Porn Stars

Re:Internal Reaming Service ...
mrfrench 40 Reviews 8589 reads

Points all well taken...

and yet one can't help but wonder whether or not we are truly "safe" and whether our information is kept "private" by these agencies, and whether or not Asscroft,or any other authority figure can track us down from an agency's records.  Big brother doth watch.

I remember back in the 1980s, I was using an escort agency in the NYC area quite regularly.  I even used credit cards because I did not want to have large amounts of cash on me.

One day, I received a phone call from the manager of the agency.  There apparently had been a sting operation, and some of the working girls, the phone girls, and the manager had all been arrested.  They were under investigation by "the Feds".  The manager wanted to know if I would be willing to talk to the agent in charge,and testify that they were a legitimate "social escort agency" and that no sex ever took place between me and the girls I used.

I was frightened out of my skull... I declined to testify... and then went into a state of panic for *MONTHS* worrying that either the Feds would contact me anyway, or that some goon squad from the mob would "talk me into testifying".

It really makes you stop and think about what could happen to us because of our hobby...

BTW, I never heard from either the Feds, or the mob, and the agency is still operating in NYC.  

I found this on a webmaster site:

Valley Man writes: "I.R.S. criminal investigators are going around to the girls who have worked for Body Miracle and asking them a bunch of questions. Some girls are refusing to talk to them. The I.R.S has records of the cash and credit card
transactions of all clients. They know exactly how many times they have worked for the company and who the client was. The phones were ringing hot in the Valley today!"

bodymiracle8744 reads

This report is largely false. There is an audit being done and a few girls were contacted about the 1099 forms that were mailed to them by us.

The IRS has NO records of ANY client names, nor ANY individual cash or credit card transactions. Merely copies of 1099 forms that evey business is required to file each January.

Of course, we filed all returns and paid all taxes. Our client records are totally secure and confidential as they have been for many years.

These tax guys appear to enjoy the chance to meet a few porn stars. "Valley Guy" is wrong. End of story.


-- Modified on 8/22/2003 8:17:03 PM

This seems logical. For anyone who has ever had to deal with the IRS or has been trained to deal with them, this is how they work. They just want to make sure the incoming and outgoing totals match up. I can also see where they might want to contact some of the ladies to make sure that the copies of the 1099 they received match the ones Bodymiracle sent in. Although they have all the ladies information in their files, the chance to meet a real pornstar would be an added bonus.

Lord Of The Rings8301 reads

Like I have always said here, I have used Nici's Girls twice. She created a profile, which had all of my information, something that I did not like but it was the only way I could meet her pornstars. She recently contacted me again seeking to update my information for which I refused.

Having said that, why would an agency keep records of the transactions X client has done with them instead of shredding them for both the client and agency's security? I mean in reality, escorting is illegal in all states except for a few areas so why keep records of the clients for?

This is one of the reasons why I prefer to go direct. I know many of you would ask why do I care? Simple, not every hobbyist books direct or can always book direct and I think we should all be concerned, or at least I am.

Good luck to all the Agencies been investigated.


With many agencies, just because you've paid a member fee, passed screening and saw one of the ladies it doesn't make you "forever secure".

They keep a record of the ladies you visited so that way they can pass on the info to the lady.  I'm a  member of RS2K in Chicago and have been for many years. When I go direct with a provider, or another girl listed on the site, they can see who I've been with and what kind of client I was.  It shows that I wasn't a rude a**hole, drunk or stiffed em on payment.  When you become known as a client, the service sometimes gets better, you may get more "extras" or the price may drop a little.

