San Diego

(2) Should have stayed home / (3) Barely worth the effort / etc...
casinostocks 7 Reviews 900 reads

No meaning to hijack this provider's thread, but some clients ought to remember that on TER a 2 or 3 in the performance category are quantitatively a lot more devastating that their qualitative equivalent. I suspect that younger reviewer to whom you are alluding to, took the literal meaning of the scores rather than their actual contextual meanings in this "world". There were many occasions when I felt that I should have stayed home or something was barely worth my effort, not necessarily all while mongering! I personally am of the opinion that if a provider is open to communicating with a client whom she has never met in any prior occasions, and goes through "all the motions" as advertised, albeit almost all for financial benefits and objectives, is being at least a "nice" service provider. Therefore I really do not see the point in the vindictiveness of dishing out super low scores there.

However, when someone rates a provider a 1 in the first category, i.e, "I was really scared", they should realize that is really reserved to when someone's well being and property are in both present and imminent danger!!! Unless the said provider or an accomplice pulled a knife or a gun to the client or threatened to use some sort of force to subdue a client, I just don't see as to how someone, a male if you will, will be scared out of his shell when visiting am established provider's residence. When I really thought that I had seen it all, I still get unpleasantly surprised by some mongers!

During my own mongering carrier I can count at least 10+ occasions when I didn't take my pecker out of the holster because I just felt uncomfortable with the person and/or the ambience. That kind of cr*p happens and best to move on. Being petty and spiteful just saps the mojo ;-)

A regular mentioned I should read my latetes review.
Told me that- the guy was rude,and mean.  
I told him everyone has their point of views  
when it comes to expectations and experiences.  

Oh my' that was bad 6/6.  
Yes, I'm at 130lbs.
Does that make me over weight and fat?
No! Just over my ideal weight which is 120lbs.  

After we lose a love one, we all grief differently.
I gain 10 pounds...
If men seek a thin playmate please don't see me.  
I have never, had 6/6 lol. in the yrs Iv been on here.  
Theirs the first for everything.  

My regulars are so much fun. Funny how he mentioned that he would "see me in a pinch"
I say: no thanks...  
I'm Better of burning that type of bridge/ client.

If he Didnt like what he saw.  He had the choice to leave.  
Anyway, it bothered me.  

You all have a great rest of the week.  
Just venting

Note the latest review on another popular local provider whom I have personally had seen before plus a multitude of other posters on this forum. She has received a very mean and jaw dropping 1-2, which I suspect will be purged because even the details do not merit that resentful score.  

Not sticking up for anyone in such cases, as I don't care to have a horse in this proverbial race. However, I do wish that providers would stop using 5+ year old photos. Simple rule: if you are not totally satisfied seeing the reflection in the mirror, chances are that the clients will also not be happy with the "changes". Word to the wise, we do hear through the back channels about the providers who have gained 15-20 lbs. since their "current" photos were taken

AGREE re the dubious review that just went up from a gent with ZERO reviews rating an established provider with a 1 and a 2, when she averages around 8s. I will be amazed if TER allows it to stand, and one wonders why someone at the site even approved it for posting.
If it is left up though, I suspect serious members will see through it as they did last year when an inexperienced 23 yr old rated two of the top ladies in town 8/2 and 8/3 respectively after they refused to date him a second time. Sandwiched between numerous stellar reviews such apparently vindictive ones are easily disregarded.

-- Modified on 7/29/2015 7:23:52 PM

No meaning to hijack this provider's thread, but some clients ought to remember that on TER a 2 or 3 in the performance category are quantitatively a lot more devastating that their qualitative equivalent. I suspect that younger reviewer to whom you are alluding to, took the literal meaning of the scores rather than their actual contextual meanings in this "world". There were many occasions when I felt that I should have stayed home or something was barely worth my effort, not necessarily all while mongering! I personally am of the opinion that if a provider is open to communicating with a client whom she has never met in any prior occasions, and goes through "all the motions" as advertised, albeit almost all for financial benefits and objectives, is being at least a "nice" service provider. Therefore I really do not see the point in the vindictiveness of dishing out super low scores there.

However, when someone rates a provider a 1 in the first category, i.e, "I was really scared", they should realize that is really reserved to when someone's well being and property are in both present and imminent danger!!! Unless the said provider or an accomplice pulled a knife or a gun to the client or threatened to use some sort of force to subdue a client, I just don't see as to how someone, a male if you will, will be scared out of his shell when visiting am established provider's residence. When I really thought that I had seen it all, I still get unpleasantly surprised by some mongers!

