Porn Stars

For your sake, I hope this is the correct info. There is no BS in this board. Doc the mod is ...sad_smile
GirlCrazy 11258 reads

extremely knowledgeable and won't tolerate any funny business, especially in this board.

-- Modified on 10/12/2002 12:09:15 PM


Is visiting my city in the next week and I would like to see her, but the agencies are steep.  Is there a way to email her direct?  I looked, but can't find a contact.



pb12876 reads

I also would like to know.  TER message me.

She does not book outside her agency but you should still see her as she is worth every penny.

Brooke April10299 reads

I am a PS and have known Miko Lee for severals years.  I know for a fact that she does do things outside of the agencies.  She will even travel sometimes too.  I will not post it here on Bigdoggie but if you'd like to have her personal number then you can e-mail me.  [email protected].  I am a PS and am availalbe to certain area of southern CA only.  Despite some agencies advertising me as with them, I am not.  I am an indepedent.  Miko just happens to do both.  Good luck and have fun hobbying.

THEDOCTORSW12984 reads

If any of you guys are able to acquire Miko Lee's legitimate contact information from Brooke April (Not To Be Confused With Penthouse Magazine Model and Pornstar Brooke Lane) and are able to talk/correspond with her let us know.

There is no need to provide the contact information.

I just want to know if Brooke is utilizing this as a marketing tool to attract business her way or if it is legitimate offer from her part.

I have Miko's contact and she has ALWAYS told me that she does not and does not want me providing it either but if Brooke's sayings are legitimate she would have prove me wrong.

No Pun Intended Brooke but too many people have been burned and setup in the past.

-- Modified on 10/11/2002 11:53:26 AM

Friend of mine called her agency: $1500 firm, one hour, and we're thinking of raising her rates soon, because she's the girl who is booked the most. End of that discussion. Friend mentioned second name, superstar from the early '90s, $1500/hr, but they were willing to negotiate on her. This conversation occurred very recently.

Although if I remember correctly, Miko was a minimum $2500 2-hr deal last year, it's a different ballgame now. If the agency's statement is true (and while usually highly skeptical, I think they're telling the truth here), I think it would say a lot. If Miko can get work, at $900/session, pretty much anytime she feels like it, and let someone else do the screening, why should she invest any time trying to seek outside business? I you want to see her regularly, that's of course different, but most guys I think want a one, maybe two shot deal.

While Miko asking Doc not to release contact info is a separate issue from this discussion, it is consistent with a policy of booking solely through the agency.

REFORMED10811 reads

I contacted Brooke,April via e-mail and she responded with a phone number which is not Miko's. The person who is on the voicemail is a gentleman who makes it very clear that this is his phone and if your trying to reach him leave a message if not then hang up.

GirlCrazy11259 reads

extremely knowledgeable and won't tolerate any funny business, especially in this board.

-- Modified on 10/12/2002 12:09:15 PM

carlspackler12690 reads

She is a superstar, and commands a premium as a result. I don't know of a single guy who  regrets spending the cash for her!


-- Modified on 10/13/2002 5:44:04 AM

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