Porn Stars

Re:Devon's myspace bulletin - anyone know the truth?
loki1619 4 Reviews 2761 reads

A lot of the pornstars that have legit accounts will usually at one time or another have a picture of them with a sign or paper they will hold up that says something about myspace.  Plus I am pretty confident that is really Devons page because Britney Skye posted a bulletin telling people to add her.  I have probably about 40 different pornstars on my friends list for shits and giggles.  Its a good way to find out when they have new movies coming out too.

Devon posted the below bulletin on myspace yesterday. Not completely sure if it's actually from her, but it is coming from what I believe to be her official myspace profile. In any case, she seems to now be calling herself Kristie instead of Devon because of some legal issues.

Anyone know the truth??? Was she just smoking a lot of weed when she wrote this?


Hey whats up!!!!!!!! Man ive been goin through so much stuff lately over people trying to have a piece of me but fuck them. haha. they need to start smoking weed the way i see it. First off i want you all to know if i ever dissapear and you know what i mean, its cuz of my x company. Enough money can make someone not exist besides a stage name. Past that my head is up like always just more motivated. Whoever the fuck you are sending death messages to me and my fiance's private emails have fun getting payed. Here's the whole truth though. As of right now our current investor pulled out of our project becasue i can't use the name devon so they never believed in me personally anyway then. move on:) This shit is still happening but im layin low underground for a bit but wanted to say hi to all my fans. Smoke a bowl for me cuz ive been rippin them for you. On a good note today is sunny and beautiful so thats whats best:)!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow is wakeboarding and after that im suppose to learn how to skateboard at this local skatepark. haha. i bet im gonna break my arm or something. lol. Anyway i gotta bounce out of the area for a bit but love you all and catch ya on the flip side. Even if it sounds like im bummed and being negative its nothing like that. I finally see this horrible industry from the outside after kiicking it with tons of cool people away from porn. My email is full of people saying lets boycott digital playground so thats sounds fun to me. haha. real fun!!! oh yeah i saw some funny shit today. i was hanging out by the local taco truck getting some quesadillas and some random bum guy got thrown out of the back of a vans beat up to hell so i gave him my pack of cig's cuz he needed it!!! he wasn't allowed to tell me what happened but we offered him the couch for the night so tonight we might be smoking some fat bowls with this cool homeless guy. haha i love kickin it with everyone. if anyone has every heard the atmosphere song -angelface that song is tight. the most random people in the world can make your day flip from bad to the best day ever!!!!!!!!!!!! never make fun of someone homeless because you should ask them thier story instead:) anyway i just smoked a blunt and and gonna go rip my roor. lates everyone. XOXO Kristie

Am I the only person who was frightened after reading that long winded, unintelligent bunch of words ?

Is she the poster child for the percieved sterotype of a PS ?  My God, if that is how that woman really is, and thinks, how anyone could desire to spend time with her, let alone try to converse, is beyond me.

I got a headache just trying to read that.

From some of the things I have read on her myspace page it sounds like she has seriously bad dealings with previous porn companys and that is why she left Digital Playground.  Her account name on myspace used to be Fuck Digital Playground.  It does sound like she smokes too much weed though lol.

Do you see PSE's to converse with them or to fuck them?

I'm sure you and Holly Body solved all of the worlds problems.

I see PS's for the normal reasons.  I ALSO want to be able to converse with them.  If all I wanted to do was get my dick wet, I could drive around and find the local streetwalking crack head, picking her up would guarantee a conversation such as the example Devon gave us..

Perhaps when you mature some more, you will appreciate being able to communicate intelligently with a provider.  You know, if all you want to do is get your dick wet, buy a blowup doll, slap some lube on it, and go to town, that way you wouldn't have to worry about talking.

One last thing, why do you see PS's, oh yea, you don't!

She's young, probably uneducated and she's a blonde!


From what i understand thru the adult back gossip and so forth is she is now in a similar battle with DP such as Tera Patrick. I dont think  its quit as indepth as Tera's issues. But then you also have DP posting that they own no rights to the name "Devon". All be it not from Joone or an official statement from Adella.

So clearly its either a very bad PR attempt by "Devon" or shes being sued. Then lastly shes just another porn girl with a few screws lose  add drug use into the equation and she becomes even more insane.

And yes this is her real page..

Joe Shhmoe2839 reads

I'm not sure I'd put much belief in it being actually her myspace account. There seems to be a lot of bogus myaccount's for various women, people, of different celebrity status. I know of quite a few that were up for 3 different internet model's and all were pretty much shown to be fake. Why someone would spend the time to create a fake account for someone else is beyond me but it evidently happen's quite a lot.

I think she sounds hot...I'd love to spark one with her anytime...yummm

A lot of the pornstars that have legit accounts will usually at one time or another have a picture of them with a sign or paper they will hold up that says something about myspace.  Plus I am pretty confident that is really Devons page because Britney Skye posted a bulletin telling people to add her.  I have probably about 40 different pornstars on my friends list for shits and giggles.  Its a good way to find out when they have new movies coming out too.

Joe Shhmoe1922 reads

Just out of curiosity how do you know Britney Skye posting a bulletin there was really Britney Skye? I'm not saying that either of the women aren't who they say they are but you never know. Personally I think myspace is a bunch of crap but to each there own.

Brittney Skye does or used to at least have a picture of her holding up a sign with her myspace URL on it.

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