During my own mongering carrier I can count at least 10+ occasions when I didn't take my pecker out of the holster because I just felt uncomfortable with the person and/or the ambience. That kind of cr*p happens and best to move on. Being petty and spiteful just saps the mojo ;-)

I've never posted in a chat room before. Viviann has always been kind and quick to respond.  
After my weird negative review today, I''m fairly confident this person has never seen me before, as I don't have picks 5 yrs old, when I've only been in the biz for 3yrs and 10 months. I have meet wonderful people and made life long friends. I've had great adventures all over the U.S. and Europe because of these kind people. It's also a great to have an outlet for my sexual frustrations;)...

I bumped into Angle Cassidy today and wow does she look great/hot and has a kind heart!
I've never had a bad experience, life is an accumulation of choices:)

As to the post today, I'm 5'8 and weigh 126.4 lbs exactly (went to doctors yesterday after I fell trail running, luckily I didn't break anything and I'm in perfect health). If I was thinner as they said I was in the past, I'd be 105 lbs and probably dead LOL:). There were other odd discrepancies.  

This makes me sad the someone would like to hurts on this way!

I guess I'll need a victim to vent on ha;)

Posted By: casinostocks
No meaning to hijack this provider's thread, but some clients ought to remember that on TER a 2 or 3 in the performance category are quantitatively a lot more devastating that their qualitative equivalent. I suspect that younger reviewer to whom you are alluding to, took the literal meaning of the scores rather than their actual contextual meanings in this "world". There were many occasions when I felt that I should have stayed home or something was barely worth my effort, not necessarily all while mongering! I personally am of the opinion that if a provider is open to communicating with a client whom she has never met in any prior occasions, and goes through "all the motions" as advertised, albeit almost all for financial benefits and objectives, is being at least a "nice" service provider. Therefore I really do not see the point in the vindictiveness of dishing out super low scores there.  
 However, when someone rates a provider a 1 in the first category, i.e, "I was really scared", they should realize that is really reserved to when someone's well being and property are in both present and imminent danger!!! Unless the said provider or an accomplice pulled a knife or a gun to the client or threatened to use some sort of force to subdue a client, I just don't see as to how someone, a male if you will, will be scared out of his shell when visiting am established provider's residence. When I really thought that I had seen it all, I still get unpleasantly surprised by some mongers!  
 During my own mongering carrier I can count at least 10+ occasions when I didn't take my pecker out of the holster because I just felt uncomfortable with the person and/or the ambience. That kind of cr*p happens and best to move on. Being petty and spiteful just saps the mojo ;-)

SlinkyDink885 reads

Bottom Line here:  post updated photos of Your Model Material body and you might get hobbyists with more realistic expectations.  I ain't hatin on you, but this is my hard earned money and we do have expectations..  Enjoy your day.  I have said all I will say..

You make yourself look even worse.

You don't have any idea how to give appropriate numbers and you shouldn't be allowed to Participate until you figure it out, in my opinion.  

This is like taking a student with a long history of doing "B" work and giving her an "F" for the same quality of work, what everyone else would rate as a "B".  How can you not see that?  Even a tough grader would probably give her at least a "C". It's not black or white. It's not pass or fail.  

You should be embarrassed, not defending yourself like you know what you're talking about.

Do us all a favor, please, and stick with your K girl!

-- Modified on 8/2/2015 9:14:36 AM

-- Modified on 8/2/2015 9:19:36 AM

-- Modified on 8/2/2015 9:30:03 AM

AverageEverydayJoe638 reads

So first off I know Viviana - in fact we go waaay back to the Veronica days.  I have seen her way back then and seen her present day and imho she is great.  V - Don't sweat this - it will all work out as I know you are truly a good person.

WOW - I actually said something nice!  How soothing!

Now let me go off.  Many of you so called hobbyists who score ladies HIGHER than they should be score do a HUGE dis-service to a. The provider and b. The Hobbyist

Let me break it down for my rookie brothers and providers ...

a huge dis-service to providers - b/c they will start to expect inflated scores when thay dont desrve them

a hige dis-service to hobbyists - imagine making an appointment with a provider who has all 9s and 10s and you think WTF?  Is there something wrrong with me?

