Politics and Religion

Why dont you research how many more people USED to watch the news..confused_smile
mrnogood 1250 reads

Those numbers USED to be much MUCH larger - it's you who doesn't know figures, if you think that's alot per population..

You showed me this same trait the other day when you were celerbrating global victory and freedom for a supposed .1% job growth...

Do you know how many jobs we lost during that time? 400,000 - but we got 111k - YIP FUCKIN EYE

Mr ng is right??? You know all those movies where it was the crazy nut who knew what he was talking about, and all the"sane" people dismissed and ridiculed it. could we be in a twilight zone episode?

Priapus531707 reads

I probably shouldn't be saying this, to "incite
unnamed troll" but here goes :


There---couldn't have said it any clearer.

One thing about this board---despite varying political ideologies, I think everyone here thinks the U.S. is greatest country in the world & wants it to succeed ( I certainly do ) but NOT a certain party--------he would love to see an
economic collapse & second civil war to validate his "psychotic bitterness" about his failures in life & blame them on"external forces".

Like  I said earlier, threads like this that deal with this "individual", fuel fears of economic panic & are probably not helpful. What I will do is cite 2 POTUS's from opposite ends of the spectrum :

The link below is to a Ronald Reagan speech;some may find it ridiculous, but, surprsingly, not me. Very analogous to situation in here about opposite sides coming together to combat "common enemy" & if you don't find it silly, very thoughtful to say the least.

Lastly, an FDR quote : "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself".

-- Modified on 8/6/2011 1:16:38 PM

mrnogood2097 reads

I mean how can so many people (present company excluded) see the mess we're in, AND NONE OF YOU ALL DO...

Yep, this is the twilight zone, where war is peace, collapsing economy's are called ''growth'' while the masses are so wrapped up in their damn self, they can't see what the fuck is going on..

I bet every single one of you know who is on dances w the stars, you know your sports, and willy DOES know his porn..But you can't see the roses, or smell the roses in your own damn gardens..

They say you guys DO NOT see the OBVIOUS, because your ego's are just to big..

If you begin to show soe humanity, and think about other people beside yourself YOU WILL see the roses in your own damn gardens...

Yep, I'm in the twilight zone, and EVERY single one of you are proof, that it is actually ME, who is in the twilight zone, AND YOU who are the damn fools..

and ALL any of you have to do, is be honest with yourself on ALL the things you see going on around you..It may not hurt o stop watching the fear mongering news...They got you all so scared of this, and so brainwashed, YOU CAN'T SEE SHIT..

Im not saying put the news down, but start reading it..That way they can't brainwash you with props and propaganda, and they can stop feeding you the headlines in a fashion that benifits ONLY their sponsors..

Start asking yourself the who, what, when or why, of EVERY headline - RESEARCH

See you have to stop worrying about yourself so much, that you can be bothered to look into things you hear on the news..

You have to open your minds, and the news, and tv programing you watch is all there to keep you self cenerted and worshiping your egos..

Our media, commercials, and everything on tv - has programed you ALL into egotistical maniacs, and fracturing the unity of a once untied America..

They are pitting you against eachother ON PURPOSE, they want you blinded with rage, and they know that if your blinded by rage, because you hate the other party so much You cant see anything else but rage-

It's actually YOU guys that are the name calling hate mongers, it's actually YOU guys that is so scared of what's happening (because the media made you that way) while closing your minds EVEN further by telling you ANYONE who does see the FULL picture is a wach job, conspiracy theorist, or terrorists..

The recent terrorist lable your news, and you guys have gotten comfortable calling other americans, is proof these folks are getting desperate..BUT, none of you see ANY of this because you so blinded with the rage for the other side you ACTUALLY THINK people who do see reality are reallly terrorists, instead of your fellow country men, and women..

and THERE ARE many of us - HALF the country is awake now

If you look at the ratings for mainstream news, it's lower than it has ever been, while sites like blacklistednews, and zerohedge (which got a plug on NBC 2 days ago) have more traffic, and better ratings than all the mainstream combined..

Have any of you looked at neilson lately?? Maybe you guys should join your countrymen, put the news down, open your minds, LOOK AROUND YOU, and be honest with yourself about what your seeing going on, not only in politics, but the economy..

Cause at this point it's soo damn obvious, and there are signs all around you all, your becoming a huge dissapointment and the laughing stocks of the world, and the rest of us are losing some respect for you weak willed american's who are so trusting, you are being fooled..

But you cant see the truth that IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU, until you stop being so wrapped up in yourself..

Ther writting is on the walls people - signs are EVERYWHERE at this point, and the fact that you don't see it means you need to do some serious soul searching..

You know why I am right? Because at this point there are so many things happening right in front of you, IT IS OBVIOUS, it you ALL who refuse to see it, not me..

Therefor, it is me in the twilight zone, in a land of braindead zombies

Priapus531341 reads

The 3 national network news shows have a combined audience of 20 million; you can find that from the link below.

As for the cable news networks, the following comes from huffpost media :

"Fox News averaged 2.25 million total viewers in prime time for the third quarter, up 2% over the previous year. That's more than CNN (946,000, down 30%) and MSNBC (788,000, down 10%) combined"

So, according to above, that means 4 million watch the 3 cable news networks. Putting that together with the networks, that's a combined audience of 24 million.

