Politics and Religion

You mean the world didn't come to an end during sequester? Lol.
JackDunphy 557 reads

CBO says the deficit will rise again starting in 2016 and will skyrocket to over $1 trillion again by 2022.  

Those damn deficit trolls over at CBO.  


The numbers from the fed gov fiscal year – which ended Sept 30 – are startling. The budget deficit is now only 2.8 % of GDP, the lowest since 2007. In dollar terms, the deficit dropped from 680 billion to 484 billion. This is also the fastest reduction in the deficit since WWII. And anyone in the stock market during Mr. O’s term has easily doubled his money.

         What sorcery did Mr. Obama employ to generate these results? Well, he made sure that revenues (8.9%) increased more than spending (1.4%). His steady reduction of unemployment (now under 6%) means that tax revenues are increasing from a larger work force. Meanwhile, he effectively raised the payroll tax (by letting a reduction expire) and did raise taxes on the rich – He also  refused to cave to Republican “give away” tax cuts.

       And he did this even by spending more for the working poor on Medicaid, and for the lower middle class in the form of Obamacare subsidies.  

       The NY Times even projects that “[b]ased on current projections, the average deficit through President Obama’s second term will be smaller than it was through President Reagan’s second term.” Did I read that right? Better than Mr. Trickle Down himself? Wow.

    So what do the deficit trolls on the Board have to say?

      Maybe we got this one wrong? Maybe we have gotta stop watching Fox News every night? LO

JackDunphy558 reads

CBO says the deficit will rise again starting in 2016 and will skyrocket to over $1 trillion again by 2022.  

Those damn deficit trolls over at CBO.  


about why Mr. O did not follow Simpson-Bowles - he wanted to bring the deficit down in record setting fashion. That takes care of about 20 of your posts, doesn't it? LOL.

      We don't know what will happen when Mr. O leaves office and demographics place a huge strain on Social Security  and Medicare. And yes even the ACA may need a special appropriation  to cover that damn corridor relief.  But the numbers don't lie - for all the posts on this Board blaming Mr. O for an out- of- control deficit, we now see that his policies in conjunction with the equally maligned Fed handled the problem with near perfection.

JackDunphy510 reads

I haven't made deficit/debt arguments political. I have numerous posts on this board blaming Bush as well as you may recall.

Bringing down the deficit in "record setting fashion" only to see it spiral out of control again is fkin meaningless. Our debt will destroy us.  

And Obama has done doodley squat to put forth any SS or Medicare reform.  

Let's be honest about that at least

GaGambler497 reads

and I am sure that both Mari and Obama are already well aware that the numbers lie.

Besides, slowing a runaway freight train from 120 mph down to 80 mph will still cause one hell of a wreck once the train finally reaches the terminal.

which is why they are called  morons. Numbers don’t lie but idiots believe it does so they don’t have to put up any rational and logical points.

Enjoy being a Moron


Posted By: GaGambler
and I am sure that both Mari and Obama are already well aware that the numbers lie.

Besides, slowing a runaway freight train from 120 mph down to 80 mph will still cause one hell of a wreck once the train finally reaches the terminal.

GaGambler514 reads

I was worried that with the return of FIDIOT, you might just lie down and give up on retaining your title as SPOTY. I am pleased to see you won't go down without a fight.

and yes, numbers are manipulated all the time. Many analysts even ask the people that hire them if they have a particular conclusion that they want to prove, or it they really want to see where the data will take them. You can prove virtually any conclusion you want through manipulation of data, as a matter of fact, it's one of the few skills that this administration seems to have.

It's like claiming that there is virtually no inflation, anyone who has been out shopping for almost any good or service knows what a load of bullshit that claim is.

BTW great work, keep piling up those SPOTY points.

ou only spew shit from all holes.

Take your SPOTY and stick it up your ass.  

The fact is you are a biased partisan hack with no real knowledge or understanding of anything.  


GaGambler585 reads

and quit using proper English, or at least the closest you have ever come to using correct spelling and grammar. Don't you know that you are in the home stretch for the SPOTY's and the you are clinging to the narrowest of leads. Your usual butchery of the English language is one of the things keeping you in the lead. So If you care anything about my bet, please go back to writing in crayon. lol

I bet the voters will give you extra points for grumpiness though, so I guess you won't lose too many points by not completely butchering the English language in your last post.

Now do me proud and say something really stupid for the good people here. lmao

Go fuck yourself gumby. You are persona non grata.

Posted By: GaGambler
and quit using proper English, or at least the closest you have ever come to using correct spelling and grammar. Don't you know that you are in the home stretch for the SPOTY's and the you are clinging to the narrowest of leads. Your usual butchery of the English language is one of the things keeping you in the lead. So If you care anything about my bet, please go back to writing in crayon. lol

I bet the voters will give you extra points for grumpiness though, so I guess you won't lose too many points by not completely butchering the English language in your last post.

Now do me proud and say something really stupid for the good people here. lmao

St. Croix643 reads

First, I would like you to review and critique on the U-3 vs U-6 unemployment rate, and their respective implications. Is one more important than the other?  