The problem here is the same problem that existed waaay back when.  Guys being PWhipped by providers.

This is the whole reason I dont review.  trust me when I tell you.  I just saw a provider who gets 8's and she is a FAT, FAT, FAT girl.  I had to send her home and eat my loss.  This shit that perpteuates itself is really bad for everyone.



I'll be frank and say that I rely less and less on TER these days.  The review system here is very susceptible to the generation of unfair and inaccurate ratings - either pandering favor with a provider or seeking to denigrate her for dated photographs or a less than enthusiastic performance.  I tend to use another site - which I will only name via PM - that has private sections with clubs for hobbyists only.  What these candid and hobbyist-focused reviews provide on that site is access to information in theory far from the gaze of providers.  Moreover, review writers have nothing to gain on that site other than providing details for other hobbyists.  In other words, reviews don't generate membership there.  I still read reviews over here, but but I've learnt over the years to critique their details and also their writers.  Once you know what to look for, its very easy to see through the fake reviewers and the fake providers.

AverageEverydayJoe634 reads

Thanks OB.  You said it much more eloquently than I could have.

Ok, Joe. For the first time I've really got to agree with you. You hit each nail squarely. Thank you.

SlinkyDink568 reads

So I will like to say that I recently met a provider (see MY review that Casino refers to) that was overweight.  In her photo from 5 years ago, she was a smoking hot lady.  Now, she looked like road kill.    

So you say just walk away.  We plan these dates days or weeks in advance.  We look her up on the Internet and get ourselves in a froth waiting for a once in a lifetime experience.  We may even pop a blue magic pill just to keep up (LOL- I tried it,  keepin it 100).  Walk away? If she's a zombie..OK.

I will say that some of us expect "Model Material"  to open the door especially when this provider charges such a high rate for her services. Does anyone here not have an idea what a model is supposed to look like?  FFS.. this whole website was created so that hobbyist could connect with providers and have a reasonable amount of assurance they were getting what they hoped for.  

Lesson:  Update your photos!!!

Hurrah to the ladies that do!!!  We know who you are and I have nothing but praise for you.  TER should make a MANDATORY requirement for providers with 8,9, or 10 ratings to submit photos that can be verified annually

I am not 100% certain as to whether you are the reviewer in question, but let's assume that you are:

I would like to preface by saying that although I have personally seen Gamby and have enjoyed my time with her (it is right there in the review) my intention is not to WK for her as I do not have a vested interest. I rarely dabble in the hobby these days and I rarely see anyone more than once.  

My initial shock reaction was with the (1) translation: I was really scared and I have already stated my reasons for my sentiments and as to when that (1) ought to be used. If someone uses a (2) or a (3) performance wise, I personally do not have a problem with those scores because, "I should have stayed home" and "Barely worth the effort" are more a reflection on the monger perhaps not having done his homework. I am no saint in that department and if I had written  reviews of every visit which I have had in the past, my review tally would probably be well over 50 not what it currently shows (some of my past providers have retired and were subsequently deducted from the tally)

Again if you are the actual reviewer, I do understand and I do share some of the concerns which you have generally raised and those which others have also stated about the lofty scoring system. Heck when I was a rookie, I was also guilty of handing out inflated scores by 2-3 points. The TER system is really rigged with this regard and I really don't envision TER ever seriously changing this controversial scoring system which is now a part of TER's fabric.

In closing, as the title says I have walked away from more than a handful of situations sans the donation. Initially I felt like I was violated and as such but in the grand over all scheme of things, I always felt better after wards for not having raised a commotion about it. It is a choice, albeit a hard and expensive choice. To each his own!

I have a date with the lady SlinkyDink denigrated in 4 days. I have never met her before. After seeing his "I was scared" rating, I weighed it against the 21 excellent reviews she has this year alone. Unlike SlinkyDink, who has just this one review, the others came from seasoned reviewers. So I am still proceeding with the date, and will comment on/review it accordingly. Stand by for further.

He reviewed under an alias so there is a chance this user has more reviews under his main handle.
Just sayin

And I like Gamby ^_^ she is super

Epicurus61694 reads

the offending reviewer hasn't given more than a 6 rating in 4 years. If Viv did her homework, she may have seen this coming. A sophisticated hobbyist will ignore the 6's but may take note of the "extra 15" comment. IMHO "in a pinch" was kind of an unnecessary jab. Due to board rules I can't get into specifics of "the juicy details" section, but in itself, it reads like a fun time was had by all. Based ONLY on the juicy details, I'd consider it a good review.  

