Politics and Religion

You're just now figuring this out?
USGrantlover 220 Reviews 286 reads

FG and Agencyboy use this as their personal sandbox. I check it everyone week or so and see its just the same old crap. Every time.

Typical Republican strategy; say something over and over again, while refusing to provide any evidence to substantiate the assertion, hoping eventually it will be believed!  ;)

-- Modified on 2/13/2015 11:58:39 AM

1400 kids were raped and beaten by Muslim men in Rotherham. Authorities turned a blind  eye to the crimes because they were afraid of being accused of Islamaphobia. Political correctness overrides rape. That is much more relevant than what Jindal said.
I just read this story on your beloved HuffPost

If not, what you said is irrelevant.

PS - Too lazy to provide a link?

...they get their info from a "higher Father."  After all, that's how George W. Bush knew that invading Iraq was the right thing to do.

No? I give up! What's your point?

My point is he's hoping to run for president on the GOP ticket, and he's a clown. Since it's my OP, my point trumps any point you make that does not address my point!   ;)

Fear of being called racist or an Islamaphobe is a result of political correctness invented by American liberals.i can see it happening here.

PS.....you want a link? I got yer link right here.

the point is at the end of your dick?  ;)

Stay away from any handles or aliases with the word 'needledick' in them, because it's already been taken!  ;)

Jindal is fucking idiot. He used to have brain once upon time, then he joined the GOP and lost it.

pot/kettle252 reads

the Republican Party!  That is literally all you can talk about.

Do you ever have anything to say about your own party?  Or are your minds so simple and immature that all they can do is come up with infantile and childish remarks about your opposition?

This board is truly a waste of time . . . .

FG and Agencyboy use this as their personal sandbox. I check it everyone week or so and see its just the same old crap. Every time.

.......clueless idiots as candidates. Sarah Palin, Huckabee, Cain, Bachmann, Rubio, Cruz etc, who have zero chance of winning a General Election.

pot/kettle314 reads

of being elected, so why do you even bother talking about them?  You consider them non-factors, right

Palin, Cheney, Romney,Huckabee and Trump. Plus all the Obama bashing about this and that, like you're bitching is going to change anything. Or you haven't you notice it. It's not all Dems moaning about Repub...Where were you before the election??

run for president, not be fair game for discussion about issues involving their qualifications to be president? And, some of us lean more toward independent, thus are interested in viable Republican candidates. I've yet had one, that I'd vote for, make it out of the primaries, and some who chose not to run. Ya, I know. The Republicans really don't want non-Republicans paying attention to their candidates, because of what a great circular firing-squad they make. That's why they're trying to rein in the debates: having fewer debates, and having fewer debaters. Is that what this is all about?!?  ;)

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