Politics and Religion

Yep! And, I bet it will be you or Dr. Beep who alerts us to the good news...
mattradd 40 Reviews 167 reads

of Trump's poll number beginning to climb out of the shitter! ;)

JackDunphy1250 reads

Oh, wait. That was liberal Dem Robert Reich that said that. LOL

Also said Dems have not been in this bad of shape in almost ONE HUNDRED YEARS.  


I am not sure if he thinks the new leadership will help. He didn't say. LOL


bigguy30158 reads

It's nothing new and Trump's comments are garbage.
So most people don't believe him.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Oh, wait. That was liberal Dem Robert Reich that said that. LOL  
 Also said Dems have not been in this bad of shape in almost ONE HUNDRED YEARS.  
 I am not sure if he thinks the new leadership will help. He didn't say. LOL  

TwoMints283 reads

Do you see Trump's name and everything just goes red?  It must be the case. That or you are the average regressive and only read the headlines..

Posted By: bigguy30
It's nothing new and Trump's comments are garbage.  
 So most people don't believe him.
Posted By: JackDunphy
Oh, wait. That was liberal Dem Robert Reich that said that. LOL  
  Also said Dems have not been in this bad of shape in almost ONE HUNDRED YEARS.    
  I am not sure if he thinks the new leadership will help. He didn't say. LOL  

He can't read....he only looks at the pictures.

Posted By: TwoMints
Do you see Trump's name and everything just goes red?  It must be the case. That or you are the average regressive and only read the headlines..
Posted By: bigguy30
It's nothing new and Trump's comments are garbage.  
  So most people don't believe him.
Posted By: JackDunphy
Oh, wait. That was liberal Dem Robert Reich that said that. LOL    
   Also said Dems have not been in this bad of shape in almost ONE HUNDRED YEARS.    
   I am not sure if he thinks the new leadership will help. He didn't say. LOL    

bigguy30195 reads

Well thanks for proving my point and showing your stupidity.

Posted By: SoleSurvivor
He can't read....he only looks at the pictures.  

Posted By: TwoMints
Do you see Trump's name and everything just goes red?  It must be the case. That or you are the average regressive and only read the headlines..

Posted By: bigguy30
It's nothing new and Trump's comments are garbage.    
   So most people don't believe him.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Oh, wait. That was liberal Dem Robert Reich that said that. LOL    
    Also said Dems have not been in this bad of shape in almost ONE HUNDRED YEARS.      
    I am not sure if he thinks the new leadership will help. He didn't say. LOL    

-- Modified on 2/27/2017 12:15:20 AM

Yeah...things are honky dory in the DNC. Let's see just the recent history.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz tried to sabotage the nomination of Bernie Sanders in favor of Crooked Hillary

Then Donna Blabbermouth Brazile leaked debate questions to Crooked Hillary.

now you get Tom Perez who's first official act is to bring in a stone cold racist as his second in command.

Yeah....all is well.

Posted By: bigguy30
It's nothing new and Trump's comments are garbage.  
 So most people don't believe him.
Posted By: JackDunphy
Oh, wait. That was liberal Dem Robert Reich that said that. LOL  
  Also said Dems have not been in this bad of shape in almost ONE HUNDRED YEARS.    
  I am not sure if he thinks the new leadership will help. He didn't say. LOL  

Luv-Kit2147 reads

Fox news, like that alleged attack in Sweden.

bigguy30217 reads

They keep making shit up to cover up their own bs lies.
Then they are cowards when people call them out on it.
Just like this clown Marco Rubio but he is not the only one.

Posted By: Luv-Kit2
Fox news, like that alleged attack in Sweden.

bigguy30209 reads

So if they are so confident people are with them.
Then why are they running scared for cover now?
The Tea party did the same things and the GOP approved of their actions.

I did not even get into the Trump and Putin investigation yet!
Since they are trying to kill the story looking for support in Congress.

Well six weeks in and the plan is working against the GOPscum.

