Politics and Religion

You missed my pointconfused_smile
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 408 reads

Looking at the whole picture I am fairly certain, the internet  lock down in North Korea was not influenced by the CIA, NSA, etc.    
  Let's not forget, citizen Snowden left town in plain view of American IT warriors, to live a life of luxury as  a Russian folk hero.  
  Based on the rapid response, it might have been done by an outside source such as Anonymous, or perhaps a sixteen year old  IT genius  in his parents basement.  
  At the speed  our Government works under any recent administrations, I would bet, no way they decided that quickly how and when to send repercussions.  
   There is also a good  possibility North Korea shut their own system down to add defense behind closed doors , or perhaps NK is doing what they do well, playing a shell game.  

Posted By: inicky46
do you really think there's any logical connection between HHS's blunders and covert computer warfare systems established years ago by the CIA, NSA, etc?  

........won't be watching any internet porn flicks anytime soon...lol

So you believe  IT teams working for the same bosses who  couldn't get a website working correctly, after a year,  and spending  two billion bucks, shut down North Korea's internet overnight ?
  I hope you are correct, I'm looking forward to  a flight on the next flying pig.

   My take, the dark you see in NK, is a lull before the storm.

Timbow398 reads

Posted By: quadseasonal
 So you believe  IT teams working for the same bosses who  couldn't get a website working correctly, after a year,  and spending  two billion bucks, shut down North Korea's internet overnight ?  
   I hope you are correct, I'm looking forward to  a flight on the next flying pig.  
    My take, the dark you see in NK, is a lull before the storm.  

GaGambler473 reads

Any of you lefties have a response other than name calling?

I would love to give our messiah and CIC credit for this, and it may be true, after all Bin Laden was killed under his watch, but considering the complete disaster his team made of the Obamacare website, I have some very serious doubts about who was responsible for this.

...in the first place.  Apples and oranges.

Speaking of name calling - "messiah?"  Way to drink the Kool-Aid, righty.

-- Modified on 12/23/2014 3:23:45 AM

Granted, you do make some valid points that sound good on paper, but consider that the same bosses outsourced the work to an outside contractor to build that website, so you can't really label obama team that way.  

That's like saying GAG outsourced his work to company A and since Company A didn't do project Z properly, GAG must be the one incompetent of doing that work or anything related to project Z.  

Gag can easily hire company B to do the same work, or maybe he already had internal team do to work Z but just wanted to save money?  

Further blow to your argument is that Gag is now doing work Y, which is unrelated to work Z.  

There are different department working on work Y and pulling a switch through internic or something is a different matter and whole lot easier than creating a complicated website that serves millions that handles the structures that come with a complicated healthcare law.

At least you sound good on paper though, but try again buddy.  

Now that doesn't mean that I don't agree with the conclusion though. DDOS attack likely comes from outside third party.  Could be from a blackops US operation, or it could be from a bunch of kids who are angry. lol Who knows?

-- Modified on 12/23/2014 3:00:07 AM

what was the work GaG performed? Hiring.
what was the work O'fuckingIncompetent performed? Hiring?

Here's the big difference Big Gubbymunt lackies never get.
If GaG hires fuckwads to run his rigs, it is HIS wallet that takes the hit no matter what excuses he may want to trot out. And HE knows that.
When BigDaddy fucks up, it doesn't cost him a nickel and He never accepts the blame.

OPM never gets spent as wisely as your own.

do you really think there's any logical connection between HHS's blunders and covert computer warfare systems established years ago by the CIA, NSA, etc?
C'mon quad, I thought you were smarter than that.  I mean, Gambler already tried that one on me, so consider the source, LOL!

Could it be a , a footprint  ,  of his , mind .  ???   :D


"My god my god why have you forsaken me?" Mathew 27:46

Looking at the whole picture I am fairly certain, the internet  lock down in North Korea was not influenced by the CIA, NSA, etc.    
  Let's not forget, citizen Snowden left town in plain view of American IT warriors, to live a life of luxury as  a Russian folk hero.  
  Based on the rapid response, it might have been done by an outside source such as Anonymous, or perhaps a sixteen year old  IT genius  in his parents basement.  
  At the speed  our Government works under any recent administrations, I would bet, no way they decided that quickly how and when to send repercussions.  
   There is also a good  possibility North Korea shut their own system down to add defense behind closed doors , or perhaps NK is doing what they do well, playing a shell game.  

Posted By: inicky46
do you really think there's any logical connection between HHS's blunders and covert computer warfare systems established years ago by the CIA, NSA, etc?  

Less disasters in your posts, keep up the good work!  

I'd still post from a bunker though,  never know when disaster may strike you know?

That said, any of the alternatives you propose are possible.  But it's likely we'll never know for sure.  Our government will never confirm if they were responsible.

Fifty bucks says we weren't involved.  :-D


   Many things our Government will not confirm is more often than not confirmed by someone else.  
 Never, by some peoples estimation, is  quite often a short period of time, when challenged  by someone more motivated.  
   I sure hope it wasn't our Government, a nine hour internet shortage doesn't seem like much  punishment for the damage done to Sony, if North Korea Government was in fact the Hack.  

Posted By: inicky46
That said, any of the alternatives you propose are possible.  But it's likely we'll never know for sure.  Our government will never confirm if they were responsible.

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