San Diego

Be careful
AverageEverydayJoe 434 reads

You have to keep in mind that anything that gets posted on the internet whether by your current name or one from the past may come back to haunt you :)  Be safe!  Wishing you well "Goldie"

So every so often as providers we get hate mail from bible beaters...
Well I enjoy jabbing back with replies, quoting the bible back to them or just being sassy.

Well, apparently there is a site where our replies are quoted.

You may see some familiar names of our own lovely ladies.
Hoping you get a little laugh from our replies.
Try to stay positive and don't let ANYONE try to bring you down!

AverageEverydayJoe435 reads

You have to keep in mind that anything that gets posted on the internet whether by your current name or one from the past may come back to haunt you :)  Be safe!  Wishing you well "Goldie"

I found their use of Bible quotes intermixed with quotes from serial killers to debate their case funny... and kind of creepy

...for the best response!  

“At least I’ll be able to fuck in hell."

I've seen Chloe reply some comical things to the Bible folks!

DAVEPHX253 reads

This creep has been around a long time, if its the same guy I think.

I understand he was kicked off his prior domain by ISP when he published pictures of "whores" which violated copyright of your own image.   I know some of the escorts who are quoted (in Phoenix) and believe these were from years ago on his other cite and just repeated on his new site.

I tried to correspond with him - with biblical facts - to overcome his common ignorance about biblical issues.  I have extensive research on my site how prostitution never a biblical issue, as long as not related to idolatry of worshiping the fertility gods as in the Temples of Corinth.    Common prostitution often mentioned with no negative inference (as long as women is single not the property of a husband).

Of course a man could have as many wives and concubines as he could afford and not adultery which was a property right crime against a husband.

I have also long ago been a Lifestyles speaker (swing) "Swinging Christians not a biblical issue ) which is related (

Assuming this is the same guy he went ballistic when I tried to have an intelligent e-mail discussion with him.

I commend you for your extensive research. I identify with your beliefs and research as well. It isn't wrong, and anyone whom is unwilling to validate historical and religious fact is on a high horse comprised of delusion

I just have this image in my head: lithe bodies in skin-tight shiny red latex, switching arrow-head tails, tridents in hand, and cute little horns on their heads.  Is this their idea of Hell?

I clicked on that link and on the front page was this, apparently prostitutes:
"Hide/blur their faces in their photos – Job 24"
I won't look it up, but I didn't know Job had any kind of a camera, let alone Photoshop. I could be wrong

-- Modified on 2/20/2014 9:46:21 PM

I looked it up:
The eye of the adulterer watches for dusk;
    he thinks, ‘No eye will see me,’
    and he keeps his face concealed.

whatever, I prefer Thessalonians 4:11-18:
Stay calm; mind your own business; do your own job.

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