Porn Stars

Re:I rather do that than abusing a pornstars friendship to the extreme like you have done. (eom)
jldick50 8594 reads

Youre absolutely right, I can't top that, YOU win. Happy Hunting

fasteddie5113101 reads

Nikki's having trouble with her computer, so she asked me to pass this on.

She'll be in Philly this Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, and she and I will be getting together one of those nights... she's inviting any Philly hobbyist to meet us at a local bar, have a few drinks and hang out... Niiki is as wild as they get, and she's a total blast to drink with, so when I get the particulars as to where and when, I'll let everyone know.

jldick508923 reads

Let me see if I've got this straight, hang out with you and Nikki Diamond, oh boy YOU and Nikki Diamond, kinda like I could be the 5th wheel, WOW maybe we could turn this into a TV dating show, thanks but no thanks(ROTFLMAO)

I don't know.....sounds sort of cool to hang out with a beautiful woman and get shitface falling out my chair. No pressure meeting with no strings attached, to perhaps pursue a future meeting if you clicked. I like it. Wish I would be in Boston to share, have fun eddie!!!!!

fasteddie518490 reads

It's in Philly, not Boston....

jldick508489 reads

Sit back, have a few drinks and you can be anywhere you want, even in Boston with Nikki Diamond even if shes in Philly(LOL)

Lord Of The Rings6705 reads

-- Modified on 6/14/2003 11:22:34 PM

jldick5010328 reads

So why don't you take Eddie up on his offer, maybe he will throw you a bone, if not you can go sleep with the little dogs on the porch(ROTFLMAO) Happy Hunting

Sounds Great to me.  I'm a philly based hobbyist, and have actually had Nicki on my radar screen for some time.  If she is open to "brothas" as fans and future clients, I would love to  peep her out.  Just let me know when and where.


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