San Diego

"No baby, I'm doing this because I want to"
GoldieKnox See my TER Reviews 899 reads

Another user posted that they have "asked" these ladies if they are doing this willingly down there in TJ.
First, those are some balls to ask.
Second, what makes you think the answer will be the truth?

Think about it:
If she IS being trafficked would she say so? No. If she did she could get into trouble with management.
If she did tell you "yes" she might lose your business as would the establishment she "works for" or it could cause trouble for her if the client turns into Captain Save-A-Ho possibly by reporting the "business".

There is no convincing the guys who go there and there is no convincing the guys who are too "scared" as one user put it. I guess it is scary seeing a chick for such a low rate you wonder if you're number one two or ten of the day. And I always wonder - slinging it so cheap how hard is it to convince them for BB for some extra cash that management might not know about? Just things I wonder about with these "budget" girls.

I say go for it if you are intrigued but be sure to ask one of the people who are versed on the subject like Bic45 who you can see has reviews in TJ and can likely give you the low down on the "best" and "cheapest" places - three holes, no waiting. Oh, no ice please! Heehee

Be safe everyone, Namaste  

ow many of the "low cost" Tijuana providers are working because they want to? Are they forced against their will by pimps or cartel bullies because prostitution is legal and so easy to profit from? If so, I bet the girl gets very little of what is paid for service.
Sex slavery is nothing new to this country. How much occurs in Mexico? With as much government corruption there I am sure the business of sex slavery prospers much more than here. I'm sure there are a lot of legit providers working because they like the work or just need the money. But I can't help but wonder how many may actually be slaves. Think about that next time you go down there for some "Cheap" fun.  
While I'm on the subject of sex slavery - Think about that the next time you go to an asian massage parlor. The turnover rate for girls in those places is high for a reason and it's not because the service is subpar. The girls get moved around so much because the pimps want to keep fresh faces in the shops and often against the will of the ladies. Think about what you may be helping to finance whenever you do business in these places

...and I'm glad you initiated this discussion.

Since I was very young, I've been hearing about sex slavery in Mexico (among other countries).  I have seen two documentaries that outlined large- and small-scale sex slavery organizations very near the U.S. border.  It really is unfortunate.  

Luckily, on my travels with clients through Latin America, the only "working girls" we encountered have been high-end agency girls and a few independents.  

Thanks for bringing this very important topic to the boards!


Yes, excellent post. This is something I've always been concerned about. I'd never contribute to those pieces of shit that would harm or force women into doing something they didn't want to do. That's why I would only see independent ladies myself.

The sad fact is you never really know if a lady is truly independent.  I suspect, with good reason, that the percentage of managed girls this side of the border is much higher than most hobbyist suspect.  

Posted By: motioncontrol2
Yes, excellent post. This is something I've always been concerned about. I'd never contribute to those pieces of shit that would harm or force women into doing something they didn't want to do. That's why I would only see independent ladies myself.  

Of course you can't be 100% certain, BUT with proper research you can be as sure as you are ever going to get.

AverageEverydayJoe802 reads

Incallman -  To me the line gets crossed from a willing working girl to sex slave when their CHOICE is taken away and they are forced by another person to sell their bodies.

Every lady I have met in TJ has told me that they CHOOSE to do what they do because they DON'T WANT TO work in an office.  The reason?  Beacuse they make way more money working the bars than they would sitting in front of a computer.  To me thats NO DIFFERENT than the US.  YES the rates are different but everything is relative so to me there is no difference between what goe on in the US and what goes on in TJ (that I am familiar with)  and yes sex slavery exists in both places unfortunately.

One other thing ... the ladies in TJ are really HOTTTTT and very pleasant to be with.

Good post!


RealFeedback788 reads

Pretty rude question to ask a girl, but no girl under management is going to say they're managed.  
Theyre pimps may beat the shit out of them for telling.  

that statement is beyond ignorant and you are whats wrong with the hobby  
Get yur pussy how you like and shut the fuck up about everyone else.  

Bottom of the barrel tricks meeting bottom of the barrel hoes. Sounds bout right.


