Politics and Religion

Why the John Lennon photo??
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1831 reads

Bottom left age enhanced photo of John Lennon ..or is it really him and all he wanted was to take over the Government?


Uh, I thought it was common knowledge among people who could tie their shoes that the choice was clear in American de-mo-cra-cee

Tweedledee (Democrat) or Tweedledum (Republican).

My god how long will people willfully forget that 4 or 8 or 12 years ago it was the same promise of change from the other side. Stop supporting and tolerating this caberet act.

Bottom left age enhanced photo of John Lennon ..or is it really him and all he wanted was to take over the Government?


Ben Dover2188 reads

Your astutely lame observation makes you sound retarded... Are you retarded?

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