Overtime, clients can change their behavior just like a provider can change their performance.  This kind of tracking keeps a provider informed and safe.

setman7553 reads

It seems that Ashccroft and his weenies are opening another front in their war on the porn industry.

why the hell does this even have to be posted this is bidy miricales and the girls problem just some jerk trying to hurt another honest business

hell i was audited too maybe we should post it here any one else want to share they have been audited

i am sure body miracle is taking appropaiate steps in securing clients info

as well as the girls i am sure they will be discrete

i remember many years ago the irs came down like a boom on many porn stars

why doesent the irs investagate the curupt congress and senate

well good luck BM and the girls

Col Hogan

as i said on the other board ... this is proof positive that BodyMiracle must be doing something right, for the Feds to come after them like this i mean  LOL  ;-)

but seriously, i think if BM had really done something egregiously wrong they'd be facing a major audit with their stubs being sent to DoJ and Ashcroft himself to review ... that is how they would go after the "underworld" (and how they got Al "Scarface" Capone -- who btw was a great patron of the hobby!)


i usually don't throw the word "misogynist" around recklessly, but when it comes to Ashcroft (and his cronies) one has to wonder

Frankly, some of you should really grow up.  The sex trade and escort profession are loaded with "non-reporters" along with several other industries (try the drug trade for example or the local bar).  One would expect the IRS to initiate projects to identify unreported income and it hardly involves some edict of John Ashcroft or the IRS making some moral judgement about sex (only unreported income).

The fact is either we or our children (when the pay off the "deficit" fueled national debt) will pay the price for unreported income.  Those additional costs of the tax gap affect all of you who do legitimately pay your taxes; in effect, your available income is lowered in a variety of ways and the "hobby" becomes proportionately more expensive.

As far as IRS access to personal information and the knee jerk reaction of some, readers might consider whether those who protest so loudly may be deducting their "hobby costs."  If so, you deserve any attendant consequences.  John Ashcroft isn't the only who should be angered by your bogus deductions, the rest of us should as well - it doesn't have to do with a moral judgment about sex, folks, it's about tax fraud.

Points all well taken...

and yet one can't help but wonder whether or not we are truly "safe" and whether our information is kept "private" by these agencies, and whether or not Asscroft,or any other authority figure can track us down from an agency's records.  Big brother doth watch.

I remember back in the 1980s, I was using an escort agency in the NYC area quite regularly.  I even used credit cards because I did not want to have large amounts of cash on me.

One day, I received a phone call from the manager of the agency.  There apparently had been a sting operation, and some of the working girls, the phone girls, and the manager had all been arrested.  They were under investigation by "the Feds".  The manager wanted to know if I would be willing to talk to the agent in charge,and testify that they were a legitimate "social escort agency" and that no sex ever took place between me and the girls I used.

I was frightened out of my skull... I declined to testify... and then went into a state of panic for *MONTHS* worrying that either the Feds would contact me anyway, or that some goon squad from the mob would "talk me into testifying".

It really makes you stop and think about what could happen to us because of our hobby...

BTW, I never heard from either the Feds, or the mob, and the agency is still operating in NYC.  

(DISCLAIMER: hi folks, i just got back from getting laid and i'm as drunk-ass as a Democratic Donkey/Ass can be! [burp] :-)

still, where would we dumb "foolish" liberals be without conservatives like you Mr. Foolish to ass-kick us back to reality?  :-)

[deep breath]

first off, i think you misunderstood my (typically) tongue-in-cheek humour -- but that's not your fault, most folks do (especially right-wing nuts) -- but what ever posssesed you to de-lurk and spew your Dubya-defending NRA-supporting SEC-dealing IRS-milking Right-Wing Conservative diatribe and spew it on THIS board (of all places) is a bit beyond me!   LOL

my "rants" against Ashcroft (on this board) are solely limited to criticism of his views towards the porn industry (re: the EA bust, the hobby, etc) and WOMEN in general (PSEs are women afterall, the last time i checked  ;-)

if you want to defend your Right-Wing buddies (like you have been on the LA Board) you just may find yourself swimming up the creek without a paddle on this board my friend ... frankly, i don't know too many PSEs that vote Republican ... you're not exactly recruiting votes for your party is what i mean!  ;-)

peace out ...  ROFL


btw, have you ever read Sun Tzu, "The Art of War" ???  .... i have!  ;-)

but of course, it's pretty clear what YOU do for a living!

