San Diego

Is it ever really free
nctyguy 12410 reads

I am not sure that there really is anything that is free in this hobby.  I know I have gotten reduced rates after several visits. It is very common for you to get grandfathered in on a low rate for as long as you see that person even though the rate for new clients is higher.  This definitely is a YMMV hobby from several points of view.  I have also done things, fix it jobs, pick things up, for some providers in exchange, barter system at its best.

I am sure that some providers might give the equivalent of frequent flyer miles, either one free after so many visits or a discount. Just like there are providers we have more fun with the smae has to be true for the providers. If there is someone you hapen to really click with, you may take additional measures to make sure that guest returns and returns often.

My feeling is that if there are certain individuals that get great discounts or even a free session, it should not be commented on or discussed in a public forum by either side. If I know I am paying full fare and someone else is paying half I would probably not return. Just like when I fly on airlines I do not discuss the ticket price with the person next to me as one of us will be upset for the rest of the flight.

I personally do not like to receive a cold call, unless it has been previously discussed as being acceptable. It can be very frustrating when you get a call, then you start thinking about getting together but know you cannot because of work, family  obligations or limited funding.

I am sure that there are many providers that are in a committed realtionship, some of which were even clients at first. So there is probably someone that most providers have intimate realtionships with for "free", I just do not need to know about it.

TrueGFE12241 reads

    I can’t speak for everyone else—but I’ve been experiencing more last-minute reschedule requests than usual. Although I do accept the fact that this is a to-be-expected part of the hobby (no, the point of this post is not going to be to complain LOL) these last-minute drop-outs do leave openings in a provider’s schedule—openings that are often left vacant due to the near-impossibility of someone who is pre-screened happening to call and want to meet within the next 15 minutes….

    My question is this: would gentlemen who have already been screened be interested in being placed on a “last-minute incall list?” This would mean that, for gentlemen who have reasonably open availability (not those of you who have very limited windows of time to  schedule appointments) the provider would be able to e-mail you with a last minute opening-—for, let’s say, a $50 discount off of the usual gift or a $25 discount off of any current promotions (if they are being offered.) A gentleman could choose to be included on a daytime or evening last-minute list-—but after he had refused 5 consecutive last-minute appointment opportunities-—he’d be taken off of the list.  

    Are most gentlemen’s schedules too hectic to even think about accommodating a provider’s schedule (even for a discount?)  Or are there enough gentlemen out there with flexible schedules to make creating such an informal “list” a good idea? I'd appreciate your thoughts:)

I know you weren't looking for responses from people like me (who have limited hobbying windows), but I know that there have been some days where I'm fairly sure I could have accomodated a last minute lunch date, with the proper incentive.  ;)

I guess it may not work to have a "Lunch-hour Last-Minute Discount Incall List" since you may experience fewer lunch cancellations than other times, but given enough warning in the morning, I'm fairly sure I could find some time to get away for an impromptu date.

Just my $0.02, even though I don't have the luxury of time that other hobbyists do.  I wish I did, but then I'd go broke.  :)


-- Modified on 11/5/2002 9:29:10 PM

nctyguy10564 reads

Several issues have to be aligned prefectly for this to work. I have a relatively flexible schedule, but in most cases I would need at least several hours notice. Your list would probably have geographical limitations further reducing the available pool, which is part of my time factor. Short time frames require close proximity and even someone close needs time to get to you, and in most cases make a stop by the ATM. The other issue is the desire to want a session on that day. Some of us may have taken things into our own hands earlier that day or maybe had someone else do it for us.

This could work but I think you may need a fairly long list. A discount is very appealing, but not everyone is going to jump at it or be able to everytime you happen to make contact. The form of contact may not be reliable enough. We may not always be available by phone or e-mail for a timely response.

It is worth a try. Most guys would love to get it for free, so any additional discount is a step in the right direction. I think you will probably find that many may sign up for the program, but only a few will actually be able to make it consistently with only 15 minutes +/- notice.  Evenings might work better, but probably only for the real single guys. Daytime requires giving an excuse to the boss for most people, evenings the wife or girlfriend.

The sucess rate might be relatively low, but salvaging even one or two sessions a week should make it beneficial to you. As most of us have a relatively set frequency for our hobbying, if you attend a cancellation appointment you may eliminate the next session you were planning to set. If that is the case you gain one this week to loose one next week.

Ginger girl7799 reads

You are obviously a great trouble shooter and problem solver....most of which can be overcome with good communication and forethought something I think some hobbyist find harder to do then us ladies...not all hobbyist but some (This is a disclaimer so Pat McGroin wont misconstru sp?this and think I am calling all men bad comunicaters LOL)

Ashlee has a great idea and any problems scheduling this kind of thing can easily be overcome. doctors offices and busy hairsalons are brilliant at this sort of scheduling...If one needed advice on efficient scheduling i would talk to some on in those industries.