Posted By: AverageEverydayJoe
Incallman -  To me the line gets crossed from a willing working girl to sex slave when their CHOICE is taken away and they are forced by another person to sell their bodies.  
 Every lady I have met in TJ has told me that they CHOOSE to do what they do because they DON'T WANT TO work in an office.  The reason?  Beacuse they make way more money working the bars than they would sitting in front of a computer.  To me thats NO DIFFERENT than the US.  YES the rates are different but everything is relative so to me there is no difference between what goe on in the US and what goes on in TJ (that I am familiar with)  and yes sex slavery exists in both places unfortunately.  
 One other thing ... the ladies in TJ are really HOTTTTT and very pleasant to be with.  
 Good post!  

AverageEverydayJoe683 reads

If you read my post a little bit closer you would have seen that I said they TOLD me and NOT that I ASKED them.  The bottom line here and the point I was making is that it is no different in TJ - at least in the clubs I go to vs the US.  The ladies working the clubs in TJ are INDEPENDENT - and probably more independent in many ways than the ladies here in the USA.  

I am not talking weird sex slave stuff - So we are all on the same page and APPLES-TO-APPLES - Girls in TJ to me - that means working at popular clubs like Adelita or Hong Kong and USA - Independents - like the ladies on this board.  Does each country have its issues sure!  Thats not the level I am involved in.  I enjoy the SEXXXXY LATINA LADIES in TJ.  Mi Amour!!!  See you all at HK in another 3 hrs.  Beunos Tardes

Hey, Joe is spot on here. Don't blast him for things he wrote in the past. As Joe says, it is about CHOICE. If the woman doesn't have a choice and she is by threat of force doing what she does then she is a slave. Any person that can make money having good quality sex most days is going to choose that over working in an office. Hell, I wish I could get paid doing what they do. But as Goldie Knox says, She with the pussy makes the rules. I don't have a pussy and my limp dick means I have to follow the rules.

Joe was right this time and didn't disrespect anyone. Give him a chance. Maybe he saw the other side of the leaf.

Epicurus61479 reads

Bic, you just have a man crush on Joe bc he called you amazing in another thread. LOL

AverageEverydayJoe527 reads

Ep - You are pretty amazing also - 3-way??

The reason they're sweet, hot and friendly?  
Well, that's the nature of Latinas.  

Posted By: AverageEverydayJoe
Incallman -  To me the line gets crossed from a willing working girl to sex slave when their CHOICE is taken away and they are forced by another person to sell their bodies.  
 Every lady I have met in TJ has told me that they CHOOSE to do what they do because they DON'T WANT TO work in an office.  The reason?  Beacuse they make way more money working the bars than they would sitting in front of a computer.  To me thats NO DIFFERENT than the US.  YES the rates are different but everything is relative so to me there is no difference between what goe on in the US and what goes on in TJ (that I am familiar with)  and yes sex slavery exists in both places unfortunately.  
 One other thing ... the ladies in TJ are really HOTTTTT and very pleasant to be with.  
 Good post!  

Another user posted that they have "asked" these ladies if they are doing this willingly down there in TJ.
First, those are some balls to ask.
Second, what makes you think the answer will be the truth?

Think about it:
If she IS being trafficked would she say so? No. If she did she could get into trouble with management.
If she did tell you "yes" she might lose your business as would the establishment she "works for" or it could cause trouble for her if the client turns into Captain Save-A-Ho possibly by reporting the "business".

There is no convincing the guys who go there and there is no convincing the guys who are too "scared" as one user put it. I guess it is scary seeing a chick for such a low rate you wonder if you're number one two or ten of the day. And I always wonder - slinging it so cheap how hard is it to convince them for BB for some extra cash that management might not know about? Just things I wonder about with these "budget" girls.

I say go for it if you are intrigued but be sure to ask one of the people who are versed on the subject like Bic45 who you can see has reviews in TJ and can likely give you the low down on the "best" and "cheapest" places - three holes, no waiting. Oh, no ice please! Heehee

Be safe everyone, Namaste  

Goldie, why are you attacking me?  You're only hurting your reputation.  Avoiding this high school bullshit is exactly why I hobby.  Do you bring this same mentality to your dates

Posted By: Bic54
Goldie, why are you attacking me?  You're only hurting your reputation.  Avoiding this high school bullshit is exactly why I hobby.  Do you bring this same mentality to your dates?  

