San Diego

I think the reason our companions aren't posting ...
incallman2 32 Reviews 248 reads

..... is because of the negative trend of the posts. Not long ago it was common to see posts by several of our lovely companions. Why in the hell would a local provider, trying to make her living here, join in discussions where there is so much disrespectful disagreement? She can't weigh in without pissing off potential clients.  

I know for a fact some ladies here are not the least bit afraid of participating by posting opposing views. However, things have gotten so rude we are now missing out on their diverse perspectives. So, again, hell yeah! I would love to see more companions posting.

Thank you Angelina Jones for the term "Companion."

Onlyalurker706 reads

It's a rhetorical question of course. We all know where they are. In the ad section. Where the ads are coming like clockwork.  
Apart from an occasional complaint about a bad review or post,  seems to be no interest on their part here. Kind of reminds me of my fishing trip last week, where I cast the line and wait patiently for a bite. Compared to other boards in LA, LV, or San Francisco where many women discuss daily a variety of topics, there are crickets here. I wonder why?

so you can waste their time with small talk? The only reason they might have to participate here is to alert us hobbyists of their existence, in case we are interested in booking a session with them.  The veteran providers here are pretty quick to figure out who the time-wasters are.  Most do not want to converse with alias' for that reason.  If you use your real handle, they can see if you have reviews, read them, and decide if they want to engage you on the boards as a potential customer.  With only the alias, you may not have any reviews at all, which begs the question of whether you are even a real hobbyist, or rather some broke guy sitting in the basement of his parent's home in his underwear, which, in turn, gives them little incentive to participate in the board discussions with you or any other alias'.  If I'm wrong, ladies, you are welcome to correct me

Onlyalurker296 reads

So according to you providers only bother to talk to those who might be their potential clients. Obviously people don't feel the same way in other cities. In LV, small talk or not everyone gets on it. I can see now why it's been said that this board is dead. Who wants to get between someone like you who is totally obsessed with aliases and a couple of crybabies that can't take a joke.

Onlyalurker229 reads

Nothing of what he said makes much sense really. What does a number of reviews have anything to do with how active a hobbyist might be. Most ter members don't write any reviews. So what? And it is exactly the female old timers on other boards that talk the most with newbies, aliases and anyone else. Sometimes I get this mental picture from this board of two walking primadonnas pulling a bunch of angry chihuahuas on leashes that snarl and bark at anyone who approaches without an envelope.

..... is because of the negative trend of the posts. Not long ago it was common to see posts by several of our lovely companions. Why in the hell would a local provider, trying to make her living here, join in discussions where there is so much disrespectful disagreement? She can't weigh in without pissing off potential clients.  

I know for a fact some ladies here are not the least bit afraid of participating by posting opposing views. However, things have gotten so rude we are now missing out on their diverse perspectives. So, again, hell yeah! I would love to see more companions posting.

Thank you Angelina Jones for the term "Companion."

I stay fairly busy as I have many other interests outside of this, and I would assume others do as well. I'm also not one to post if I don't have more to add (unless, perhaps, I actually have some spare time).

I don't even post ads like clockwork, either, so perhaps I don't fit into the mold, but that leads to what's unattractive about our regional board: the derogatory way in which we ladies are referred to a little too frequently. We are all different. I realize that some of you guys have had terrible experiences. Some ladies look decades older or heavier than advertised. Some make you wait for hours. Some have pimps. Some are on drugs or are crazy. Some are guilty of review manipulation or threaten you unfairly. Some are desperate to pay rent and will do anything. However, to paint us all (or the vast majority) with that brush is overly negative and also inaccurate. If someone speaks up and says that, they are accused of sucking up to the ladies, and some complain the board is too PC. I think that leaves the board with a strange dichotomy of overly mean and super nice trying to counterbalance each other.

Maybe just say some ladies are [insert bad thing here], but please don't lump us all into your bad experiences. Some ladies are crazy, so it's good to share your experiences so others can learn, but many complaints seem petty. If you really are so jaded, maybe it's time to retire from the hobby.  

Those who use aliases so as not to offend us: well, we are probably less easily offended than you might think, but on the other hand, only someone very desperate wants to see a man who thinks so poorly of us. I like to see men who love a fallen woman, and I'd wager that most ladies feel the same way; we are still human, you know.

not the older ones that have fallen and can't get up.

Kerri, you haven't fallen. You've just taken a different path to one of the many service industries. Welcome.  

As for the other things you wrote - Thank you. I, for one, really appreciate your perspective and your willingness to share it. You are so right about all you wrote. I hope to see you on this board more often.

from another provider, Kerri, I was making a joke using your term "Fallen Women" and was not implying that you are old.  Quite the contrary, your photos show you are quite the looker, IMO.

No offense taken even though I happen to be "mature."  I am old enough to remember those commercials of that famous fallen woman.

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