San Diego

I know you guys are illiterate, but...
GoGoDeeper 649 reads

If you ask an 8 year old to help you read the TER Legal Disclaimer that you twits agreed to, then you would see that TER states, "there are no nude photos on this site".  So that implies you are in violation of their policy by posting these pictures of your sister.  I get why they don't want photos because if one of you Dumb-Asses posts an inappropriate picture, then they may be held accountable.  Don't worry, I brought your photos to the attention of TER.  Their legal department will be in touch...

I am not going to get into a verbal sparing match with you guys, but my friend Regan does have something to say.  (See Link)

-- Modified on 2/24/2015 7:22:50 AM

GoGoDeeper682 reads

Are you telling us there is porn on the Internet???  Whoa that is news!!
Here is news...Repeating the same thing over and over gets boring.

See link below

1) Always great to see the immortal WARREN OATES, and
2) GoGo A-hole, Don't be disrespecting my brand new BFF who posts these great photos, you fucking retarded moron cocksucker!
2a) Let's continue to keep this board classy and civil at all times.

Tequila_GhostStyle594 reads

you could have just enjoyed some morning coffee together with others

-- Modified on 2/24/2015 10:40:25 AM

YoungKenny535 reads

Posted By: LamontCranston69
Now THAT I'd pay $860 for 90 no questions!!!

-- Modified on 2/24/2015 1:45:02 PM

Tequila_GhostStyle678 reads

This board needs at least something worth to watch.  
actually it would be nicer if you would post every day over her, guys would be way more happy.

-- Modified on 2/24/2015 10:30:39 AM

GoGoDeeper650 reads

If you ask an 8 year old to help you read the TER Legal Disclaimer that you twits agreed to, then you would see that TER states, "there are no nude photos on this site".  So that implies you are in violation of their policy by posting these pictures of your sister.  I get why they don't want photos because if one of you Dumb-Asses posts an inappropriate picture, then they may be held accountable.  Don't worry, I brought your photos to the attention of TER.  Their legal department will be in touch...

I am not going to get into a verbal sparing match with you guys, but my friend Regan does have something to say.  (See Link)

-- Modified on 2/24/2015 7:22:50 AM

AverageEverydayJoe617 reads

REALLY?  Legal department?  Cmon GGDeeper - You know this is just a fantansy world.  Sorry but you cant have it both ways.  Fantasy for the posts you like and reality (The Legal department) for the ones you dont.  How about the fact that if it looks/walks/quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck.  Stop kidding yourself.  Or if you'd like, continue on the delusional trail until Larry Ed tracks you and your IP address down. :)

Tequila_GhostStyle632 reads

And you just dumb WK.

nude |njuːd|
1 wearing no clothes; naked: a painting of a nude model.
• [ attrib. ] depicting or performed by naked people: she won't do any nude scenes.
2 of a pinkish-beige colour: nude tights.
a naked human figure, typically as the subject of a painting, sculpture, or photograph: a study of a kneeling nude.
in the nude in an unclothed state: I like to swim in the nude.
ORIGIN late Middle English (in the sense ‘plain, explicit’): from Latin nudus. The current sense is first found in noun use in the early 18th cent.

As far as i see she does have some clothes on. So just run back to the person you licking ass and cry in the corner, or on her laps, just don't forget to pay her for her time.

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