Porn Stars

Re: She responds within a few hours up to a few days if it isn't urgent
switch51 720 reads

Business related, but not specific to booking.  I was verified at one point...

switch513325 reads

How long does it take for her to reply to emails?  Has anyone tried reaching her lately?

usually about 10 minutes..she is one of the best in the business..

switch511055 reads

Is this true recently/lately?  I haven't been able to get a reply at all in the last few days.

___________947 reads

I haven't spoken to her in the last two weeks though.  

I'm guessing it depends on what you are emailing her too.  

Are you sending her anything questionable or are all your correspondences mostly strictly business?  

Also she doesn't respond unless you're verified.

switch51721 reads

Business related, but not specific to booking.  I was verified at one point...

Sent my request on Friday afternoon and received a response a few hours later.  

Posted By: switch51
How long does it take for her to reply to emails?  Has anyone tried reaching her lately?

Best is the business is correct !!
Depending on the timeframe of you appt request & urgency of request it may take up to 2 or 3 days for a response.

switch51729 reads

Is this through email?  Do you always get a response?

-- Modified on 2/25/2014 5:59:39 AM

I've been getting 1 response per day, usually around 3-4pm Pacific time.  We've been making arrangements for next weekend. I hope everything goes as planned, if so, it will be an EPIC weekend!

switch51704 reads

Does it matter which email you email to?  I'm not sure what to do

bigguy30802 reads

Hey man,

Why don't you contact the porn star directly, if she is not responding back to you?  It's worth a try and just let the girl know you have  references and want to see her for some private time.  Pamela might be busy or maybe did not get your information.

So just take a chance and contact the porn star directly and have fun!

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