Second, I would like you to look at the federal budget for each year beginning in the fiscal year 2007 through 2014. Look at actual federal revenue received, federal revenue spend, then subtract the two to get your annual deficit, which of course can then give you your % of GDP. That's should be fairly simple for you.

Third, I need you to critique and analyze the impact of the American Recovery and Investment Act of 2009 to the budget. Hint, look at the 2009 budget, and then each succeeding year.

Fourth, I need you to look at the federal government's historical share of GDP, but with emphasis over, let's say the last 20 years. Where are we today as far as govt share of GDP.  

I think that should suffice for now. Good luck

Posted By: marikod
        The numbers from the fed gov fiscal year – which ended Sept 30 – are startling. The budget deficit is now only 2.8 % of GDP, the lowest since 2007. In dollar terms, the deficit dropped from 680 billion to 484 billion. This is also the fastest reduction in the deficit since WWII. And anyone in the stock market during Mr. O’s term has easily doubled his money.  
          What sorcery did Mr. Obama employ to generate these results? Well, he made sure that revenues (8.9%) increased more than spending (1.4%). His steady reduction of unemployment (now under 6%) means that tax revenues are increasing from a larger work force. Meanwhile, he effectively raised the payroll tax (by letting a reduction expire) and did raise taxes on the rich – He also  refused to cave to Republican “give away” tax cuts.  
        And he did this even by spending more for the working poor on Medicaid, and for the lower middle class in the form of Obamacare subsidies.  
        The NY Times even projects that “[b]ased on current projections, the average deficit through President Obama’s second term will be smaller than it was through President Reagan’s second term.” Did I read that right? Better than Mr. Trickle Down himself? Wow.  
     So what do the deficit trolls on the Board have to say?  
       Maybe we got this one wrong? Maybe we have gotta stop watching Fox News every night? LOL  

he lost $10 million of his Hollywood income  and quoted his explanation:
"Part of the loot went for gambling, part for horses and part for women. The rest I spent foolishly.”

       See, that’s why I ‘m worried about you, St. Croix, bc you are spending your time crunching numbers when you should be enjoying the things that make life worth living. Here is my plan to a St Croix make over.

     First I want you to go back to Pauley Pavilion and resume mop up duties. I hear the Bruins won’t even be able to play on the floor until you do a better job.

      Second, you are fired as my investment adviser. I thought you told me Dr. Copper was a “good idea.” It’s sank like a stone ever since I bought it. We need the Chinese go beat those protesters over the head and get back to filling out our order book.

       Now as to your points about the unemployment rate, U3 is the official unemployment rate and the one we are talking about. U5 adds in the “discouraged workers” but basically that means they can’t find the job they want, as opposed to they can’t find a job. They have stopped looking bc they don’t think they can find the job they want.

       Plenty of jobs out there. U6 includes “discouraged workers” and “marginally attached” and adds in part time workers, so it is a far broader measure. But all you have to do is go job hunting one day a year and you get counted in the U6.

       So I’m going with U3. Not the government’s job to make sure you have  white collar employment when they are plenty of fast food and custodian clean up jobs out there.  And if you are only searching one day a year, I don’t have much sympathy for you. In any event, U6 has come down from 17% in March 2010 to 12% or so, so we have real progress there as well.

       As to your other points, we’ll discuss those when I hear you’ve done a better job mopping up Pauley Pavilion

Well, I'm confused about your next to last paragraph. Didn't liberals like you and Nancy Pelosi mock 'Bush' for creating 'hamburger flipper jobs' in his recovery? "Where are the jobs Mr. President," was all we heard. But now you're saying creating those jobs is accpetable? Please help me here. Thanks.  

Posted By: marikod
he lost $10 million of his Hollywood income  and quoted his explanation:  
 "Part of the loot went for gambling, part for horses and part for women. The rest I spent foolishly.”  
        See, that’s why I ‘m worried about you, St. Croix, bc you are spending your time crunching numbers when you should be enjoying the things that make life worth living. Here is my plan to a St Croix make over.  
      First I want you to go back to Pauley Pavilion and resume mop up duties. I hear the Bruins won’t even be able to play on the floor until you do a better job.  
       Second, you are fired as my investment adviser. I thought you told me Dr. Copper was a “good idea.” It’s sank like a stone ever since I bought it. We need the Chinese go beat those protesters over the head and get back to filling out our order book.  
        Now as to your points about the unemployment rate, U3 is the official unemployment rate and the one we are talking about. U5 adds in the “discouraged workers” but basically that means they can’t find the job they want, as opposed to they can’t find a job. They have stopped looking bc they don’t think they can find the job they want.  
        Plenty of jobs out there. U6 includes “discouraged workers” and “marginally attached” and adds in part time workers, so it is a far broader measure. But all you have to do is go job hunting one day a year and you get counted in the U6.  
        So I’m going with U3. Not the government’s job to make sure you have  white collar employment when they are plenty of fast food and custodian clean up jobs out there.  And if you are only searching one day a year, I don’t have much sympathy for you. In any event, U6 has come down from 17% in March 2010 to 12% or so, so we have real progress there as well.  
        As to your other points, we’ll discuss those when I hear you’ve done a better job mopping up Pauley Pavilion.  

