Politics and Religion

You need many, many things.
JakeFromStateFarm 150 reads

A sense of humor.
Some game.
There's much more but let's start with that.

Considering that Hannity supported felon Cliven Bundy, this is no surprise. Sean's just pandering to the millions of morons that comprise his listening audience, the same "trailer trash" that makes up the "Trump army."

GaGambler184 reads

Lets suppose just for a moment that Paul Ryan was the GOP "presumptive nominee" you would be preaching that only a "crazed loon" would support him.

Just how moronic do you have to be to support the likes of Hillary Clinton?

& as cultist on the sinking S.S. Trump, very understandable. Time for some Kool-aid , GaG ?

I'm no Paul Ryan fan by any means, but compared to Trump, certainly a viable/credible POTUS candidate. Hell, a houseplant would be more of a credible POTUS candidate then Trump.

JakeFromStateFarm181 reads

And your headline is an outright mess. Please edit it.  
Thank you.

Posted By: ChoosyCynic
& as cultist on the sinking S.S. Trump, very understandable. Time for some Kool-aid , GaG ?  
 I'm no Paul Ryan fan by any means, but compared to Trump, certainly a viable/credible POTUS candidate. Hell, a houseplant would be more of a credible POTUS candidate then Trump.

GaGambler252 reads

You seem to be the one who is now a "crazed loon" first a liar, then a welsher and now a liar once again. A houseplant would make a lot more sense than what has oozed from your keyboard lately.

PLEASE go back to copying and pasting the words of others, you really don't seem to be doing too well once the training wheels come off your keyboard. I am happy to see you have gotten over your fetish for overusing commas at least. It really would be a shame if your posts became indistinguishable from those made by fg.

A "welsher" doesn't pay off his bets; I did. Hopefully that $ helped you out; if you need the same amount for a loan, lemme know------------ ;)

JakeFromStateFarm151 reads

A sense of humor.
Some game.
There's much more but let's start with that.

"There's much more, but lets start with that."

Also, a GED to aid your impoverished writing skills would also help-------  :)

& the following applies to you "correcting" my writing.

JakeFromStateFarm307 reads

You are officially too stupid to talk to.  So I'll respond in the manner you deserve.
Look, Ma!  You're a zit

GaGambler233 reads

Next time try something more on a "freshmen's" level.

He really has become TSTTT, hasn't he? I wonder if he's ever even read a book and no, just looking at the pictures hardly counts.

Then again, you're probably too uneducated to even know who Russell is. Oh, by the way, the "bromance" between you & Jake is very touching. Now go away, you're starting to resemble an irksome intellectual pygmy-------- :)

-- Modified on 6/19/2016 7:27:57 AM

I don't know who this Hannity fellow is, but the picture says all you need to know about the so-called conservatives.

... but its certainly appropriate.

Trump just cant get away from the larger than life entertainment that is WWE.

Hannity in the meantime, is just being Hannity. Even conservatives think hes an asshat in a gabardine suit.

Posted By: ChoosyCynic
Considering that Hannity supported felon Cliven Bundy, this is no surprise. Sean's just pandering to the millions of morons that comprise his listening audience, the same "trailer trash" that makes up the "Trump army."

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