Politics and Religion

You named some really good reasons on why government should NOT be
mrnogood 264 reads

the "great" equalizer of ANY society... They pick winners and losers, and you will ALWAYS be a wonner when the government backs and supports you, while the rest of us are losers... I am not saying people on welfare are being picked as winners, they're losers too..

Government winners are companies that usually they own that they give big government contracts to.. while the rest of us minions are ALL losers... and you know what?

This is all par the course of ANY government the world has EVER seen... THIS IS WHAT THEY DO!

Humanity has ONLY been burdened with government for the last few 1,000 years... we spent 100,000's of years with NO governments.. This whole time of being governed has been marked with war, famine, and hunger...  

Humanity better recognize because we have mentally ill sociopaths running the world that have enough weapons to destroy ALL of humanity... If ANY other group besides a " government" had stock piled weapons that destroy the world over and over again, we would see them as the sick sociopaths they are, but since it's government that does this shit MOST of us can not see it..

Posted By: historyBuff411
The age of narcissism is par for the course for an empire in decline.  
 The LGBT-ism is but another boutique liberal cause, what about fair wage & benefits for workers, affordable healthcare. That's Not politically correct.  
 The scam of medicaid, where you're paying through your taxes so that someone else gets medical care yoiu cannot afford. That's not politically.  

Kennedy and 4 liberal justices 5-4 majority in DOMA. DOMA opinion link

Once again House GOP pissed away millions trying to uphold DOMA, but doing stupid things is SOP for them.  They vote to end ACA every day and it will never happen and that costs millions in House time.

Congrats to Ed Markey who is the replacement for Kerry in Mass--a Democrat in the Senate of course.

Perry --petitioners in Prop. 8 did not have standing. It's by the Chief, Roberts.
Perry defeating Prop 8 is 5-4 Roberts, and the liberals like the ACA opinion's makeup. Kennedy wrote dissent.  

"We have never before upheld the standing of a private party to defend the constitutionality of a state statute when state officials have chosen not to. We decline to do so for the first time here."

Gov. Jerry Brown California wouldn't defend Prop. 8. Perry opinion is here:





























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Its a great day to be American today.. !!!  

Only wished they would not have punted on the Affirmative Action Case...

Yesterday they appease the GOP & mouth-breathing racists by weakening the Voting Rights Act; today they vote in favor of the LGBT community.

 I can’t wait until ‘Cannabis’ is finally before their court. Ya’ think they’ll call it “The People vs For Profit Prison Industry”

historyBuff411337 reads

The age of narcissism is par for the course for an empire in decline.

The LGBT-ism is but another boutique liberal cause, what about fair wage & benefits for workers, affordable healthcare. That's Not politically correct.

The scam of medicaid, where you're paying through your taxes so that someone else gets medical care yoiu cannot afford. That's not politically.

...for some time now.  

I have never been against equal rights for anyone, but aren't there other very pressing issue which our nation must face?

Look on the bright side, one day we will have driverless cars...fucking wow!

mrnogood265 reads

the "great" equalizer of ANY society... They pick winners and losers, and you will ALWAYS be a wonner when the government backs and supports you, while the rest of us are losers... I am not saying people on welfare are being picked as winners, they're losers too..

Government winners are companies that usually they own that they give big government contracts to.. while the rest of us minions are ALL losers... and you know what?

This is all par the course of ANY government the world has EVER seen... THIS IS WHAT THEY DO!

Humanity has ONLY been burdened with government for the last few 1,000 years... we spent 100,000's of years with NO governments.. This whole time of being governed has been marked with war, famine, and hunger...  

Humanity better recognize because we have mentally ill sociopaths running the world that have enough weapons to destroy ALL of humanity... If ANY other group besides a " government" had stock piled weapons that destroy the world over and over again, we would see them as the sick sociopaths they are, but since it's government that does this shit MOST of us can not see it..


Posted By: historyBuff411
The age of narcissism is par for the course for an empire in decline.  
 The LGBT-ism is but another boutique liberal cause, what about fair wage & benefits for workers, affordable healthcare. That's Not politically correct.  
 The scam of medicaid, where you're paying through your taxes so that someone else gets medical care yoiu cannot afford. That's not politically.  

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