SodaPop840 reads

First, it's nothing to get angry over.  Ladies in SD offer a unique service that keeps them busy.  There is no arguing that.  I am mixed American/Mexican and Spanish speaking. I can tell you the ladies in Hong Kong and Adelitas are NOT Slaves.  They come and go as they please.  Believe me or not I don't really care.

GK- Have you been to TJ recently?  I believe you would have a blast down there.  I go when there is a major sporting event.  Gambling, food, strip bars.  Now, TJ isn't downtown La Jolla on a Friday night, but it's not some ghetto shithole you see on TV either.

Example of Escort in TJ:  
A lady (Call her Reina) works in HK.  She is has Model looks which many of them do.  She charges a premium $100.00 per 30min bang and go.  On top of that, she dances and pulls in another $150- $200 over the course of an evening in tips.  When she's not upstairs or dancing, she may be sitting with a customer who is buying her drinks (she's drinking cranberry juice BTW).  Another 50-75 bucks.
So Children,  the moral of the story is Reina pulled in about $500 that night.  Sure she pays the bar, but she still made a lot of money compared to an average Mexican worker.

Good Night!  And is there anything better on this freaking channel??

Does it really matter what she actually gets to keep?  Those who prefer to go to TJ will continue to go regardless.  Those who prefer seeing local ladies will do so as well

My point in bringing up the question of sex slavery was just to get all you guys thinking. Yes, there is slavery on this side of the border. There is more in Mexico. I am not familiar with the club scene in TJ. From what I've read here, you guys seem pretty comfortable with the ladies being free to come and go as they please. That's a good thing.

I know for a fact the Asian women are more often victims today than other races in the US and Mexico. If you go to a club or agency and the woman does not speak english or spanish the odds increase she is there against her will. The more the faces change, the better the odds the women are there against their will. Why, because management doesn't want the women becoming comfortable enough with a customer to talk to him about needing help.

I am not suggesting all asian providers are slaves. I am not suggesting providers in Mexico are all slaves. I am suggesting that guys reading these posts think about the establishments they visit and strongly consider the enthusiasm, or lack thereof, of the providers and act accordingly.  

One more thing - I am fairly confident the independent ladies I visit here in the US are truly independent and keep all of what I pay for their wonderful service. I doubt most of you are truly as confident about the ladies in TJ. While they may not be sex slaves, is some of the money you pay them going to fund other illegal activities such as narcotics? Weapons purchases? ??? Does any of that work it's way north and hurt US citizens in the USA? Hey, before I posted the question, I didn't know it was legal in Mexico for this hobby to occur. You may have noticed I didn't write prostitution. I no longer like that word after being, and talking, with so many ladies in the profession that are truly nice, sweet and professional and truly do their best to make sure we have a good time. My point here is regardless of legal status, if a provider is not independent, the odds are much greater that money she takes in is used for other illegal purposes.  

Just think about it. I'm stepping off my soap box now. Hobby on, guys.

Posted By: SodaPop
First, it's nothing to get angry over.  Ladies in SD offer a unique service that keeps them busy.  There is no arguing that.  I am mixed American/Mexican and Spanish speaking. I can tell you the ladies in Hong Kong and Adelitas are NOT Slaves.  They come and go as they please.  Believe me or not I don't really care.  
 GK- Have you been to TJ recently?  I believe you would have a blast down there.  I go when there is a major sporting event.  Gambling, food, strip bars.  Now, TJ isn't downtown La Jolla on a Friday night, but it's not some ghetto shithole you see on TV either.  
 Example of Escort in TJ:  
 A lady (Call her Reina) works in HK.  She is has Model looks which many of them do.  She charges a premium $100.00 per 30min bang and go.  On top of that, she dances and pulls in another $150- $200 over the course of an evening in tips.  When she's not upstairs or dancing, she may be sitting with a customer who is buying her drinks (she's drinking cranberry juice BTW).  Another 50-75 bucks.  
 So Children,  the moral of the story is Reina pulled in about $500 that night.  Sure she pays the bar, but she still made a lot of money compared to an average Mexican worker.  
 Good Night!  And is there anything better on this freaking channel???  

AverageEverydayJoe686 reads


I have some pretty thick skin - BESIDES if you respond I know you are listening...

The ladies who "PROVIDE" for "DONATIONS" on THISn board in San Diego are also sex slaves - they just don't know it.

WTF?  WHAT? (OUTRAGE) WAIT No way Joe!  You are totally wrong again!