-- Modified on 2/27/2017 12:18:55 PM

Yeah. Demoncranks have never run from the truth, they have never lied or even danced around a question from the fake media.


Posted By: bigguy30
They keep making shit up to cover up their own bs lies.  
 Then they are cowards when people call them out on it.  
 Just like this clown Marco Rubio but he is not the only one.
Posted By: Luv-Kit2
Fox news, like that alleged attack in Sweden.

Posted By: Luv-Kit2
Fox news, like that alleged attack in Sweden.
  Not sure about your viewing comprehension capabilities but your research abilities  
 are not impressive  in the least.  
   Fifteen years ago Sweden had half the sexual assaults including rape they had in 2016
   Sweden Government officials  are in denial.  
 Photos of Sweden riots in link below, reading capabilities not required.
  Government leaders World Wide should realize, they  can't continually import multitudes of immigrants with completely different culture and attitude from the native population , when  the new immigrants are not yearning to assimilate and interact with citizens, while the Government officials are placing those immigrants in low rent districts, separated from successful sections.
  With  no abundance of  training and jobs  for the new immigrants to fill their boring days, it is inevitable the future will  lead to Riots, Destruction and Unnecessary Deaths in due time.  
   "Shocking pictures of burnt out cars, riots, windows being smashed, and police storming the streets have been plastered all over social media and in the national press- but the country INSISTS there is no major problem.
Trump kicked off the debate when he was accused of insinuating there was an attack or major incident in Sweden a Florida rally, a week ago.
Politicians jumped to defend the Nordic nation after Trump’s speech -but within days scenes of violence and burning vehicles began to emerge.
Former Swedish PM Carl Bildt immediately tweeted: “Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound.” 
The Swedish Government have been accused of trying to down play events in their country, while reporters on the ground have claimed it is being rocked by crime.
Deputy chairman of Rinkeby Council, Benjamin Dousa, insisted the country is “at a crossroads”.
Mr Dousa told the Daily Mail: “It is not fake news we have a problem with in our suburbs.
“We have riots almost once a month and a big riot once a year, and by big I means continuing for almost a week.”
On Monday Rinkeby was enveloped in chaos when between 30-50 people were involved in violent scenes
The unrest kicked off after officers detained a wanted man at a Metro station and the reaction was so fierce - one officer reportedly had to open fire.

The Swedish Government have been accused of trying to down play events in their country, while reporters on the ground have claimed it is being rocked by crime.
Deputy chairman of Rinkeby Council, Benjamin Dousa, insisted the country is “at a crossroads”.
Mr Dousa told the Daily Mail: “It is not fake news we have a problem with in our suburbs.
The unrest kicked off after officers detained a wanted man at a Metro station and the reaction was so fierce - one officer reportedly had to open fire.

And, it causes you to ignore some important points. Reich also said: " The average American is actually economically in a lot of economic desperation., insecure. We have parts of this country that are -- really, desolate in terms of the economic activity.

And so, you've got a lot of anger out there that nobody, neither the Democrats nor the Republicans, have come up from with a way to respond to."

This means the problem rests with both Democrat and Republican administrations, and Congresses. It also means that if Trump doesn't solve it, there will be consequences visited upon the Republican party. Yes, Reich criticized the Democrat party, because that's who we are. We don't all agree, and we state our views, vs. the Republican party which tries to appear as a united front, in lock step, right or wrong, on any issues. That makes you more susceptible to an authoritarian president, which he will need to become to try and contain all the unrest of the people if he fails to deliver on his promises. The Republican congress will give him all the room he needs to take away more and more of our freedoms. If that indeed happens, I hope you will remember all your days of gloating. ;)

But I will continue to gloat as long as idiots here want to compare Trump to a dictator. ;) ;)

Do you know any? ;)

...Jack you mean to tell us that this hobby is illegal, I'm going to go to the police station to turn myself in right now. And someone actually had the audacity to compare our dear Donald to a dictator Noooooooooooooooo!

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