San Diego

I totally agree! (EOM)
pepper69 4 Reviews 9735 reads


during the past year and half that i've been involved with ter the one issue that always is at the fore front of everyone 's mind is: who is this person? providers worried about hobbyist / hobbyist worried about providers. so why not have a screening night. i know this has been touched on before, but what i'm thinking is just a night out to "network" as they say. it can occur anywhere a favorite bar, restaurant, or with great days here upon us, at the beach. i know some hobbyist may have exposure issues, but none of you providers should. if nothing else it would be a great evening of meeting new people. and i might add nice people, as most of the posts i've read here over the year seem from cordial individuals. hey, it's just my fictitious thinking.......................think about it.

MeaganLee10984 reads

I thought I would ask for a clarification before I went any further with this.... what do you mean by..."providers shouldn't"( have any exposure issues) ???

MeaganLee10326 reads

I read the post wrong. Yes, many gentlemen might not want us to know who they are...totally understandable...and it is obvious who we are... I get it.

I think you have a good idea. You may want to consider holding the get together at someones home, however, instead of a public place. I'm sure no one wants to run into  their wife (or whoever) in public.  Maybe someone who has entertained at his/her home, doesn't have a wife, roommate etc. who doesn't mind ohers knowing where he/she lives?

good idea megan, but obviously we'd need more interest. i'm surprsed by the lack of responses so far. maybe it was a bad idea?

It is a great idea and many people have mentioned it in the past. the main problems are logistics and time. It's difficult for a group of people to all agree on a time and place. Many people have family,friends or other commitment that would make it difficult for them to attend. Also, some providers may have exposure issues. Not all providers have a clear head shot on ads. Some of these ladies would prefer to know a name or face before they expose themselves(not sexually). We never know it that next appointment may be with a boss, friend,co-worker or other person that we some how know. I am only guessing that this has happened at least once.
   A while back, there was a provider that had these poker(poke-her) parties. She would gather a few well known providers who would in turn invite some clients. It would bring 3 or 4 girls together with 4 or 5 guys and they would play poker and have fun.
  Either way, I think it's a great idea. But, it just might be more trouble than it is worth to pull it all together. Good luck. I really would like to see you get this together.

-- Modified on 4/3/2003 8:56:37 AM

doc, thanks for the input you made some good points. but for those of us who are single, divorced or seperated this may be a great way for both parties to get comfortable with each other. once again it will take alot more interest.

Stranger-in-the-Night10680 reads

Well, this can/should only be done similar to Stanley Kubric's last movie, Eyes Wide Shut!  Exposure is an issue.

Perhaps a ball room in a luxury, but out of the way Hotel, all wearing masks, but women in a more revealing dress.  

If someone has a mansion, and can offer a very private veneue, well, who am I to complain!

I thought the idea was a screening night, not an orgy!
When the point is getting to know people, it kind of defeats the purpose to wear masks...

Stranger-in-the-Night7783 reads

OOOPS!  Never mind!  What a convoluted mind I have devloped, thinking about orgies!  It is all your fault, reading these postings have transform me into a sexual animal!

I would like to attend if you ever get it arranged.  I would like it to be a casual get together at someone's home.

fillherup9343 reads

about cold calling a provider, especially since I've never taken that "first step" out of fear or being plain chicken!!  I've "lurked" for awhile and would like to meet a few of you...especially Megan  :-)

Stranger-in-the-Night9551 reads

Yes, I would love to see Megan too, but I felt her screening process was an approximation of the annual prostate check, so I gave up!  Hope she reads this, and would let me see her without grilling me too much!

And ... from that incredibly timeless movie:

"As the leader of all illegal activities in Casablanca, I am an influential and respected man!"  

Megan Dearest ... call here!

This actually sounds like a workable idea and you could also hold it at a public park.  This would eliminate any issues of trying to find a hotel or a private residence for the meeting.

it seems that a few more of you are getting interested - great! we do need to hear from some providers before we can go forward. some great ideas though on where to meet. i'm partial to a pub or saloon somewhere central. and for those who are married its not as though other patrons wouldn't be in the establishment. remember this is a "getting to know you" venue - not a stanley
kubric audition!

a small cozy pub, like epozote in del mar on a slow nite.

Since I'm fairly new here and I'm also interested, I'd thought I'd throw in a suggestion as to what establishment to meet at.
There's a place on Clairemont Mesa Blvd., west of 805 (central location) called "Hungry Stick". Not upscale by any means, but it seems like a good place to socialize, play pool with fellow members, network with others, etc. in a fairly casual atmosphere.
Just my $ .02
Now let's just hope that we can get plenty of providers to meet with.

Like all of you it would be great to see these ladies outside of the work enviormant. Plus we can see who we want to see.
Debbie Moons parties were safe. She invited a few ladies she knew and they invited a few clients they knew. Fun for all.

In a gathering like you suggest, LE will be there. They may have girls working the event or guys or both. They most definatly would be photographing everyone....

As carefull as you may be. The wrong word said could get you bustted. Yes I would love to see these fine looking woman all in one place. I would love to talk to them. I'm single so hitting on them is fair game. I think the event is to risky... Just my 2cents.

a point well taken and being naive with le actions i guess your scenario could materialize. on the other hand if we do this through pm as was suggested by a provider. we can pretty much eliminate le. of course we would have to establish parameters such as: only well known hobbyists, say 5 or more legitimate reviews, or long term recognition this board. Other suggestions are welcomed.

Someone has yet to get the idea of what this is about. This is simply so people can meet. If people decide to go further, so be it. Personally, I could care less if I was photographed. What's the big deal about a picture? Are they going to stick it in a huge file of "possible hobbyists"? Settle down and let those who have the time to do so, enjoy a nice evening of meeting and greeting.

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