Politics and Religion

Won't the heat tire them out?
JohnyComeAlready 670 reads

... or they could get off social media, and stop wasting electricity.

Posted By: AliquippaJones
This minute Islamic terrorists are figuring out how to get to our front doors with a knife while we worry about global warming or climate change or climate disruption or whatever we're supposed to call it this week.

JackDunphy3489 reads

"In 1999, the feverish rise in Earth's surface temperatures suddenly slowed, even as greenhouse gas emissions escalated. This unexpected slowdown has been called a global warming hiatus or global warming pause. Most climate scientists don't think this hiatus means global warming went kaput, but the reason (or reasons) for the slowdown has scientists flummoxed. Researchers have offered more than two dozen ideas to explain the missing heat."

More than TWO DOZEN ideas??? So that means they don't know for sure, right all you scientific geniuses on this board?

So we have virtually no warming for 15 years, they don't agree on why or what caused it, they keep floating dozens of "possible" reasons for the "pause" yet....

They STILL want us to believe we are definitely heading for catastrophe by 2050 or 2100? lol

They really need to STFU and say "we THOUGHT we knew what was going on, we really aren't sure now, we'll keep studying it and get back to you."  

Isn't THAT what respected science is supposed to do rather than clinging to preconceived notions not borne out of by present day facts?

With others YOU are going to hell if you don't believe.

With GW drones the whole planet is going to hell if you don't believe.

Armageddon sells.

...or point of no return, then we'll all be fucked regardless of who believed in climate change and who didn't.

That, you are fucking moron. There are many things on this earth and the universe, we know nothing about. Why did earth fart in Suberia? Earth didn't like the way Putin is handling Ukraine? It must be because Obama is not declaring war on Syria, not sending troops to Iraq or is it earth just don't agree with the handling the overall foreign policy.  

I bet, earth farted because of Obama!

86H13LTP890 reads

this is you in the pic isn't it ? That hair definitely has something to do with climate change .

Oh, and Obama has sent troops to Iraq and is sending 300 more Marines this week.

Go fuck yourself you nit wit shit head mother fucker.

"In 1999, the feverish rise in Earth's surface temperatures suddenly slowed, even as greenhouse gas emissions escalated. This unexpected slowdown has been called a global warming hiatus or global warming pause. Most climate scientists don't think this hiatus means global warming went kaput, but the reason (or reasons) for the slowdown has scientists flummoxed. Researchers have offered more than two dozen ideas to explain the missing heat."

So, you use this portion of the article as a call to agree the science isn't "settled" on "AGW."  What's AGW?

That statement was meant of reflect the situation previous to:

"Now, a study published today (Aug. 21) in the journal Science suggests a natural climate cycle in the North Atlantic Ocean gobbled Earth's extra heat. While the study is unlikely to settle the scientific debate, it does support the idea that Earth's global warming continues in the ocean, even when air temperatures stay flat."

Surface temp is just one portion of global warming. It also includes the oceans, the earths molten core. Are you not concerned that the temp. of the oceans may be increasing? It doesn't make me feel any better that the oceans may be acting as a heat sink for surface temps., particularly if one has ever touched one while working on electrical appliances, computers, etc.

which takes 100’s if not 1000’s of years to end in catastrophe. In the mean time, it exhibits symptoms such as , big holes in Siberia ejecting natural gas, ice sheets in North and South poles receding or falling of into the ocean, ocean temperature warming, rain and wing patterns changing across the world, etc.  

But you and your ilk never ever understand any of this because, you are too damned lazy to research the information. All of you are way too happy to pretend to be intelligent by regurgitating some other dumb fuck who is feeding bullshit and keeps you in the dark

JackDunphy858 reads

but all the scientific data published by liberal media like NY Times tells us we are not warming.

If you can square that circle for me, I'm all hears.

with what you linked. There's nothing there that says global warming is not happening.

P.S. Does this count as liberal media?

I don't think all this melting is due to global cooling.

JackDunphy739 reads

Surely you see a disconnect with what liberals say when they go on cable TV or the Sunday shows and what this piece is saying.  

If you listen to Bille Maher or Van Jones or Rachel Maddow etc etc etc they tell us GW is ALWAYS getting worse. We HAVE to do something NOW or peril is just around the corner.

Well here is the NY Times telling us no warming in 15 years and that the scientists are perplexed by this.

Sounds like the science isn't settled to me Matt.

which does not give me a great feeling of "All is well with the world."

I'll see your article and trump you with another one!   ;)

JackDunphy643 reads

at least in the scientific community.

Do a google search about it and you will see numerous articles on the subject by sources I am sure you trust. The NY Times isnt in the minority on this issue.

Furthermore, the American people do not think it is a serious threat even if it is happening.

Your first linked article explains that the oceans are acting as a heat sink.  If the oceans increase in temp. it's still global warming even if the surface temps. plateau.

