Politics and Religion

Your sin is bigger than my sin
StinaValentine See my TER Reviews 615 reads


They are so quick to point the finger, aren't they?

I had an SD that was a married church deacon. He liked me so much he put my name in the Christmas charity hat to get some dental work done. Yeah, charity from his church for his favorite sugar baby.  I had a married head pastor that was secretly bi as well. They sit there and preach "No sex before marriage!" and "One man and one woman!" but, they're the ones fucking hookers in their church basements and down the hall from their marriage beds and dreaming of taking it in the ass.  And, don't get me started on the uber-religious Cub Scout dads propositioning this den mother at the overnights like my Duck Dynasty fleece pajama pants and sweatshirt are Frederick's of Hollywood. HA!

salonpas2628 reads

Rep. Vance McAllister, who ran on a "faith, family, and country" platform for his freshman term in the House, was caught on video kissing a member of his staff. McAllister, a married Republican from Louisiana, was elected to replace Rep. Rodney Alexander in a special election last November. The video was first posted to the the Ouachita Citizen's website on Monday. Later on Monday, McAllister released a statement "There’s no doubt I’ve fallen short and I’m asking for forgiveness,” McAllister said in a statement. “I’m asking for forgiveness from God, my wife, my kids, my staff and my constituents who elected me to serve.  

McAllister, R-Swartz, and his wife Kelly have five children. The former staffer with whom McAllister is with in the video is Melissa Anne Hixon Peacock, 33, of Sterlington. Adam Terry, McAllister’s chief of staff, said Peacock was taken off of the payroll during the past 24 hours.

Well, it just tickles my balls to see some of these religious zealots get exposed for the hypocrites they are. They both got caught; he asks for forgiveness but gives her the boot immediately. Fucking Hypocrite

GaGambler650 reads

Usually guys like him get caught sucking a dick, or tapping their feet in a men's restroom, not kissing a woman.

My only question, was she hot?

salonpas567 reads

.......sure looks like they have done much more than kissing. He has lots of explaining to do to his wife of 16 years and 5 kids.

Posted By: GaGambler
Usually guys like him get caught sucking a dick, or tapping their feet in a men's restroom, not kissing a woman.

My only question, was she hot?

Nothing but hypocrites teaching more bull shit that they can't even practice.  It all started with the guy who pulled the story of Jesus out of his ass. Actually, greek and egyptian mythology.  

Sun god, born of a virgin mary, resurrected after 3 days.  
Same old story from Horus, Krishna, Dionysus, Osiris...  

How dumb can people get believing all this fictitious "feel-good" nonsense?  

I'd rather worship my left nut!  At least when a girl licks it, it physically feels-good.

...of Louisiana, and maybe his wife and God for visiting a brothel but Eliot Spitzer had to resign.

The louder they shout "God" the more they're doing things behind closed doors that they wouldn't want in the church bulletin.

-- Modified on 4/7/2014 6:59:01 PM

-- Modified on 4/7/2014 6:59:21 PM

Not getting all bigoted now are ya?

Would'nt be very...liberal.

And the comment reflects my life experience and observations...more accurately, politicians that run on a Christianity or family values platform strike me as, and often prove themselves to be, more opportunistic and pragmatic than devout...in other words, "what do I gotta be to get elected? OK I'll be that."

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?"


"I pledge to cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term"


Or are they too busy investigating Obamaphones?


They are so quick to point the finger, aren't they?

I had an SD that was a married church deacon. He liked me so much he put my name in the Christmas charity hat to get some dental work done. Yeah, charity from his church for his favorite sugar baby.  I had a married head pastor that was secretly bi as well. They sit there and preach "No sex before marriage!" and "One man and one woman!" but, they're the ones fucking hookers in their church basements and down the hall from their marriage beds and dreaming of taking it in the ass.  And, don't get me started on the uber-religious Cub Scout dads propositioning this den mother at the overnights like my Duck Dynasty fleece pajama pants and sweatshirt are Frederick's of Hollywood. HA!

Pimpathy451 reads

You could always give the money back.

Posted By: StinaValentine
 They are so quick to point the finger, aren't they?  
 I had an SD that was a married church deacon. He liked me so much he put my name in the Christmas charity hat to get some dental work done. Yeah, charity from his church for his favorite sugar baby.  I had a married head pastor that was secretly bi as well. They sit there and preach "No sex before marriage!" and "One man and one woman!" but, they're the ones fucking hookers in their church basements and down the hall from their marriage beds and dreaming of taking it in the ass.  And, don't get me started on the uber-religious Cub Scout dads propositioning this den mother at the overnights like my Duck Dynasty fleece pajama pants and sweatshirt are Frederick's of Hollywood. HA!

