Porn Stars

sbjohnwe 13 Reviews 4652 reads

I talked to guage several times at karaoke. she might be fed up with LA but shes a city girl now she would not know what to do in a small town. I do know that if you emailed with her you got the webmaster. she doesnt have a clue. she would show up if you booked probably but i would do it with an agency.

She is also alot smaller them you expect. I was blown away.

HBer4635 reads

Anyone had a PSE with this cute little spinner?

I tried contacting Gauge and she replied quickly. Turns out that she wanted the same fee directly as through the agency. Fee at the time was $2.5k per hour. We exchanged a couple of emails. I signed up for her website and her Yahoo websites. Lady is a bit of an airhead and doesn't follow through on a lot of things. If you setup a session, don't be surprised if she flakes. Definitely do not send a deposit. She never mentioned one but this was all about 18 months ago.

HBer4259 reads

Just the 411 I was looking for.  Thanks dude!

David4536728 reads

 I remember seeing a while ago she was stuck in NJ and working for a very low (reasonable) price.

I saw Gauge a year ago in NYC. She's fun and I'd definitely see her again. She's even smaller in person than she looks in her videos.

Michael mentioned he'd been in email communication with Gauge. Unfortunately, he was probably talking with her webmaster or boyfriend. Gauge told me she is totally clueless about computers and doesn't even own one. She said her website and all of her email is handled by the guy who setup and runs her website. This was also confirmed by Tina Cheri, Gauge's former best friend.

I was told about a month ago that Gauge is burned out with LA and is getting ready to head back to her home in Arkansas. She is still listed on the Exotica-2000 website but hasn't toured in a long time.

I remember Gauge stating that one of the things they were giving her when they redesigned her website was a computer. Story was that she was supposed to get one from someone previously , I think her previous webmaster, but the guy just kept it or the money. From the posts, it sounded like someone was entering the information for her. Whoever was replying to emails and posting to the two websites was just as flakey as the reputation Gauge has for being not all there.

As I said, my entire contact has been electronic. However I have read a number of reviews on Gauge. All seem to agree that she is great in bed but not much to talk to and fairly immature. Not trying to burn the lady, just pssing on what I know and have heard.

Good Luck.

Shit, are we supposed to talk during these exploits?  I've been trying to make sure my mouth is always full!  Am I doing this wrong?  xoxo  Jenn

I'm beginning to think I should have driven through you as well when I was driving through KC last month!

HBer5801 reads

2.5K/hour is a little too much for me, maybe I'll wait until my birthday!  I there a direct contact # for her?

I talked to guage several times at karaoke. she might be fed up with LA but shes a city girl now she would not know what to do in a small town. I do know that if you emailed with her you got the webmaster. she doesnt have a clue. she would show up if you booked probably but i would do it with an agency.

She is also alot smaller them you expect. I was blown away.

Gauge & Ron Jeremy will be in the southern New England area doing signings @ Amazing Video (Metro Company) stores this weekend.  Unfortunately, I already have a prior commitment to a friend or I'd try & get info for the board here.


Where in New England will she be?  I would love to see that cute little spinner for myself.

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