Actually my complaint with Mr. Bush is starting two unnecessary wars,
 torturing “suspected” terrorists, and lying about the torture. As with Mr. Obama, I don’t see it as his job to create preferred jobs-  as long as hamburger flipper jobs are available he is ok with me.

       But Dude, to give credit where credit is due, your choice of ladies is exquisite – Kayana and Lila are as good as it gets. I was crushed when she left Houston and doubled her rates. But please slow down – in a mere two years, you have already lapped me. LO

GaGambler504 reads

"Figures don't lie, but liars figure"

When merely slowing the speed that spending is increasing out of control is touted as spending "reductions" any rational person would question the methodology of obtaining these "stellar numbers" that Mari is crowing about.

St. Croix585 reads

If I was mari, I'd would try and get at least a partial refund on that Duke education. And he still can't grasped what the fuck a "stop loss" is.  

It took you a whopping nano second to understand what I driving at with my questions. I should have used a 2 by 4 over his head. Probably would have gotten a better response.  

Posted By: GaGambler
"Figures don't lie, but liars figure"

When merely slowing the speed that spending is increasing out of control is touted as spending "reductions" any rational person would question the methodology of obtaining these "stellar numbers" that Mari is crowing about.

GaGambler579 reads

So yes, an unconscious Mari would likely make more sense than a conscious one if recent posts are to be considered.

I am still waiting for Rick Perry to be led off in cuffs. Come on Mari, it's not too late to get some of this "easy money" I am offering.

when it's ballooning out of control.

Looks like the Tea Party insistence (THAT MEANS DESPITE OBAMA) of deficit reduction has saved the day!

Too bad we're at almost $18 TRILLION in debt, up from 10 trillion, what's that? +80% anyway you slice it!! That wont be a problem as long as interest rates stay at 0.

That'll last.


Oh, but foodstamps are way up so I guess we gotta give O'bummer a hand for that!! LMAO

has math problems. You both are comparing apple to horse shit.

Keeping the minimum wage low in the poverty level, subsidizing retail and fast-food giants with tax payer money has a lot to do with Food stamps needle fuck.

How Republican presidents in the past 50 years have lowered the deficit

Never mind that people are struggling. They obviously haven't seen these numbers. Too bad the Dems running for office are not as informed as you.

Also, if those numbers were accurate... isn't everything that's happening the Republican's fault? Does that mean they also get credit for this?

Posted By: marikod
        The numbers from the fed gov fiscal year – which ended Sept 30 – are startling. The budget deficit is now only 2.8 % of GDP, the lowest since 2007. In dollar terms, the deficit dropped from 680 billion to 484 billion. This is also the fastest reduction in the deficit since WWII. And anyone in the stock market during Mr. O’s term has easily doubled his money.  
          What sorcery did Mr. Obama employ to generate these results? Well, he made sure that revenues (8.9%) increased more than spending (1.4%). His steady reduction of unemployment (now under 6%) means that tax revenues are increasing from a larger work force. Meanwhile, he effectively raised the payroll tax (by letting a reduction expire) and did raise taxes on the rich – He also  refused to cave to Republican “give away” tax cuts.  
        And he did this even by spending more for the working poor on Medicaid, and for the lower middle class in the form of Obamacare subsidies.  
        The NY Times even projects that “[b]ased on current projections, the average deficit through President Obama’s second term will be smaller than it was through President Reagan’s second term.” Did I read that right? Better than Mr. Trickle Down himself? Wow.  
     So what do the deficit trolls on the Board have to say?  
       Maybe we got this one wrong? Maybe we have gotta stop watching Fox News every night? LOL  

nd in fact you will hear the Democrats bringing these numbers up in the weeks leading to mid term elections, especially if the Republicans bemoan excessive federal spending as they always do.  

      Let's see "the first thing I'm going to do is repeal Obamacare" is  off the table. Excessive federal spending and high unemployment is gone. I suspect the GOP focus will be on the middle east mess and Ebola

JackDunphy493 reads

A public that thinks it still feels like a recession to 75% of them? Who have LOST $5k in wages since Barry's election?

Yeah, I'll await with baited breath the first Dem TV ad that touts the Obama admin as having their financial house in order. roflmao

Christ, we cant even get Dem senator nominees to even say they VOTED for him. lol

GaGambler557 reads

Oh wait, Dems are running from Obamacare and Obama himself as fast as their little liberal legs can take them. If these things are such overwhelming successes, why are all the vulnerable Dems running as far away from Obama as they can, and why are GOP candidates trying to portray that a vote for ______ is actually a vote for a continuation of Obama's policy.

It's funny that Obama is almost as toxic after 6 years in office as GWB was in 2012 with the economy in free fall. I wonder just how unpopular he will be in 2016, and how far the Democratic nominee will have to distance his/herself from Obama to have a prayer of getting elected?

I hope they all go to the microphone and promise more of what the American people have been getting for the last 6 years, including Obamacare. But they all aren't yet for some reason.

We should both hope they hurry. They're running out of time to brag!

How much is interest on the debt and what happens when interest rates go up someday?

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