As AEJ implied, the number rating system is broken. I'm guilty of adding a point because "she was really nice and I might want a reference" and have also been disappointing by more than one 9. Karma I guess.

Funny, the two best experiences I've had happen to be girls who use real, recent, un-blurred pictures.

Well, I haven't changed in my service. I only blurr my face because ( like some of you ) also have a family and a life away from here.  It's important for me to stay low key...  
I'm far from ugly... Lol. Or fat  
You'll actually laugh at that comment. I do have  a small tummy that looks like I'm
 3 months pregnant.  Cause by depression  eating and losing one of my dearest  love one.  
That's why you don't see any reviews until this month.

I wanted to make sure I was emotionally centered and stabled. Ready to be a man's lover/ playmate.  
I'm not like others where their under the influence of something.
I'm actually aware of my actions. Honesty here doesn't really exist. Or people live in a mind of confusion.

Yes, once a woman knows her body. She can control her organisms.
He loved it. I enjoyed myself ( I don't  play as often) so if I'm going to get some, i better make sure I get mine!
He stayed over his time! He didn't mention this did he?
In the end. Those are actions of an unhappy man.  
No matter how beautiful, hot or sexy his next victim is. He will do the same.
People are creatures of habit.

I will continue to give it my all. Shame on him.  
That didn't see a fun, caring, passionate and genuine woman .  
Who welcomes others with open arms.
My fault, for not having a full membership .
I learned back when- that a ref are not all that.
The connection is what matters.  


Posted By: Epicurus61
the offending reviewer hasn't given more than a 6 rating in 4 years. If Viv did her homework, she may have seen this coming. A sophisticated hobbyist will ignore the 6's but may take note of the "extra 15" comment. IMHO "in a pinch" was kind of an unnecessary jab. Due to board rules I can't get into specifics of "the juicy details" section, but in itself, it reads like a fun time was had by all. Based ONLY on the juicy details, I'd consider it a good review.    
 As AEJ implied, the number rating system is broken. I'm guilty of adding a point because "she was really nice and I might want a reference" and have also been disappointing by more than one 9. Karma I guess.  
 Funny, the two best experiences I've had happen to be girls who use real, recent, un-blurred pictures.
-- Modified on 7/30/2015 6:51:53 AM

The extra fat on my tummy.  Not bad for a lady my age.  
It can only get better with my new regimen and a healthy diet.

May everyone have a great rest of the week.  Oh' and a wonderful Weekend.

The weather is beautiful here in  "America's finest city"
must enjoy it. Bye for now. Until me meet in person.

Besos, kisses

And it's such an important point.

His words weren't unkind.

Sometimes we can see this coming and sometimes we can't. As you know a lot of guys don't disclose their TER handles especially when they are giving below average numbers like this guy.

It's still really sucks to get numbers way below average but seeing that the guy gives all low numbers should be some consolation.

When I got a below average number recently my first panicky thought was, "oh no, what went wrong"? Then I saw that all of his ratings were pretty strict.  So, okay, then.  That's not so bad.

The problem is it effects our averages and that's why the numbers are so important to us.

-- Modified on 8/2/2015 9:05:17 AM

I have been given grief in the past for not wanting to book with people who "score low"  
This is an example of why

These people can't be pleased - even if I did a backflip onto their cock while juggling flaming bowling pins and playing the national anthem on a kazoo.

The bottom line is I don't want to meet with someone who either is scoring "harshly" as this user appears to have (as in the scores are low but the review isn't bad). I want to meet with someone who appears to review consistent to ladies average ratings - though that isn't to say I haven't met with people who have low score review submissions. I usually ask "why the low scores" and look into the ladies he scored. If they are scored on average higher I would look into the content of the review and see if it's just harsh scoring or if there were "issues" during the date.

I guess my point is that we ladies should be checking these out and had the OP done so perhaps this wouldn't have been a huge shocker resulting in this thread.

