San Diego

If "this shit" is too expensive, . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 362 reads

then don't ask for Greek every time.  It will save you some money.

Ladies do you have a "Wish List" of suitors that you would like to see? I am just wondering if the "WhiteList" is used in another way between providers to point somebody into the right direction! Any input would be appreciated !!

Posted By: 619Bolt
Ladies do you have a "Wish List" of suitors that you would like to see? I am just wondering if the "WhiteList" is used in another way between providers to point somebody into the right direction! Any input would be appreciated !!

Posted By: 619Bolt
Ladies do you have a "Wish List" of suitors that you would like to see? I am just wondering if the "WhiteList" is used in another way between providers to point somebody into the right direction! Any input would be appreciated !!

lickthestick394 reads

They wished they hadn't seen, lmao.

to your question is really another question:

How many guys here have been PM'd out of the blue by an unknown provider that has either read their reviews or been referred by another provider, and wanted to see them?   Never happened to me.  Anybody else?

Not completely out of the blue Coeur, but I have been introduced to UTR friends of providers a few times. It's also nice when a "retired" provider calls out of the blue regardless of why she needs the income, or a semi-regular calls me just about when I'm getting that itch to call her.

All that said, I'm not holding my breath waiting for a provider to answer the OP's question.

It's happened to me a few times. Twice in the past month.  

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
to your question is really another question:  
 How many guys here have been PM'd out of the blue by an unknown provider that has either read their reviews or been referred by another provider, and wanted to see them?   Never happened to me.  Anybody else?

but i've written it off to cold call salesmanship, i've never taken an unknown lady up on an offer for a date that i didn't initiate.

i think the op is over estimating our general attractiveness as clients.  i think once we've asked for a date, the white lists and reputations we have come into play regarding a lady's decision to see us or not;  i doubt strongly that there's women out there saying "oh i wish 619bolt or bigpeterjohnson would call!  he's so dreamy!"

do you like me check yes or no

more like do you like the envelope check yes

it's supposed to be.  Men would rather be the hunters than the hunted.  The closest I have come is to have Kgirls introduce me to their roommates and suggest that I would like them too.  Had a few resulting doubles from that type of introduction, but never had a girl, agency or indie, that I didn't know initiate contact.  You all must be way better looking than me.    

Dreamy???  Careful, Peter, you're dating yourself.  Lol

i used to date myself but then i got married.  

but seriously, if you're going to count referrals from other providers, i've happily seen girls that other girls have recommended.  and the girls who do the recommending know what i like and know if we'd be compatible, so it's always worked out.

yourself???    Table for one, please.  Lol

It's happened to me twice. Each time by a popular well reviewed provider. Both experiences were great and one I have seen several times. However, both contacts were a PM based on a post I made. Same thing?

off of posts you have made, then I probably have no chance.  I will listen to the crickets instead.  Lol

Posted By: incallman2
It's happened to me twice. Each time by a popular well reviewed provider. Both experiences were great and one I have seen several times. However, both contacts were a PM based on a post I made. Same thing?
judges?  yes, we'll accept that.  you've got control of the board, with only 2 clues left.

Providers have set me up with their friends more than once.  They've always been UTR and didn't expect donations.  It should be said that I had great rapport with these providers before they referred me to their friends.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
to your question is really another question:  
 How many guys here have been PM'd out of the blue by an unknown provider that has either read their reviews or been referred by another provider, and wanted to see them?   Never happened to me.  Anybody else?
-- Modified on 2/10/2016 3:06:34 PM

I'm not sure how a white list would point another lady in the right direction; generally, they mean you were safe and didn't cause problems, and they don't necessarily mean you were a spectacular lover and conversationalist (although that's why many of us contact references; sometimes we get a little more nuance).

As for a wish list of suitors, I'm sure those who catch up with the boards from time to time can be either intrigued or less attracted based on your board presence and/or reviews (just as surely you are with us), but as noted above, probably most of us let you engage in the hunt as evidenced by the lack of PMs from the ladies about your dreamy TER presence. Unless you make a ISO request, I also agree it can give the appearance of cold calling (most are aware we may or may not be what you're seeking at any given moment, and we don't want to hassle you).  Personally, I want to know that you chose to see me, not that I cajoled you into a date.

and a great conversationalist!  and my current atf told me i went from 75% to 100% on the love making scale since i first started seeing her!  and we all know how much we can trust what providers tell their clients!

you gained a few pounds on the lovemaking scale?

or maybe your envelope makes you dreamy, but I'd wager that with some of your ATFs, there is something genuinely there.  As a newer person to this, I wondered whom I would meet in my encounters, and so far I've been quite pleasantly surprised.  Some are dreamy (although probably not my first word choice), great conversationalists, and/or lovers, but you've expressed you're a pragmatist, and a little skepticism is never a bad thing.  

Is it the corollary that we can implicitly trust what hobbyists tell providers or write in their reviews

this whole set up is a fantasy, so i really don't take someone's word for anything.  it's the actions that count, and the action of seeing me several times over the yers tells me i am worth their effort, and that's not a lie.

in my play with my ladies i give them all compliments... and as with any man, all those compliments are 100% true... at the time!  if i'm not with the lady i love, i love the lady i'm with, as the old song goes.

that being said, women have told me things that i take to be true, and i treasure those moments.  i know one lady's real name, and i hold that secret close to me, and i never even use it with her during our sessions.  another lady who has spent a lot of otc time with me has introduced me to her daughter;  you can't lie about that when there's an actual 12 year old in the room calling you mom!  

it's a tricky arrangement... the real trick is to not get hung up on the superficial, when what we are all doing is incredibly superficial, in that it only matters at that very moment.

i am dreamy, objectively speaking.  subjectively i think i am not attractive at all, that's why i choose to be entertained by people that tell me sweet little lies.  luckily the truth lies somewhere in between, and as long as there's no malice on my or the lady's part, and as long as we both know and respect the parameters of the relationship, what's the problem?  there is none.

until i run out of money lol!

that much cajoling, but I get your point.  If we get a little wood looking at your website, we are pretty much primed for you to close the deal.

After you said you can be less attracted by reading the board posts,  I will be looking for a provider that can't read.  I think that's my best play here.  

-- Modified on 2/10/2016 8:33:37 PM

I like to think I screen for at least some literacy (as in, if reading my web site is boring, then please look elsewhere, with full realization that in these ventures, text is not the main pursuit), but screening for illiteracy can be a tactic, too!  Seriously, though, the most egregious posts are typically made with an alias, so looking at them is of limited benefit, although every so often someone expresses something shockingly nasty or misogynistic under their real handle.  I like to see people who love women, not hate us!

shocking, it is meant to be humorous.  Just my style.

The lady may think she has done you a favor and may expect a higher than normal frequency. I had to tell one lady...."you know this shit is expensive? "

then don't ask for Greek every time.  It will save you some money.

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