Politics and Religion

Your extreme prejudice against cops is evident!!!angry_smile
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 728 reads

The song you posted was nothing more than a idiotic, extremely rude tune,  sung off key , by a crappy band in California, trying to find cheap publicity.
  IMO there is no similarity  between a white trash ignorant song mocking a criminal's death while resisting arrest, and a cold blooded execution style murder of two of NY's finest .

    I also noticed your race baiting cop hating video didn't show any police singing along, dancing to the tune or clapping at the end of the song,  yet your link mentioned " an audience that included a number of retired and current cops.  
 If everyone was guilty for just being there, there would be no one walking free .
    I hope you or anyone like you who would compare the cold blooded murder of two of New York's finest police officers,  with a moronic tune sung off key, .is never allowed on a Jury.  

  If police seem a bit too trigger happy for your liking, perhaps you should be  preaching harmony and not hate.

 { If I didn't already have a few jobs, I'd consider joining the force so I could pop you a few times in the head with my bull head club,  with hope to knock some sense in you.
  In other words, guys like you and your ilk are causing violent  incidents you claim you would like to see stop , intensify. }  
Posted By: bigguy30
The two cops killed in NYC was wrong but this is just as bad!The two cops killed in NYC was wrong but this is just as bad!The two cops killed in NYC was wrong but this is just as bad!  The two cops killed in NYC was wrong but this is just as bad!The two cops killed in NYC was wrong but this is just as bad! The two cops killed in NYC was wrong but this is just as bad!    
 So both events make me sick and need to stop.  

I don't  know much. I'm not good at posting about stuff. I post half related pics and videos made by somebody else.
But nobody is posting about the policemen that got killed somewhere.  

had somebody posted about it. I would have answered the OP with something like this.

Many of the protesters got their Christmas wish. Now they might appear on TV saying that they don't agree with it. But in their insides many are happy and thinking like "we know why it happened" or "now we are even". You might ask how I can tell how others think... Well some of you know I grew up in the ghetto and other poor and dangerous areas of the city of L.A. So I know how it is. Most of us I would say are normal people trying to survive. But only takes a crazy nut anywhere to do anything like this. when something like this happens there is always somebody to excuse it but not too publicly., even something like 9-11.
So, no Americans don't dance on the streets and give out candy. But some do celebrate in their own brains and post nasty messages on the net. So why move to Australia to scape the madness? The madness is everywhere, even in places like Asia or Africa where post people look the same as everybody else. It wouldn't be like some people think it would be over there and they would be crying to come back. But nothing wrong with moving to Australia, Canada, or Afghanistan. people move all the time. Some soldiers survive the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan only to get killed on the streets of America.

Maybe nobody posted about the cops killed because nobody like cops, me included. But killing them and killing yourself. now that is hate. now being celebrated by some but not  like in public

DA_Flex632 reads

And I'm certainly glad we won't have to waste any tax payer money convicting him.  It's unfortunate that this man took the lives of 3 innocent people.

Posted By: Robertini
I don't  know much. I'm not good at posting about stuff. I post half related pics and videos made by somebody else.  
 But nobody is posting about the policemen that got killed somewhere.  
 had somebody posted about it. I would have answered the OP with something like this.  
 Many of the protesters got their Christmas wish. Now they might appear on TV saying that they don't agree with it. But in their insides many are happy and thinking like "we know why it happened" or "now we are even". You might ask how I can tell how others think... Well some of you know I grew up in the ghetto and other poor and dangerous areas of the city of L.A. So I know how it is. Most of us I would say are normal people trying to survive. But only takes a crazy nut anywhere to do anything like this. when something like this happens there is always somebody to excuse it but not too publicly., even something like 9-11.  
 So, no Americans don't dance on the streets and give out candy. But some do celebrate in their own brains and post nasty messages on the net. So why move to Australia to scape the madness? The madness is everywhere, even in places like Asia or Africa where post people look the same as everybody else. It wouldn't be like some people think it would be over there and they would be crying to come back. But nothing wrong with moving to Australia, Canada, or Afghanistan. people move all the time. Some soldiers survive the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan only to get killed on the streets of America.  
 Maybe nobody posted about the cops killed because nobody like cops, me included. But killing them and killing yourself. now that is hate. now being celebrated by some but not  like in public.  

GaGambler784 reads

but his point is valid. I guarantee you there are literally millions of people in this country thinking to themselves "those pigs got what they deserved"

Let's ask our resident pig hater his thoughts, Hey Willy, what do you think about the shootings?