2sense6915 reads

Don't forget the Feds swarming all over the poor San Diego (Democratic) councilman who took campaign donations from strip club owners. Ahh, if only Ashcroft took such interest in Kenneth "Kenny Boy" Lay, as I notice Lay seems to be doing very well in his retirement from Enron, the bankrupt company that did so much to devastate California with its energy-trading schemes.

i should say "delicious" actually ... even to a hung-over democr-ASS like me!  ;-)


Taxman: "BAD hobbyist, BAD porn-lady [shades of Jerry Lewis] ... you're hurting this country's economy!"  :-(

by all means, let us turn a forgetful (if not blind) eye to the BILLIONS of dollar$ of tax fraud perp'ed by BIG CORP USA (Enron et al) and other subsidiaries of "Republica Inc"

and in its place ... get "righteously" incensed by the sleight-of-hand tax dealings of hobbyists and pornstars (AND their attorneys)  ... which in my rough (back-of-the-envelope) calculation could possibly (tragically) total a "whopping" million or two -- $1,825,000* anually approximately (to be exact)

(*) $1,825,000 worth of PSE-related anual tax fraud, estimated based on 5 unreported $1K/session payments per day for 365-days-a-year  ... what, not happy with this estimate? no problem ... just multiply it by 5, 10, 20, even 100 PSEs a day!


[note-to-self]: don't mix Viagra and Baileys Irish Cream next time ... "hair of the dog that bit me"? ... I DON'T THINK SO!  


roadtripking6738 reads

The one weak link in this entire industry is also the most important - the ladies. The IRS doesn't care about the agency - they care about going after the ladies especially if they are under reporting or non reporting (you think there might be one or two of them lol). I have always thought the IRS could bring this whole house of cards down by going after the ladies. The work of LE is like a mosquito bite - just a nuisance, but the IRS is the real deal. Just think about it fellows, do you ever wonder why they demand cash and don't even want money orders or credit cards?

and making statements without having a clue as to how the IRS usually operates.  MichaelCA and FOOLISHJON seem to have a pretty good handle on this situation.  Based upon bodymiracle's reply to the initial post it would seem that bodymiracle sent out 1099's to the ladies and I suspect the ladies either failed to report the income or reported less income than what bodymiracle put on the 1099.

The IRS using a computer to match the total amount of income shown on 1099's sent to a person and the amount of this income reported on their tax return.  If the numbers don't match a computerized letter is usually generated and sent to the person indicating that the IRS believes that they owe more taxes.  Depending upon the response to that letter additional steps are taken as necessary.  The important thing to remember is that a computer flags the discrepancy and this has been going on for at least 15 years.  The computer was not programmed by John Ashcroft.

For example if you got a 1099 from your bank showing that you had received $1000 of interest income during 2002 and you failed to report that on your income tax return, you will be hearing from the IRS.

Unless the IRS suspected bodymiracle of not reporting some of its income they would not be spending much time looking at the cash and credit card receipts of bodymiracle.  If as bodymiracle says this is a 1099 thing then at most they might look at bodymiracle's cash disbursements to see that they paid each lady what they said they did.

At this point as a hobbyist I would not be very alarmed because unless you deducted payments to bodymiracle as business expense they would probably have no interest in you no matter what happens.

One point to be made though, is sometimes when the feds don't necessarily have a solid case from a criminal (illegal activities) stand point, they can still utilize other resources, ie. the IRS to build a case.

Just remember how they ended up nailing Capone - for tax evasion.  He was so hard to nail on anything else, but it was an organized attempt to end his criminal career.  So although many of the others are correct in their assessment of the IRS and it's possible cases against the ladies and agencies, it could very well be just one arm of the laws attempt to stamp out something it feels operating above the law.

Of course what you say is always possible.  However if the IRS started out with the intnet of proving that several providers did not report on their tax returns all of the income received  during the year they would probably not bother looking at Body Miracle's records.  Instead they pull the tax returns of every provider that Body Miracle hasd sent a 1099 that year.  They would review those returns to deternmine that there was good reason to believe that income had been under reported.  They would then look to begin an audit using economic reality examination techniques.

A simplified example would be as follows.

You started out the year with no money in the bank.  You declared income of $100,000 and at the end of the year you had $125,000 in the bank.  They would want to know where the extra $25,000 plus all of your living expenses came from and why it was not shown as income on your tax return.

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