San Diego

Leilani,did U remove the bad "POSTS" U wrote about our President? You weren't nice or fair to him.regular_smile
FOOTMAN 5 Reviews 10967 reads


mmm300113527 reads

Has anybody had any experience with Leilani, a blonde beach bunny who offers sensual massage in the San Diego area. She does a lot of advertising on the Internet, but I've never seen a single review of her anywhere. She looks beautiful, but I'd like to know what I can expect for my $260.

I wouldn't waste the money or time.  She's not the girl in the photos unless she's gained about 60 pounds since then.  And very expensive for the services provided.  She does have some comments up on the site review section of TER.

Okay, okay.  Maybe it was ONLY 30 pounds overweight, but it's not her face either!  The girl I saw in real life had a puffy face and those artificial puffed up lips.  Yuk.  And for only $260.

And this is not a rip.  It's about truth in advertising.

dman12727 reads

You can expect a good nude FBSM massage, with a manual release, from a woman who may or may not look as good as her photos, depending upon whether she is presently winning or losing her ongoing battle with her weight.  Definitely no FS.

asebs14217 reads

She doesn't look at all like someone who has a weight problem. Are we talking just a little chub or what?

Why doesn't she have reviews here?

dman13435 reads

My info is old.  She was a pretty highly regarded FBSM girl in San Diego a couple of years ago.  She then took a hiatus and had a baby.  She came back a few months after giving birth, and was NOT in anywhere near the type of shape that she had been previously.  I had heard that she subsequently got back in shape, but I cannot personally confirm this.  There were reviews on various forums one to two years ago.  I don't know why there's nothing recent, but I heard that she asked to NOT have reviews posted after LE picked up the intensity in SD.  I have no current info.

Don't waste your money. When I saw her about 8 mos ago she was HUGE, she gave a lousy massage, and complained throughout the whole session (see my review). I wouldn't have let her take her clothes off if she offered to do it for free.

Leilani12574 reads

I'm Leilani that you guys are talking about. I chose to have my reviews taken down because of  the mean things people were saying about me. I have a lot of happy clients I see monthly and I rather not see men that use this site because of the things they say about the girls. I'm a nice person and I don't rip people off and my site is up front.Also to dman I was NEVER pregnant. Last year I was put on steroids because of a blood disorder (ITP) I had for 4 months and now I'm fine. So yes I did gain weight (25 pounds) I was NEVER 60 pounds over weight like wpeter said in his review  and now I weigh 116. And I don't work at the LJAC anymore. I wasn't going to respond to this board but I was so pissed off about people talking trash. 2 of my other friends have also removed their reviews because of the things people were saying about them.You can't make everyone happy.I have reviews on that are recent.This will be my only respose to this discussion.

UKDude15097 reads

For those not familiar with ITP/

Leilani - good for you for posting to this idiotic thread.

I have visited Leilani several times and she has always been honest, given a good massage and been very pleasant to look at and be with.

To all of you who were bad mouthing ... suprise!  She's a human being too.  Maybe you guys that want something perfect should stick with to airbrushed photos and inflatable dolls

alphared13201 reads

i just can't believe that grown men would continue a thread as childish and stupid as this one. Believe it or not men all your need to spend time  bashing a provider Who is not a ripoff is proof that you are not getting enough love at home and that you are callous and rude and probably not a very nice client anyway

dman12581 reads

Since Leilani decided to rip ME first and foremost.  OK, I may have drawn an inaccurate conclusion about WHY the lady took several months off, and returned having a far less toned body with obvious signs of significant weight gain and then weight loss.  But frankly, from a customer's perspective, my own possibly erroneous conclusion was MORE flattering, and LESS injurious to her business prospects than her own explanation.  And as for the rest of my own post, I am quite comfortable that I was being VERY even-handed and gave the lady the benefit of the doubt.  I made sure to include that she was a highly regarded and very attractive FBSM provider before the aforementioned hiatus, and that I had heard that she had gotten back into physically fit condition, but could not verify it.

Certainly, some of the "Gentlemen" who posted after me on this thread were less than tactful.  But I personally was being honest, evenhanded, and maybe even overly considerate of the lady.  Nonetheless, I was attacked at least as vigorously as any of the other guys who posted in this thread.  For what reason?  Because tried to answer an honest question with an honest answer
that may have included an error which was IN NO WAY harmful to the lady, all things considered.

asebs14180 reads

aside from erroneously reporting she had a baby recently which wasn't really rude, just misinformation.

UKDude13757 reads

Well,maybe I should say this. I onlt posted some med information to back up her answer. So that can't be bad.


lauren38dd12099 reads


You say alot of stuff that isn't true, and you have managed to piss off alot of ladies. You are now on a black list. EOM

2sense10388 reads

Criticism of our president, indeed any president, is one of the rights guaranteed to us by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Isn't the defense of these liberties what our war on terrorism is all about?

-- Modified on 4/16/2002 7:02:49 AM

2sense10626 reads

Yes, of course. Since I have never met Leilani, I have no opinion one way or the other about her service.

I was solely defending her (and your) right to free speech.

2sense14918 reads

Sorry, still falls under freedom of speech, and I would defend equally her and your right to exercise it.

You will note that the Taliban brooked no criticism of their ex-leader Mullah Omar, while we are still free to criticize our President. I view this as the fundamental difference between our respective governments.

Isn't this just common "sense"?

-- Modified on 4/18/2002 7:21:25 AM

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