A lot of these guys who have posted who I know personally have told me they themselves have been guilty of "rounding up" in some cases so let us not be the pot calling the kettle black. We each have our part in this system. Guys need to stop rounding up, ladies need to stop asking for 10/10 reviews (I have PERSONALLY read an email from a "top lady" to a date earlier this year who asked in TWO SEPARATE emails for a 10/10 review) and I think the top 100 needs to go as it only encourages the rating abuse by the ladies. TER should also consider removing the 10 days VIP credit for reviews as it encourages false reviews wether good or bad.

OK - done. Sorry for the long posting.

Carry on, nothing to see here

Namaste, GK

AliasSmithAndJones762 reads

I have been active in this hobby for about 10 years, but I have only one review a very long time ago as I prefer to remain discrete. That's my choice. But I feel I must react to Gamby's poor review. I have seen this wonderful lady a number of times in the past, and she is spectacular. In no way does she resemble the review of her. This person is probably a jilted suitor or something along those lines. Although TER's policy of allowing only a max of 8 for FBSM precludes her from higher ratings, she is clearly one of the top in San Diego. I have been with over 100 of the ladies on this service (although not Vivianna Love ironically) and Gamby is one of the nicest, sexiest and funniest people out there. I really try to keep way below the radar, but I feel I must speak out to straighten the record.

+1. When a shit head post that type of review under a alias its clear he has a severe case of ED.

Agreed.  I've seen Gamby fairly recently, and as my review attests, I found her hot and very skilled.  Apologies to Vivianna for what happened - and also apologies for a monumentally hijacked thread.  This topic seems to have found a lot of interest.

No need for apologies here.
It's a fact. We all need to keep it real.
I have always enjoyed my Ter gents...  
It won't change.  There's bad apples everywhere.  
I will continue to be me and share my joy and passion with those that appreciate a lady like myself.  

When  men place  low rates on the wrong person, it's bad.  

When the ladies are wishy washy. Or actually, don't match what their ads mention it's disappointing for men.  
Why? Well he has a picture in his head of what he thinks the provider will look like.  
 It's best to read reviews. Look at all the pictures.  

In my case, yes! I gain some weight ;( Im human... I know so many ladies that are actually big... Yet I'm sure their dates don't complain.  

On the positive side . I'm a petite lady, with a passion  when it comes to kind compassinate people like myself.  
Unfortunate  the lost of my only brother affected me.  
To those of your  that haven't lost a love one. You have no idea how. People grief .  

Life is this way.   We can only control our actions .
immactually, turning this into a positive.  
Theres gents that didn't know of this little secrete here in Cali.  
I don't call myself a legend.  
Howevet, my dates will say a sweet beautiful creature.

Live,love and be kind
Vivianna Love.
Funny how I don't see females on this trend.  

Posted By: osssieboy
Agreed.  I've seen Gamby fairly recently, and as my review attests, I found her hot and very skilled.  Apologies to Vivianna for what happened - and also apologies for a monumentally hijacked thread.  This topic seems to have found a lot of interest.

RichardLongwood487 reads

You got his highest review in the past 4 years.  

Sorry about the review.  It sounds more like an 8/8 at least.  Your pics look like an 8 or 9.  

That client was an exception.  Things should get better, much better.  Hang in there!!

Went it comes to personal.  Life couldn't be much better.  
Family and dears friends are doing wonderful.

I see it as a reality check. That there's people that no matter how good they have it... Their  never satisfied... It's not us. It's them.  

Fuuny, that is the 8 yrs of being here.  this is the second time this low rates happen.  
Back when ( 2000-2001) when I only offering fbsm,.
Life so busy. Nothing buy great times. Men were more than happy with a real fbsm  for 150hr.  
No drama. The reviews mentioned: " they didn't mind the 150 just  to meet me.  
Everyone of them were happy campers.  

I miss those days.
Things have changed

A quick look at your individual ratings attest to the beautiful woman you are. San Diego guys know that. The issue always is these snipers who like to degrade and inturn affect your regional and national average. Unfortunate but it is what it is. You can always tell the bogus shit head when thie score is totally out of the norm. Your a San Diego doll!