No I am not.  They may not be slaves of another person but they are slaves to THEMSELVES and the lifestyle they have tried to create and maintain for themselves.  You know - the benz, the LouBoos, the $100 bottles of wine - GET IT??

At least the ladies in TJ are hot, humble  and they are low priced!  I could spend more than 6 hours (and yes I have the time) enjoying them!

Teehee Namaste

Posted By: AverageEverydayJoe
 I have some pretty thick skin - BESIDES if you respond I know you are listening...  
 The ladies who "PROVIDE" for "DONATIONS" on THISn board in San Diego are also sex slaves - they just don't know it.  
 WTF?  WHAT? (OUTRAGE) WAIT No way Joe!  You are totally wrong again!  
 No I am not.  They may not be slaves of another person but they are slaves to THEMSELVES and the lifestyle they have tried to create and maintain for themselves.  You know - the benz, the LouBoos, the $100 bottles of wine - GET IT??  
 At least the ladies in TJ are hot, humble  and they are low priced!  I could spend more than 6 hours (and yes I have the time) enjoying them!  
 Teehee Namaste
 I have never been able to afford a Mercedes from being an escort. Quite honestly, I think decent regular good careers pay way more then escorting.

Natasha, +1,000,000 points for you!  That's the most honest statement I've heard on this board.

Posted By: NatashaCosta
Posted By: AverageEverydayJoe
  I have some pretty thick skin - BESIDES if you respond I know you are listening...  
  The ladies who "PROVIDE" for "DONATIONS" on THISn board in San Diego are also sex slaves - they just don't know it.  
  WTF?  WHAT? (OUTRAGE) WAIT No way Joe!  You are totally wrong again!  
  No I am not.  They may not be slaves of another person but they are slaves to THEMSELVES and the lifestyle they have tried to create and maintain for themselves.  You know - the benz, the LouBoos, the $100 bottles of wine - GET IT??  
  At least the ladies in TJ are hot, humble  and they are low priced!  I could spend more than 6 hours (and yes I have the time) enjoying them!  
  Teehee Namaste
  I have never been able to afford a Mercedes from being an escort. Quite honestly, I think decent regular good careers pay way more then escorting.

unopapi2497 reads

Your fun, tell Donald Trump that FACT... I bet you can't pull out your health certificate and show them  (your  TJ CAR SERVICE) your peeep  is but you like to play a dirty game on here.... Gentlemen don't be deceived by his candor... A fantasy night in TJ can turn into a nightmare of problems.  
Posted By: AverageEverydayJoe
The girls at the clubs in TJ MUST get checked at least 1x/month.  Thats better than the "providers" in SD.  While I am sure the responsible ones will start chirping - not all of them do here in San Diego

I recall an older well reviewed provider posted she goes once a year, or every six months & I had to respond with pathetic.  As a sex worker who see's everyone because TJ girls do not discriminate, nor do some SD providers I feel they should take better care of theirselves & their clients.  When you increase your risks your playing a dirty game.  Best of luck & great pointing out the deal of a lifetime accross the border down in Mexico for those who did not already know...
I think they have 15yr old girls available too.  Sad.

Crossing the border can be an all day event.

Screenig clients won't protect you from STDs...

MP, I don't often agree with what you say or especially how you say things on the boards, but, this time you hit the nail on the head. You are right on many levels with this post and even brought up one thing I forgot when I began this thread - That is the subject of underage girls. I'll leave it at that. Good post.

You are right! You can have a blast down there.  From the buckets of beer, to the latin dancing, different clubs, and strip clubs. When I was 19- 20 years old, I was a TJ rat! I would go every weekend to Revolution Street and dance the night away and come back across at dawn after eating 4 tacos! It's definitely not what it used to be 10 years ago, but still something everyone should experience one in their life.  

I didn't know you could gamble & they have sporting events?

Well for sure "Reina" does not pay the bar.

I live in Tijuana and I own an escort service.  Human trafficking is a terrible crime and should be punished.
I am sure there are some providers trapped in that kind of life style, but I am not aware of any.  I do know some that work on the streets and have pimps that take 100% of the girls money.  However it seems to be chicas that love their pimps.  They sometimes leave them and work in the same spot so they have had the freedom of choice.

As a general rule:  Chicas that are trafficked are not GFE and could care less about repeat business

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