Porn Stars

Are you talkin about OUR Fred Garvinteeth_smile
straightman 6752 reads


Kansas City.... For a second I thought you were talking about the Fred Garvin in our twisted part of So.Cal....

OK, ladies (and SNL fans)... Finally the long waited review of Fred Garvin: Male Prostitute.  It's been decades since we've seen him on Saturday Night Live, but since his TV fame has forced him to hide from his hoards of female fans, he's been hiding...waiting with a hard-on in the underground corridors of Kansas City for a brave PSE willing to take on his pent up energy.  Scary? Absolutely...As soon as I got off the plane, I knew I would be bait for this charismatic yet predatory creature.  He looks harmless enough, good looking, great personality, and an animal magnetism that sent chills through my bones; but don't let him fool you.  He'll rock your world and leave you breathless.  And when you think he's done with you, he'll leave you breathless again; he'll leave you a whimpering prisoner of lust who thinks she was never prepared in the first place for THE FRED GARVIN EXPERIENCE.

Jane -- i mean JENN -- you ignorant slut!  

you mean to tell us that Fred Garvin: Male Prostitute, has ruined you for the rest of us!? ... i guess he didn't take off his prosthetic limb, trusses and false teeth this time ... no wait! that's somebody else i'm thinking of ... never mind!  :-)

but still, i certainly hope this is NOT the start of a new trend:  providers posting REVIEWS of hobbyists on this board -- the humanity!


good night and have a pleasant tomorrow

That the Marlins smoked the Yankees' ASSES!!!  Woohoo!!!!

(OK...I've been holding that in for a week now to protect Singleton's fragility...but what fun is sports when you can't needle the opposing fans after your team wins the World Series?)

I guess I'll be getting no more towel boy in the near future...::wink, wink::

Jenn honey, you are so cute (in words) and so hot in pictures ---> this girl posted on the NY Board and folks (male and female) went ape-shit over the kick-ass pics on her website!  LOL

but Jenn dear, tell me, why does the rest of the country hate New York City so much?  from our naturally rabid attitude, to our cultural supremacy in all things that matter [in . your . FACE . LaLaLa(nd)], and our sports teams -- we of course hate the Mets/Knicks ourselves! ... do you remember "Da-Bears" from SNL?  LOL

i've always thought that one day organized sports [cough] will lead to a whole-hog Civil War in this country ... this home of the Free, Brave and Horny


and please babe, call me "firehose boy" ... as in, you ignite them fires and i put them out  [super-wink]

-- Modified on 10/31/2003 8:48:23 PM

It's not that I hate NYC.   I LOVE NYC!!!  Can't wait to go back in December...But while most girls in the industry live in LA, I live in Florida, and THE MARLINS WON THE WORLD SERIES!!!!!  WOOHOO!!!  And you New York fans get so upset when anyone gives you shit, so I've been holding it in for a week!  I just couldn't contain myself...But damn...your response was so sweet, I can't rub it in anymore because now I feel bad...but you rock, Singleton....And one more time for the sake of this strain....FRED GARVIN IS A STUD!!!

-- Modified on 11/1/2003 7:47:00 AM

well Jenn my dear, while we're reviewing hobbyists here, i'll have you (and Fred Garvin) but especially all providers reading this post know that Samantha Sterlyng (bless her sexy soul) rated yours truly a SEVEN ("possibly an 8") on the porn-STUD scale ... for performance that is, i didn't dare ask her about my appearance score...  LOL

so let's just say i'm not exactly chopped liver and onions myself

but wait a NY minute! ... what's this smoke coming out of my ass?


The fine Lady Steele is too kind, too kind.  A full review will be forthcoming, but here's the Executive Summary:  Jenn is by no means an ignorant slut (well, at least by no means ignorant ;)), but rather a lady of beauty, intelligence, and charm... as soon as I saw her I knew I was in for a challenge.  While the FGR (Fred Garvin Reputation) was legendary in the heyday of the 70's, during these many years of retirement, I believe the legend waned, and while Jenn confidently felt up to the challenge of TFG (Taming Fred Garvin), I was not so sure I was up to the task.  I had just been fitted with groovy new horn-rims and a new truss that was somewhat binding my groin.  Nevertheless, for the sake of a great story to tell the grandkids, I knew I had to try!  In a nutshell, Jenn simply Let Me Stand Next To Her Fire (thank you, Jimi) and it was hot, damn hot, real hot!  Hot and wet!  Her talents were overwhelming and brought out Fred's Best; yes, the legend returned... again and again and again, in fact.  Our energy spent, we finished the night with Cheeboogie Cheeboogies and Cokes (no wait, Pepsis).  And this, despite several rude interruptions from the Land Shark and the Blues Brothers wanting to know if they could join in the fun.  Nay, Fred is a Solo Man.

To summarize, the PSE (Pyromaniac Steele Experience) is not to be missed... run, don't walk, for your chance to experience the heat.  As for me, I'm contemplating a return to retirement, for surely it cannot get any better than this!  Then again, retirement sucked, so Sophie or E2K, feel free to call me to discuss the possibility of establishing Sophie's Dream Boys and Fredotica 2000... I know of at least one other male slut who would be willing to talk.  Regardless, I will be working to bring Jenn back to KC ASAP for the rematch!

In closing:
A)Singleton, as evidenced by an old post of mine, I'M supposed to be Firehose Boy!  But, the fires are big enough for both of us, my friend. :)
2)Fred's Secret- Chicks Dig Plaid, Tidy Whities, and Sock Suspenders.  Trust me.
3)Ladies, the line forms to the left... LOL

Fred G.  

-- Modified on 11/1/2003 10:34:16 AM

fasteddie513686 reads

Now Fred, you and I both know you're not ALWAYS a solo man... I was there that night when you first met Jenn... along with Nikki and a couple of Killer Bees.....  

(Who's finger is that?)

And I must agree, Jenn's not to be missed... if you get the chance, try to make sure there's a Jacuzzi close by... you wouldn't think a girl who loves fire so much would be just as hot in a tub full of water!

OK, OK, you got me Eddie... not always!  You, Jenn and Nikki just got me f***ed enough that night that my normally high moral standards fell by the wayside into a night of debauchery, LOL!  So, when can we do it again? :)

straightman6753 reads


Kansas City.... For a second I thought you were talking about the Fred Garvin in our twisted part of So.Cal....

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