I share your feelings about sparing the families a lengthy drawn out trial at taxpayer expense.

particularly when done execution style. This was a mentally disturbed individual looking for an excuse to murder, specifically cops. I think, in reality, with what has been being protested. There's no excuse for it. Undoubtedly, there will be some who are happy at the 'pig's getting what they've be giving.' However, I believe that is a very small minority of people. However, there is a growing number of people concerned by police over-reach an racism within the ranks, and a legal system that does not work for the lower economic sector, and/ or for blacks and Hispanics. When the police forces and their representatives push back on those concerns, saying that the people raising them are not supportive of them, and that they are to blame for violence against police, it's very reactive and destructive. It's the typical narcissistic reaction of when you ask a person to change a behavior, and that person feels you are attacking their whole person-hood, and get's defensive, or even combative. There are more people than not who support their police force. If the police, and those who speak for them, are going to force us into a false choice, I believe the police will be the one's who suffer.

-- Modified on 12/22/2014 10:52:39 AM

CltLuvr489 reads

another street punk?  There's a rap sheet to prove that out that question!

There will always be some cop that overreaches his authority, and some are in prison for it.  But to champion a cause out of criminal behavior is bizarre.  Brown and Garner would be alive and paying small fines for their actions.  Instead, they resisted arrest and wanted to be in charge and tragedy occurred.  

Same shit happened with that smug Professor Gates when the Cambridge police asked him for ID after responding to a neighbors call.  He made a big fukn production out of it because he was so offended.  Really?  You couldn't just provide an explanation and ID like you were asked.

People need to stop blaming others and be responsible for their own actions

I think the fact that he had a rape sheet suggests he was a street punk. However, the fact that he shoot his girlfriend first, before shooting the cops, and then shot himself, speaks to him being mentally disturbed. I don't hear of many street punks offing themselves.

"Same shit happened with that smug Professor Gates when the Cambridge police asked him for ID after responding to a neighbors call.  He made a big fukn production out of it because he was so offended.  Really?  You couldn't just provide an explanation and ID like you were asked."

I've read here, on the legal board, that if the Leo stops you and asks you ID, it's OK to withhold it until the officer has indicated that he suspects you of a crime. That holds true no matter what your skin color. I don't know about the story you mentioned, and if the officer indicated that Gates was suspected of committing a crime.

He was a Leftist vigilante, his girlfriend was to closely aligned with the view point that differentiated from his...  That's why he can't be both.

Posted By: mattradd
I think the fact that he had a rape sheet suggests he was a street punk. However, the fact that he shoot his girlfriend first, before shooting the cops, and then shot himself, speaks to him being mentally disturbed. I don't hear of many street punks offing themselves.  
 "Same shit happened with that smug Professor Gates when the Cambridge police asked him for ID after responding to a neighbors call.  He made a big fukn production out of it because he was so offended.  Really?  You couldn't just provide an explanation and ID like you were asked."  
 I've read here, on the legal board, that if the Leo stops you and asks you ID, it's OK to withhold it until the officer has indicated that he suspects you of a crime. That holds true no matter what your skin color. I don't know about the story you mentioned, and if the officer indicated that Gates was suspected of committing a crime.

CltLuvr696 reads

I've read here, on the legal board, that if the Leo stops you and asks you ID, it's OK to withhold it until the officer has indicated that he suspects you of a crime. That holds true no matter what your skin color. I don't know about the story you mentioned, and if the officer indicated that Gates was suspected of committing a crime.  
an excuse for being a criminal.

Matt, it's true that states vary on what you have to provide to LE when asked for ID.  But here's the thing.  If you're an otherwise upstanding citizen in the community, which Gates certainly was, then why be a prick to the cop that was called there by the neighbor because he thought someone was trying to break into his house?   Of course then the Prez had to chime in with "the cops acted stupidly".  That set a tone nationally

Seems like the report found fault with both parties and yet neither party admitted that they were. The difference, the cop was the professional, hence should have behaved professionally!  ;)

-- Modified on 12/23/2014 12:04:48 PM

I'll give credit to President Obama for admitting it was a teachable  moment  .  

   The only reason the cop was there, he was following instructions after a break in call and  doing his job.  
  I believe the cop showed  professionalism  after being  confronted by the home owner who originally appeared to be a burglar.  
  The cop didn't hit or taze the unruly Gates, well done arrest.
   I also believe a professional  Harvard University professor should have enough common sense to act like a gentleman and conduct himself with civility when confronted by police.  
  That shouldn't be too hard for anyone to do, unless they have mental issues or a dysfunctional chip on their shoulders.  
  Now that I think about it, a dysfunctional chip on someone's shoulder is a mental issue.
  I might not be Harvard educated but I'm smart enough to realize, if you want to rile up the police,
   act belligerent like a street thug when questioned.    
  Some things that should be required for all to learn the easy way, are never taught  by many  parents  and most  schools.  


