Politics and Religion

Willy, willy willy!
mrnogood 329 reads

The things going on in the world today are the nature of the beast that is government.

This is what governments do! The fact that a majority should rule over a minority, is a real bad idea, and is not even close to what a real free society looks like, but people believe it!! THEY BELIEVE THIS IS FREEDOM, just like muslims believe in Allah, and Christians, jesus christ..

 This government has only done what they ALWAYS do.

Look at the rituals they preform at presidential inaugurations, and when passing laws; sitting with gavels speaking legalese, which IMHO, is no different tha speaking in tongue, look at the kind of buildings they operate out of, they rival churches! Government judges and priests almost dress alike..

Posted By: willywonka4u
It will either happen, or it won't. I suspect that it will happen, who knows just when. It's not just the Middle East. It's not just Turkey or Greece. It's not just Brazil. It's everywhere.  

This movement began before Bush. When Bush came in it was a big distraction. Things got side tracked. When Obama came in, we figured we could all just go to sleep. Now we're coming to terms with the reality that the political system is completely and totally dysfunctional. It no longer responds to the will of the People. And that can only go on for so long. The only question is how big the powderkeg gets.

Not that what's happening or about to happen (according to mrnogood) won't happen.
But it would have already happened sooner.

or maybe, just maybe....

It will either happen, or it won't. I suspect that it will happen, who knows just when. It's not just the Middle East. It's not just Turkey or Greece. It's not just Brazil. It's everywhere.

This movement began before Bush. When Bush came in it was a big distraction. Things got side tracked. When Obama came in, we figured we could all just go to sleep. Now we're coming to terms with the reality that the political system is completely and totally dysfunctional. It no longer responds to the will of the People. And that can only go on for so long. The only question is how big the powderkeg gets.

mrnogood330 reads

The things going on in the world today are the nature of the beast that is government.

This is what governments do! The fact that a majority should rule over a minority, is a real bad idea, and is not even close to what a real free society looks like, but people believe it!! THEY BELIEVE THIS IS FREEDOM, just like muslims believe in Allah, and Christians, jesus christ..

 This government has only done what they ALWAYS do.

Look at the rituals they preform at presidential inaugurations, and when passing laws; sitting with gavels speaking legalese, which IMHO, is no different tha speaking in tongue, look at the kind of buildings they operate out of, they rival churches! Government judges and priests almost dress alike..


Posted By: willywonka4u
It will either happen, or it won't. I suspect that it will happen, who knows just when. It's not just the Middle East. It's not just Turkey or Greece. It's not just Brazil. It's everywhere.  

This movement began before Bush. When Bush came in it was a big distraction. Things got side tracked. When Obama came in, we figured we could all just go to sleep. Now we're coming to terms with the reality that the political system is completely and totally dysfunctional. It no longer responds to the will of the People. And that can only go on for so long. The only question is how big the powderkeg gets.

by people that didn't know better, to make me believe that I was separated from God.  Born into this world, a dirty, sinner baby that needed saving.

I choose to believe this life is a precious gift, not a punishment to my soul.  God incarnated my body, he is not somewhere out in the sky.  

You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop~ Rumi

Not unless you live in North Korea.

Here, something else is going on.

As John Dewey once said, "politics is the shadow cast on society by big business".

Don't forget who the puppets are, and who the puppeteers are.

mrnogood330 reads

It requires the same faith from the masses it is supposed to serve as Jesus H Christ.. But, if you really look at government WE SERVE IT, it does not serve us.

What, willy? A few more elections/laws, and we will get it just right? LOL

Willy, you may not believe in God, but you have the SAME blind faith in government that religion requires.

Their are 2 ways people can interact, one is by mutual agreement, the other is by force.. Government is force, try not to pay your taxes, and they throw you in Jail, taxes is compulsory NOT voluntary!


Posted By: willywonka4u
Not unless you live in North Korea.  

Here, something else is going on.  

As John Dewey once said, "politics is the shadow cast on society by big business".

Don't forget who the puppets are, and who the puppeteers are.

-- Modified on 6/27/2013 8:29:51 PM

But I have even less faith in the "free market".

There is this thing called the social contract. You know that little saying, don't you? Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Government is only as bad as it is tyrannical. The more democratic it is, the less tyrannical. If you don't like the gov't, it's because there is a democracy deficit.

Just because you don't wanna play ball, doesn't give you the right to forbid everyone else who wants to play. You don't like the rules? Move. I hear Somalia is nice this time of year.

mrnogood342 reads

it's real basic and immature "reasoning" too.. If you do not like my way, leave... Go to Somalia, or Iraq..

and then you folks look around and wonder why shit is so fucked up! I'd say it's because americans have been brainwashed by their govt run schools... That's why shit is fucked up

-- Modified on 7/2/2013 12:45:03 AM

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