Any way I have been doing some analyzing of my own to discover the best ways to market ones self in this business with the maximum amount of pleasure for both parties involved.
Here are the things that were told to me by active hobbyists in particularly the gents who have strayed from their ATF's of late and why that happened. as well as their 2 cents on why some of ladies who have experienced more business than we could handle are now seeing a lull in their repeat business...included are only the opinions that relate to things that we can do to improve the situation.

Always ask your client if he would be interested in you contacting him first..i know this seems obvious but ALOT of providers are just calling around trying to drum up work this way. Even worse sending out mass mailings that have everysingle one of their previous clients e-mail address' displayed on them.

All Of the ones that were very open to being contacted and even some of the ones who were slightly offended over providers solicitation call expressed that if the conversation with her was stimulating and enjoyable it often led to an appointment , if not then then later.

Desperation and complaning that you need to see them because you can't pay your rent, or your car broke down or any other depressing excuse is in general a turn off and is not a productive method of seeking an appointment.

Letting them know you are really in the mood and called them because you have really enjoyed their company in the past is a turn on and very motivating. Hey everyone likes to know someone is thinking about them after all.

A Key point that three of my regulars that I haven't seen in some time made was that I have lost out on their company due to the rigorous solicitating of a few prominent providers who covinced them to see them lady in particular uses a marketing ploy that allthough very affective seems a bit underhanded and not in the spirit of sisterhood. ..she tells them if they reveal that they have a regular girl that they see  she tells them that whatever he pays his ATF they can pay her less and she will provide the same services. (I bet you guys love it when that happens.)

If us providers don't start calling those who desire it and don't make ourselves available more spontaneously we will loose busines to new girls that are used to working for agencies and being on call and those that actively solicit and offer discounts.

They LOVE b-day specials and said that few providers offer them.

The last, final and probably most important finding was that you married and work bound hobbyists must have a Secure and well thought out Modus Opperandi in order to get away  and hook up with a provider spur of the moment. Failure to do so will get you in trouble,

Here are some links to pages that provide excuses for just about anything. There are also a couple of gents around here that seem to be experts at getting out of work and other obligations to see us last guys know who you are :) Perhaps they might like to share a bit?

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Just a side note on marketing here in the forum. (Remember that you're always marketing yourself when you use your trade name here whether you know it or not.)

I don't like it when I hear here from a provider that she has some customers that she likes so much that they get it for free. Obviously I know that's not me so in effect she is saying she doesn't like to see me.

I understand this may be true but I simply don't wish to hear about it. Part of what I buy when I hire companionship is a fantasy and nothing destroys the fantasy more than knowledge that the lady is suffering through my presence. I don't buy sex. Again, while this may be true, I don't wish to know of it.

Ginger said, "Letting them know you are really in the mood and called them because you have really enjoyed their company in the past is a turn on and very motivating." I agree this is great marketing just as the obverse is bad marketing.

Ginger girl10889 reads

That was a compiled quote that expressed the sentiments of the gentlemen i asked about this cold calling approach...i was not the one who said it...I am not sure what you mean in relation to this thread about providers telling you that they have customers they like so much that they get it for free....I know that that has been discussed other places and I too added to that. My
pro bono client can no longer afford to pay me and I like his company so I see him when i can...just because you are paying does not mean she doesn't like you and her freebies have absolutely nothing to do with the interaction you two are is not the statement itself that you find disconcerning it is the your personal feeling that are placed upon the statement. I don't think that any provider that has responded to the "who gets it for free" threads  are trying to market themselves as they were talking about FREEBIES...yes having a presence on here can be good for business but it is also a fun place to visit and interesting to read the POV of others. I find that taking things for what they are and not personalizing so much leads to a clearer image and more enjoyment of the moment at hand....

MistressM8865 reads

What are you saying? That a provider CAN see clients at a reduced rate/free because she likes him - as long as she doesn't talk about it here in this forum?

Or that she shouldn't do it at all even if she doesn't mention it to other clients? Or something else entirely?

And where did Ginger say she any clients were getting freebies? Is that in a different post? I'm confused.


-- Modified on 11/6/2002 7:49:23 PM

nctyguy12411 reads

I am not sure that there really is anything that is free in this hobby.  I know I have gotten reduced rates after several visits. It is very common for you to get grandfathered in on a low rate for as long as you see that person even though the rate for new clients is higher.  This definitely is a YMMV hobby from several points of view.  I have also done things, fix it jobs, pick things up, for some providers in exchange, barter system at its best.

I am sure that some providers might give the equivalent of frequent flyer miles, either one free after so many visits or a discount. Just like there are providers we have more fun with the smae has to be true for the providers. If there is someone you hapen to really click with, you may take additional measures to make sure that guest returns and returns often.

