives you more credibility and my "Question" less. Yes, your lack of reviews despite your time on the board, the content of your posts, led me to suspect you COULD be a cop. I asked the question and also asked for anyone to dispute it while saying all along I hoped to be wrong. One main reason for TER is to help keep us out of trouble with the law. That was the reason I posted the question. I had no intent to hurt your business as it appeared you had no business.  
 So, Alise, I thank you again for responding. It took courage to admit you were a street walker. Regarding VIP membership - I would think a lady who has posted ads and posts here, and other sites, wouldn't have much difficulty with that. Not being a provider, I've never looked into that.  
 About my suspicion, I still have a little but you have thrown a lot of doubt on it. Assuming I am wrong, I wish you the best and many positive reviews.  
 To those of you critical of me for asking the question, go back and read my posts. I was very careful in how I worded them. Most of all, it was your safety I had in mind. In over four years of reading posts, I was never suspicious of a providers posts being LE related. When I became suspicious I asked the question. No regrets. I now think I was probably wrong and I am happy to be so.  
 Hobby on!

It won't hurt to admit you were WRONG.  

Posted By: incallman2
The fact you have stood up and defended yourself, in my opinion, gives you more credibility and my "Question" less. Yes, your lack of reviews despite your time on the board, the content of your posts, led me to suspect you COULD be a cop. I asked the question and also asked for anyone to dispute it while saying all along I hoped to be wrong. One main reason for TER is to help keep us out of trouble with the law. That was the reason I posted the question. I had no intent to hurt your business as it appeared you had no business.  
 So, Alise, I thank you again for responding. It took courage to admit you were a street walker. Regarding VIP membership - I would think a lady who has posted ads and posts here, and other sites, wouldn't have much difficulty with that. Not being a provider, I've never looked into that.  
 About my suspicion, I still have a little but you have thrown a lot of doubt on it. Assuming I am wrong, I wish you the best and many positive reviews.  
 To those of you critical of me for asking the question, go back and read my posts. I was very careful in how I worded them. Most of all, it was your safety I had in mind. In over four years of reading posts, I was never suspicious of a providers posts being LE related. When I became suspicious I asked the question. No regrets. I now think I was probably wrong and I am happy to be so.  
 Hobby on!

guess assuming makes an ass outta you not me.

Justushookers287 reads

Posted By: AliseFranklin
guess assuming makes an ass outta you not me.
Agreed!  Good luck Alise, everyone has to start somewhere.

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