Politics and Religion

You'll never get the response, the attention Charlie 445 gets. (eom)
Robertini 4 Reviews 460 reads

Posted By: Drunken Asian
 Religion is blind.    

My local spa girl isn't the only pro massaging results behind the scene .  :-D

 When money is the root equation , many scientists will lie  to pave their way to better pay .

Deception at  Duke University , falsified  cancer cure results .  

Iowa State university  19 million Federal grant fraud  

Tilburg University , social psychologist falsifies data  claiming eating meat brings out the worst in people .
  A lifetime of veggie burgers would kill me  .  

Hundreds of scientists accept bogus scientific results  

Posted By: Drunken Asian
 Religion is blind.    

I will take science with the isolated instances of dishonesty which characterize ALL human behavior over the blatant fraud that is the only thing religion has to offer and permeates every aspect of its teachings any day of the week.

If you love your scientist like the little old lady that wouldn't hurt a flea , loves her God ,  
 So be it true for you .  
 That's your own prerogative , not mine .
 I'm not falling in line for either one of them .
 Anytime science is corrupted with dollars for speaking the chosen words , it's another  wonderful  
religion for anyone that wants to believe  .
 Even bad science can be a good placebo for a believer without any  doubts .
 You have no need to convince me ,when there's no questions  in your own mind .
 Enjoy  :-D

Posted By: pleasureglans
I will take science with the isolated instances of dishonesty which characterize ALL human behavior over the blatant fraud that is the only thing religion has to offer and permeates every aspect of its teachings any day of the week.

Fortunately, most people who prefer science aren't as wide-eyed and naïve as those who choose religion. We tend to be skeptical and more analytically critical in our thinking. When you begin with a belief in the invisible man in the sky, anything else is also possible.

Posted By: quadseasonal
 If you love your scientist like the little old lady that wouldn't hurt a flea , loves her God ,  
  So be it true for you .  
  That's your own prerogative , not mine .  
  I'm not falling in line for either one of them .  
  Anytime science is corrupted with dollars for speaking the chosen words , it's another  wonderful  
 religion for anyone that wants to believe  .  
  Even bad science can be a good placebo for a believer without any  doubts .  
  You have no need to convince me ,when there's no questions  in your own mind .  
  Enjoy  :-D  
Posted By: pleasureglans
I will take science with the isolated instances of dishonesty which characterize ALL human behavior over the blatant fraud that is the only thing religion has to offer and permeates every aspect of its teachings any day of the week.

Damned straight, Quad!  

I have a new book on diet and exercise coming out this spring, and as part of the research, I discovered studies indicating that money for research almost always goes to fund research backing a particular point of view.  

Its like all that "research" backing human-caused global warming.  It's hogwash.  Believing it is no different from believing any other religion.

GaGambler482 reads

Nice to see you here again.

and it really is a shame that the are two types of science, the good kind like the type that put a man on the moon, and the other type like the bullshit science with an agenda that you mention in "human caused global warming"

It's just like watching the news today, you have to first determine the agenda of whoever is reporting the news, so you can filter the biases in the reporting.

It is indeed me -- I took a long hiatus while dating a provider.

Not sure if I plan to ever hobby again, but I missed the politics boards!

GaGambler462 reads

and not hobbying is something I sometimes do when in a committed relationship, but yeah talking shit here is not something I can see having to give up just because you have fallen in love.

Even though I rib you for your lengthy posts, I am glad to see you back. I hope you stick around for a while.

.for something which claims "no drama" haha

Umm, no endorsement of the GD board? Buwahahaha


Stupid, uneducated..........http://www.thecitizen.com/articles/02-25-2014/climate-change-97-scientists-agree

Posted By: johngaltnh
Damned straight, Quad!    
 I have a new book on diet and exercise coming out this spring, and as part of the research, I discovered studies indicating that money for research almost always goes to fund research backing a particular point of view.    
 Its like all that "research" backing human-caused global warming.  It's hogwash.  Believing it is no different from believing any other religion.

Posted By: Drunken Asian
 Religion is blind.    

That repetitive sound you keep hearing flying over your head , is Charlie squawking  "there is no God"  

Posted By: Robertini

 You'll never get the response, the attention Charlie 445 gets.  

-- Modified on 2/22/2014 2:25:04 PM

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