My feeling is that if there are certain individuals that get great discounts or even a free session, it should not be commented on or discussed in a public forum by either side. If I know I am paying full fare and someone else is paying half I would probably not return. Just like when I fly on airlines I do not discuss the ticket price with the person next to me as one of us will be upset for the rest of the flight.

I personally do not like to receive a cold call, unless it has been previously discussed as being acceptable. It can be very frustrating when you get a call, then you start thinking about getting together but know you cannot because of work, family  obligations or limited funding.

I am sure that there are many providers that are in a committed realtionship, some of which were even clients at first. So there is probably someone that most providers have intimate realtionships with for "free", I just do not need to know about it.

Sorry if I'm being obtuse. I'll summarize my beliefs:

1) Ladies can and will charge whatever they choose for whomever is willing to pay. Reductions or even freebies for regulars, special promotions, etc. are all up to them and may be appropriate at times.

2)I believe it's a bad strategy to promote the concept that only some get special pricing. If one is announcing a special it should be available to all (within the required terms.)

4) I believe it is bad marketing strategy for escorts to post here on the board about their personal sex life when they post under their business name.

3)Everyone is free to poorly market themselves.

4) There are reasons one may wish to talk about their sex life, or their experience with contracting an STD because this is a community and it's a great place to trade conversation with people who understand this arena. I recommend that people use an alias in such cases to avoid poor marketing unless those experiences can only be seen in a positive light.

5) Your mileage may vary. These are my marketing thoughts.

You, my dear Miss M, although not an escort, seem to practice these concepts as do many ladies here. Not all do. I believe they are common sense and I believe Ginger should teach them in her book/class for providers.

I could be wrong. It happens a lot.

Ginger girl11408 reads

I am just reporting what I was told...I also do have alot more experience in marketing than alot of people in the business as I have educated myself on the subject and worked in the field before I did this.... I am however some what new to marketing this particular business on the internet so I seek to improve my knowledge base by asking questions, sharing the answers and seeing what other info pops up because of it.

Other matters that I have discussed as knowing a great deal about I do...why because I was willing to take the advice and listened to the information that was available to me from every source, I asked what I had been doing wrong, and didn't let my ego get in the way when processing it.

As far as providers discussing their personal sex lifes and those who get discounts etc. being bad for business I believe that yes it puts off some who think that what we provide is akin to an airline ticket....but in the spirit of discussion and for my own personal reasons I find that expressing oneself and reading the expressions of others who are involved in this (in regards to their personal lives et all) is interesting and healthy as we are not providing just a product but sharing the most intimate of intimates with strangers. The affects of this business on virtually everything have been studied by science and the highest academia.

Marketing is marketing....expression is expression they don't always mix but some of us don't care because being ourselves is more important than pleasing everyone. Besides there are only so many hours in the day to see clients and I like to see the ones who view me as an entire person and not just a least if they are to see me on a regular basis. It doesn't mean that they have to want to know all about me it just means that they have the brains, empathy, and clarity required to make our meetings enlightening or above average in some way or another.

Those who like me tend to really like me, those who don't have their reasons and i am sure they are is what it is and I don't plan my every move here in order to manipulate.

Some people like to complain to much

Some people like to maximize their enjoyment in life

I love to hear what all of them have to say


I am not soley greed driven in my business practice and I think that those who read my posts and have gotten to know me realize this....when it stops being fun I move should we all

Be a good listener and don't take things so personally.  Smile, enjoy life and have fun!  Fianlly, enjoy each persons unique individual traits.  

You may not be an expert but it's good advice and it brought a smile to my face!  Especially when I think of a few of your unique traits!!

Making a point alias10545 reads

You cancelled on me twice recently (diffrent weeks)at the last minute (same day) and I had to quickly find dependable providers.  I don't undersand your argument?

Ginger girl9498 reads

are you referring to me? If you are I am not sure who you are as i have only had to cancel at the last minute twice in my time of doing this....unless you are the gent who used a provider as a reference that has the same name as another lady...and no you didn't give me a number to call, she of course was unable to verify...if you don't send me an e-mail with your contact info etc i won't call unless I know it is ok to do so. If I had to cancel on you it was for some legitamate reason...If it was not me then i apologize but you were not clear about which provider it was directed at....also what does cancelling have to do with this thread??? since this is a very old thread i doubt you are even going to read this. I have been the more reliable provider on several occasions...particularly for one lady who I would like to thank for all of those appt's that I got because you didn't show up or cancelled if you weren't so busy already and took same day calls more I would send you the guys I had to cancel have been good to me thankyou :)

what you're trying to do.
You'll never please everyone. The one's you are pleasing are certainly already happy, happy campers!!!!

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