San Diego

Most providers I ask, don't care for white listings
incallman2 32 Reviews 667 reads
1 / 13

There is a recent review of a provider (1st review) that is well above the average. When I checked the reviewers, I found he has over 60 reviews to his credit but not a single white listing. I have seen this with several others in the past. I have only a third that number reviews and several white listings, about half I didn't even ask for. Not bragging, just fact. My question is, how does a person write so many reviews without getting white listed? Fake reviews?

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 261 reads
2 / 13

I don't think this signifies the reviews are fake. I have seen users win over a 100 reviews with 0 white lists. These people usually also have P411 accounts and that's where they have OKs from providers.

ThePeopleRule 254 reads
3 / 13

Was not available when I joined in 2003.  Some of us seldom ask a provider to do it.

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 229 reads
4 / 13

no girl says "wow that guy was so fantastic i'm going to white list him!" all by herself.  usually the guy asks.

maybe the guy never asked.

and so what?  seriously, and i don't mean to be condescending, but what business is it of yours, his relationships between himself and 60 women?

lol i can't believe i wrote that sentence lol

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 234 reads
5 / 13

You can opt out for showing your white list. Maybe that's what the reviewer did. Don't over think these things  

Posted By: incallman2
There is a recent review of a provider (1st review) that is well above the average. When I checked the reviewers, I found he has over 60 reviews to his credit but not a single white listing. I have seen this with several others in the past. I have only a third that number reviews and several white listings, about half I didn't even ask for. Not bragging, just fact. My question is, how does a person write so many reviews without getting white listed? Fake reviews?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 193 reads
6 / 13

Don't want white listings.  I maintain complete anonymity with my screen name.  No one can connect my real name to my screen name. Two important reasons:   I can write honest reviews without any blowback; and no provider or booker can ever say to LE that CDL's real name is so and so.  The admissions I have made on the boards about engaging in illegal activities under my screen name cannot be connected to me by anyone except TER, and they have a reputational interest in protecting all of our privacy. A whitelist would expose me to much more risk. Just my own approach, but it gives me the comfort level I need to accept the risk that goes with our hobby.

OingeBoinge 168 Reviews 200 reads
7 / 13

So for all you know someone might have 30 White Listings.  But if he set the option under Account Manager to not make them visible, then you're not going to see them.

Bic54 57 Reviews 147 reads
9 / 13

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Don't want white listings.  I maintain complete anonymity with my screen name.  No one can connect my real name to my screen name. Two important reasons:   I can write honest reviews without any blowback; and no provider or booker can ever say to LE that CDL's real name is so and so.  The admissions I have made on the boards about engaging in illegal activities under my screen name cannot be connected to me by anyone except TER, and they have a reputational interest in protecting all of our privacy. A whitelist would expose me to much more risk. Just my own approach, but it gives me the comfort level I need to accept the risk that goes with our hobby.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 114 reads
10 / 13

Maybe they didn't exist in 2003, but I see whitelists  going back at least until 2006!

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 156 reads
11 / 13
Antonio2010 151 Reviews 169 reads
12 / 13

I have over 60 reviews published yet have been whitelisted by only six different ladies...all requested by me.

Many of the ladies I see are in Mexico and other countries in Europe and South America.  Probably less than 5% of these ladies have ever heard of TER and are certainly not members. Therefore they could not "whitelist" me even if  requested.
Posted By: incallman2
There is a recent review of a provider (1st review) that is well above the average. When I checked the reviewers, I found he has over 60 reviews to his credit but not a single white listing. I have seen this with several others in the past. I have only a third that number reviews and several white listings, about half I didn't even ask for. Not bragging, just fact. My question is, how does a person write so many reviews without getting white listed? Fake reviews?

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