Posting this here to close out my above reply on this issue of Gamby's questionable review. I had my first ever date scheduled with her today. Just came from it, and she is a fantastic lady appearance, performance and personality wise. She is a pretty 30 something woman with a body close to perfect as a woman can be. She stands 5'8" and weighs just 126 lbs. Why and how do I know this? Well, because the denigrating 1/2 rated review of her, referenced earlier,  said "she had packed on 15 to  20 lbs" implying she is overweight. Since she had a scale handy at her house I actually watched her stand on it and saw the 126 reading. The lady is a runner, who's in terrific shape. I seriously wonder whether the poor review may actually have been  written by someone affiliated with one of the massage girl agencies to downgrade a competitor, as the supposed "reviewer" mentioned how he preferred them a couple times.  
 She's a terrific, totally unique, FBSM provider of the highest quality IMO

ja_ja28677 reads

This is why I don't write reviews. I don't want to offend anybody. Generally speaking, most of the ladies I've met have been extremely nice and great in the performance part but over rated in the looks department. I don't see that many 10's walking around in public yet there seem to be plenty on this site. 9 (model material) is a bit of a reach. I've seen a few 7 (attractive) and 8's(really hot) though most have been in the 6 (nice looking) category. I guess this being harsh.

I think I read the review in question and I thought it a very positive one. I would go see Vivianna based on that review. Really, I think I will.  I like the part about the Eva Longoria Milf type.  

As others have mentions. I would like to see pictures get updated more often. I've been a member on this site off and on for quite some time and it's funny to see some pictures haven't changed.

Slightly off topic. We need a better way to address the age. That seems to be off quite a bit.

You should check for yourself...

I haven't changed nor has my look.
 You be the judge...  
I did take out the pictures when I was 118 lol

I look 30.  Not 40 ;) however, I'm not going to be placing my face all over the net.

Those that wish to experience my passionate side are more than welcome.
My fbsm are just a great way to meet ...  
I love and respect my personal life just for men that have had bad experiences with ladies.

He saw my face. So that's why he contacted me.  
Yes I gain a little in the mid section.
That doesn't mean I'm nasty fat...  
I wear it well. I'm aware of my weight.  
I love my womanly curves...
If men seek a thinner less curvy. Then go ahead. I have my gents that adore my cures and the hot sessions and dinner dates I offer.  
This doesn't hurt my business in here. On the positive. It brought awareness to the gents that visit San Diego ;))  

Thanks everyone for your input.

Please reserve ahead.  Use my website for faster booking.  
Lately we have been busy with ball games, and the convention is booked.

It's one bad review, who cares? Do you feel better now that you brought more attention to the review? Did everyone stroke your ego enough to move on and get over it?  I don't get why you "ladies" have to whine and cry about one review. If anything, you brought more attention to it by posting this rant. I guess  that's what attention wh---s do. You've never been a 6/6? LOL. I'm sure you have but not everyone chooses to write a review. Most of these guys give out 10s because they're just happy someone will touch them. Don't flatter yourself. You like a 6 or 7 at best. Nothing special.  

Bring it on, white knights. ;)

Lol. And your hiding your identity lol...
I'm not whining. However, Your correct.  Now I don't have to advertise.  
"Get over myself?" Nope, it's not about an ego. It's the business side of me.

 Hopefully, I never see you.
You have a negative soul.
No such thing as a bad review. Lol I turn and see the positive in things and in life.
This doesn't make me or break me.

Thank god I have a well rounded life away from Here..

You? Well you sound miserable.  Hope you find joy within yourself.  Cause you seem jaded.  

Posted By: shutyourmouth
It's one bad review, who cares? Do you feel better now that you brought more attention to the review? Did everyone stroke your ego enough to move on and get over it?  I don't get why you "ladies" have to whine and cry about one review. If anything, you brought more attention to it by posting this rant. I guess  that's what attention wh---s do. You've never been a 6/6? LOL. I'm sure you have but not everyone chooses to write a review. Most of these guys give out 10s because they're just happy someone will touch them. Don't flatter yourself. You like a 6 or 7 at best. Nothing special.  
 Bring it on, white knights. ;)

You too are "hiding your identity" are you not?
Just sayin'


Are you speaking to me???
Whats wrong with you females?  
What did I do to you?

It's true when they say females are Catty.  
I was referring to the "alias"
You smart one. Not about blurring or not posting my face.
FYI, I have love ones and a day job away from here.
Besides my prestige, VIP clientele appreciate and love fact that I'm low key.

Have a wonderful weekend.  



Have a fabulous weekend.  

Posted By: GoldieKnox
You too are "hiding your identity" are you not?  
 Just sayin'  

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