Posted By: mattradd
Seems like the report found fault with both parties and yet neither party admitted that they were. The difference, the cop was the professional, hence should have behaved professionally!  ;)
Posted By: mattradd
Seems like the report found fault with both parties and yet neither party admitted that they were. The difference, the cop was the professional, hence should have behaved professionally!  ;)
Posted By: mattradd
Seems like the report found fault with both parties and yet neither party admitted that they were. The difference, the cop was the professional, hence should have behaved professionally!  ;)

This is how Capitalism functions.  

Posted By: mattradd
However, there is a growing number of people concerned by police over-reach an racism within the ranks, and a legal system that does not work for the lower economic sector,
There is NO way to change the economic system of the world. American citizens have NO voice in the matters of global capitalism. U.S. foreign policy supersedes U.S. domestic policy!

bigguy30571 reads

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
This is how Capitalism functions.  
Posted By: mattradd
However, there is a growing number of people concerned by police over-reach an racism within the ranks, and a legal system that does not work for the lower economic sector,
 There is NO way to change the economic system of the world. American citizens have NO voice in the matters of global capitalism. U.S. foreign policy supersedes U.S. domestic policy!

bigguy30543 reads

The two cops killed in NYC was wrong but this is just as bad!

So both events make me sick and need to stop.


-- Modified on 12/23/2014 10:05:22 AM

The song you posted was nothing more than a idiotic, extremely rude tune,  sung off key , by a crappy band in California, trying to find cheap publicity.
  IMO there is no similarity  between a white trash ignorant song mocking a criminal's death while resisting arrest, and a cold blooded execution style murder of two of NY's finest .

    I also noticed your race baiting cop hating video didn't show any police singing along, dancing to the tune or clapping at the end of the song,  yet your link mentioned " an audience that included a number of retired and current cops.  
 If everyone was guilty for just being there, there would be no one walking free .
    I hope you or anyone like you who would compare the cold blooded murder of two of New York's finest police officers,  with a moronic tune sung off key, .is never allowed on a Jury.  

  If police seem a bit too trigger happy for your liking, perhaps you should be  preaching harmony and not hate.

 { If I didn't already have a few jobs, I'd consider joining the force so I could pop you a few times in the head with my bull head club,  with hope to knock some sense in you.
  In other words, guys like you and your ilk are causing violent  incidents you claim you would like to see stop , intensify. }  

Posted By: bigguy30
The two cops killed in NYC was wrong but this is just as bad!The two cops killed in NYC was wrong but this is just as bad!The two cops killed in NYC was wrong but this is just as bad!  The two cops killed in NYC was wrong but this is just as bad!The two cops killed in NYC was wrong but this is just as bad! The two cops killed in NYC was wrong but this is just as bad!    
 So both events make me sick and need to stop.  

bigguy30569 reads

You are clearly in law enforcement and have your head up your ass!

I said that both things are wrong and need to stop.

Also I keep saying the bad cops are messing up things for the good ones.

So read next time before making a ass out of yourself.

This story will answer your comments!  

-- Modified on 12/23/2014 3:42:43 PM

Not only do you have comprehension problems, you confuse  your own words .  
  Your exact words .   "The two cops killed in NYC was wrong but this is just as bad!"  

 Once  Again :  You stated  "the two cops killed in NYC was wrong but this is JUST as bad."
 Now you're backing up, leaving out part of your idiotic anti cop comment.

One more time:  You stated  "the two cops killed in NYC was wrong but this is JUST as bad."
  Your assertion I am law enforcement is hilarious, if you knew me you would realize I am about as far from the police department as possible, without being a thug.  
   Now that I've thought about it, you are likely too ignorant to deduct anything on your own with any degree of accuracy.  

As gambler has stated, You are TSTTT



Posted By: bigguy30
The two cops killed in NYC was wrong but this is just as bad!  
 So both events make me sick and need to stop.  

 -- Modified on 12/23/2014 10:05:22 AM

Posted By: bigguy30
You are clearly in law enforcement and have your head up your ass!  
 I said that both things are wrong and need to stop.  
 Also I keep saying the bad cops are messing up things for the good ones.  
 So read next time before making a ass out of yourself.  
 This story will answer your comments!  

-- Modified on 12/23/2014 3:42:43 PM

bigguy30648 reads

I love it when people twist things and hide behind other people.

So saying both things make me sick is anti cop?

Just admit it you are a cop and wanted to twist my words.

Since I posted that TMZ video it pissed you off.

Also both things are wrong and I am not against cops.

The bad cops are the problem and most people are starting to see it now!



-- Modified on 12/23/2014 6:41:05 PM

GaGambler549 reads

and yes, fat girl truly is TSTTT.

bigguy30484 reads

So I see your weak old ass had to say something stupid again.

You have nothing just like your cop friend Quad!



Posted By: GaGambler
and yes, fat girl truly is TSTTT.

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