Not at all. The money for the dental work? I really did need the charity at the time. I was recently single, and I was still on stamps, working two jobs then. If I were to give it back now, the money wouldn't go to the church anyway. It would go to his exotic cars or his wife's Percocet habit or his kid's bail bonds.

Just pointing out the hypocrisy.

Posted By: Pimpathy
You could always give the money back.  
Posted By: StinaValentine
  They are so quick to point the finger, aren't they?  
  I had an SD that was a married church deacon. He liked me so much he put my name in the Christmas charity hat to get some dental work done. Yeah, charity from his church for his favorite sugar baby.  I had a married head pastor that was secretly bi as well. They sit there and preach "No sex before marriage!" and "One man and one woman!" but, they're the ones fucking hookers in their church basements and down the hall from their marriage beds and dreaming of taking it in the ass.  And, don't get me started on the uber-religious Cub Scout dads propositioning this den mother at the overnights like my Duck Dynasty fleece pajama pants and sweatshirt are Frederick's of Hollywood. HA!

Pimpathy456 reads

What hypocrisy? You were a willing participant in these activities.


You are the hypocrite.

I personally don't think it's wrong to hire a hooker. Christians, on the other hand, do think it's wrong. I'm not doing anything against my conscience or my set of morals, so how does that make me a hypocrite?

Posted By: Pimpathy
What hypocrisy? You were a willing participant in these activities.  
 You are the hypocrite.

Pimpathy635 reads

We will settle on hypocrite enabler. I never take some one-else, when it comes to faith. at face value.

Posted By: StinaValentine
I personally don't think it's wrong to hire a hooker. Christians, on the other hand, do think it's wrong. I'm not doing anything against my conscience or my set of morals, so how does that make me a hypocrite?  
Posted By: Pimpathy
What hypocrisy? You were a willing participant in these activities.  
  You are the hypocrite.

I'll take that.

I'm sure you understand "mama needs a house and baby needs shoes."

Posted By: Pimpathy
We will settle on hypocrite enabler. I never take some one-else, when it comes to faith. at face value.  
Posted By: StinaValentine
I personally don't think it's wrong to hire a hooker. Christians, on the other hand, do think it's wrong. I'm not doing anything against my conscience or my set of morals, so how does that make me a hypocrite?  
Posted By: Pimpathy
What hypocrisy? You were a willing participant in these activities.    
   You are the hypocrite.

Pimpathy488 reads

I don't give a left or a right, about what you need, want, believe in, or think.

If you don't give a left or right, then why do you respond and resort to name-calling?

Posted By: Pimpathy
I don't give a left or a right, about what you need, want, believe in, or think.

Pimpathy508 reads

I said "dummy" and posted a Muppet video, on a politics board.  

Your response (paraphrase) I need things, therefore I work. Did not sound relevant to your theme of hypocrisy. Your language also sound familiar.

Posted By: StinaValentine
If you don't give a left or right, then why do you respond and resort to name-calling?  
Posted By: Pimpathy
I don't give a left or a right, about what you need, want, believe in, or think.

Its fucking ILLEGAL, and YOU KNOW it lol. THAT makes you a hypocrit. Or are you simply delusional?

Sooo, your hypocracy is less than mine or anyone elses here? Lmao

How does knowingly participatingin illegal activities make me a hypocrite? Like I said, I don't personally believe hiring hookers is wrong.

What's wrong is a person that talks out of both sides of his mouth....fingerbanging a hooker with his left hand while thumping the Bible with his right.

Posted By: OSP
Its fucking ILLEGAL, and YOU KNOW it lol. THAT makes you a hypocrit. Or are you simply delusional?

Sooo, your hypocracy is less than mine or anyone elses here? Lmao

Pimpathy675 reads

However, that should not detract the value of what is being preached.

People should lead by example, it's the individual's choice to follow, or stray.  


Religion is a business.

GaGambler563 reads

Most of us treat him like that annoying elevator music. You know it's there, but you do your best to ignore it.

Pimpathy565 reads

You think you can tune me out... but you can't.

People really sit there and listen to those hypocrite church leaders who preach hypocrisy on top of hypocrisy?  wow

church is for suckers who want to hear what they want to hear, not the truth.  if they want to hear the truth they will take some science courses.  

these Bible thumping church leaders are so full of it that it makes me wanna puke. barffffffffffff

preacher passed the hat. Where the fuck did the money come from? The people you call suckers.

wonder if the lady who got the dental work she could'nt afford consider her FELLOW parishioners suckers?

don't even get me started on your God, the Scientist that whore out their opinion for taxpayer funded research only to be proven full of shit down the road, remember, Scientists are the Original Flat Earth Society!

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