The measurement that is the most important is the amount of greenhouse gases accumulating in the atmosphere particularly CO2. As the amount of greenhouse gases accumulate the amount of heat retained by the earth increases as well. If it is not showing up in the atmosphere then it is going somewhere else. And if the oceans are turning into our heat sink that's very bad news indeed. I'd also rather it'd be the atmosphere instead.

From your NYT article:

We certainly cannot conclude, as some people want to, that carbon dioxide is not actually a greenhouse gas. More than a century of research thoroughly disproves that claim.

In fact, scientists can calculate how much extra heat should be accumulating from the human-caused increases in greenhouse gases, and the energies involved are staggering. By a conservative estimate, current concentrations are trapping an extra amount of energy equivalent to 400,000 Hiroshima bombs exploding across the face of the earth every day.

So the real question is where all that heat is going, if not to warm the surface. And a prime suspect is the deep ocean. Our measurements there are not good enough to confirm it absolutely, but a growing body of research suggests this may be an important part of the answer.

ok so the planet is warming and its because of the USA
india and china and russia building and burning all over the place

and al gore and nancy pelosi are so important that they have to be on private planes.

Their policy is to drive up the price of energy so the poor people consume less of it.  
Buy economical cars with less steel, I would rather have a big car when I get into an accident!
Have you ever seen one of those cheap cars after an accident with a german car.

its ok pelosi and reid have your best interests at heart

"dumb," but perhaps you can explain how you missed my point!   ;)

This minute Islamic terrorists are figuring out how to get to our front doors with a knife while we worry about global warming or climate change or climate disruption or whatever we're supposed to call it this week.

... or they could get off social media, and stop wasting electricity.

Posted By: AliquippaJones
This minute Islamic terrorists are figuring out how to get to our front doors with a knife while we worry about global warming or climate change or climate disruption or whatever we're supposed to call it this week.

But it still leaves the question of "What happens when the earth runs dry of oil?" Are we going to wait until supply and demand has gasoline at $50/gal or more until we look for alternative energy? And wouldn't it be nice to tell the camel jockeys "fuck off and die; we don't need your shit"?

...are also the most pro-business as well.  It doesn't matter to them whether climate change is real or not, all they care about is the bottom line.  They don't care about the future of their children or grandchildren as long as they keep getting a fat dividend check.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...are also the most pro-business as well.  It doesn't matter to them whether climate change is real or not, all they care about is the bottom line.  They don't care about the future of their children or grandchildren as long as they keep getting a fat dividend check.

It's a "debt" based economy created by the privately owned Federal Reserve banks. Drowning in debt is the most patriotic thing an individual or business can do under this economic system.

it is our only heat source
maybe its hotter some years and cooler other years

personally some years I feel cool, some years I feel hot!

When they said (and say) the science is settled, I knew it wasn't science.

Science is never settled (apart from the most simple things like on earth things fall.)

A few weeks ago, Time (I think it was) had an article how butter may be good for you.  Cholesteral is in constant flux.  Suddenly a little red wine was good for you.

When I was in college (showing age), the science was settled that we were entering a new Ice Age, with 95% of scientists in agreement.  

I also lived through a dozen other disasters that science was predicting, from geologists saying we had 30 more years of oil (in 1970) to the population bomb to expert predicting "pandemics" of bird flu to more than I can count.  And, as the song goes, "I' here.)

Science is great.  It saved my life through medicine twice.  

But when someone says that something this compex is "Settled" they are not talking about science.

Posted By: dncphil

 When I was in college (showing age), the science was settled that we were entering a new Ice Age, with 95% of scientists in agreement.  

It has gone from global warming to climate change. Now there are 'scientists' that are saying it's climate disruption. What's next? Climate evolution?  

There are photos from a NASA satellite that compare the polar ice cap in August, 2012, to the same in August, 2013. The 2013 photo shows the polar ice cap to be one million square miles LARGER than the previous year.

Another NASA photo shows the glaciers on Mount Shasta, CA. to be 30% larger than previously. And the debate is supposed to be settled? I think not.

NASA collection data also admits that 99.96% of CO2 in the atmosphere is from natural causes. Man made CO2 is .04% of the atmosphere. That's a very powerful .04% to be affecting earth's climate.

I've said this many times to many people....follow the money. There are hundreds of billions to be made on global warming hype. Just ask the member countries of the EU. Europeans are being taxed out the ass, with no appreciable results to show for it. Follow the fucking money.

-- Modified on 8/24/2014 10:35:48 AM

That's why I follow your recommendation: "Follow the money," on both sides of the argument, like the coal and oil interests. I can understand why they spend so much money to refute it, because it's bad publicity, whether its true or not. But, you have some Congressmen in the pockets of those industries who want to reduce any funding for climate research. That looks pretty suspicious to me.

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