Can you cite the ratings for blacklistednews & zerohedge, backing your assertions,or are you merely pulling these claims out of your ass with halfbaked lies fooling gullible sheep like Robertini ?

I'll be waiting for links to back up your "statistics".

-- Modified on 8/6/2011 9:02:02 PM

mrnogood1262 reads

showing you the neilson broadcasting ratings -

We are just gonna check the REAL source instead of letting someone else ''give'' us the numbers

See this is what you have to do pri, LOOK into it, and stop letting some news pundit, with an agenda TELL you everything you know

-- Modified on 8/6/2011 6:44:32 PM

Priapus531900 reads

The link you cite is ONLY for cable news, NOT news programs for the 3 networks. Widely known that if you combine all 6 channels, you get combined audience of 24 million. And the link I provided was NOT a "pundit site". What IS this problem you have with reading comprehension & spelling ? Do you have some form of brain damage that has caused learning disabilities or perhaps dyslexia? You can get help for that, you know.

And where are your stats for the audience of blacklistednews & zerohedge ? & You think the #'s of hits on those sites are reliable? Even so, why don't you cite some rating stats for those sites ?

God---what a pathetic joke.

-- Modified on 8/6/2011 7:07:55 PM

mrnogood1251 reads

Those numbers USED to be much MUCH larger - it's you who doesn't know figures, if you think that's alot per population..

You showed me this same trait the other day when you were celerbrating global victory and freedom for a supposed .1% job growth...

Do you know how many jobs we lost during that time? 400,000 - but we got 111k - YIP FUCKIN EYE

mrnogood1505 reads

but these day's he can't even pull 1,000

do you ever get tired of being wrong? Wake up pri, look at you, you are the scum of the earth -

A lost soul

Glenn beck in his hay days ratings were 6,000 Do some research IDIOT

-- Modified on 8/6/2011 7:21:24 PM

Priapus531684 reads

Ask any conservative here if only 1,000
people watch Bill OReilly nightly & you'll be laughed off this board,if you already haven't been-----ROFLMFAO !

Considered that your mind is SO feeble & distorted, HOW are we to believe ANY of the "economic facts" you regularly regurgitate ?

As I said-----a pathetic joke.

mrnogood1357 reads

some nights fox did have 2,000, 519, and 1,000

This is your ego pri - this is what a HUGE ego looks like folks

Priapus531471 reads

wait till the rest of the board gets a load of your "misinterpreted #'s"------ROFLMFAO !

Lastly, a rhetorical q: you ever go to College ?

-- Modified on 8/6/2011 7:59:30 PM

mrnogood1533 reads

where do you think these people went to start getting there news from??

Here is an article about it ASSHOLE


This is STUPID debating you

You didn't even read your own chart properly.  The numbers on the left-hand side are in (1000).  Meaning an audience of 1,000 on the chart is really 1 million viewers.  Gawd, you are such a dumbfuck.

Posted By: Priapus53
Ask any conservative here if only 1,000
people watch Bill OReilly nightly & you'll be laughed off this board,if you already haven't been-----ROFLMFAO !

Considered that your mind is SO feeble & distorted, HOW are we to believe ANY of the "economic facts" you regularly regurgitate ?

As I said-----a pathetic joke.

Those numbers represent Neilson Households.  One Neilson Household equals tens of thousands of viewers.  It's an incredibly antiquated method but that's how they estimate viewers.

Look at the bottom of your link:

Nielsen Cable Network Coverage Estimates (as of July, 2011)

CNN/HLN: 101.12 million HHs

CNBC: 98.62 million HHs

FNC: 99.15 million HHs

MSNBC: 95.72 million HHs

Fox Business: 58.15 million HHs

Priapus532828 reads

That was great !Thanks for proving that boob wrong ! You get my vote for POTUS ! Muchas gracias !-----LMFAO !

-- Modified on 8/6/2011 8:04:30 PM

mrnogood2574 reads

The chart tells you that they are there - You're supposed to know that  LOOK

''Infowars -- Rank: 1,238 Change:126
Prison Planet --  Rank: 2,456  Change: 2,377
Rense -- Rank: 5,021 Change: down 187 (increase month-over-month 138; yesterday 411)
David Icke -- Rank: 4,767 Change: 1,313
Lew Rockwell -- Rank: 4,883  Change: 1,570
Global Research -- Rank: 7,316  Change:7,736
What Really Happened --  Rank: 4,012 Change: 12,426   Special hat tip to Mike Rivero who suffered a hack that effectively shut down his site just as the announcement came in.  He bounced back stronger than ever with the highest increase that we could find.
Activist Post -- Rank: 14,607  Change: 6,417
The Intel Hub -- Rank: 35,935 Change: 903
Reality Zone -- Rank: 81,872  Change: 14,104

EVEN ALEXA lists with out adding all the extra zero's

I know what you're saying, It still doesn't mean their numbers are sinking...

Are you so wrapped up in the fact that I didnt add the zero's (which is normal) that you cant realize how dramatically the ratings have fallen?

Info wars was actually number one online for a bit out of all the media news sites - more people were going to him than regular news sites..But he's a shill, so he must of turned them off

His site was 1023 for all the internet sites online..


-- Modified on 8/6/2011 8:10:58 PM

Your numbers are, indeed, for Neilson Households but they are not for actual viewers on any given night.  These numbers are how many households have cable service that makes it possible to view a given network, not for how many people actually watch it.

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