Politics and Religion

Who writes this baloney? Who buys it?angry_smile
woodchip 156 reads

"The gun is so powerful it's shunned by hunting purists and isn't recommended for amateur home defense unless the user wants to risk shooting through his own walls and even into neighbor's homes."

Answer: People with no knowledge of firearms or their owners whatsoever.  

My .308 is much more "powerful" than any AR-15 which is basically .22 caliber (5.56mm) rifle.
My pistols are 9mm, .38, .40, .45 and .50 all way more "powerful" than the dreaded AR-15.  
My shotguns are .73 caliber, more "powerful" but low velocity and very, very deadly at 50 yards or less. One does not even have to have any skill to kill with this weapon. Saw it off and its a street sweeper for someone intent on killing.

My ruger 10/22 can fire as many .22 caliber rounds in a minute as you can pull the trigger, deadly at 100 yards or less. To anti gunners its an assault rifle, to me its good for bringing home small game for the dinner table, target practice and training young people on firearms and to protect themselves.  I could use it for home protection in a pinch.  

If AR-15's are banned then all the above firearms and many more will be gone.  There are over 300 million firearms in this country, banning one single class of them because of how they look is a delusional persons response to something they know they cannot stop.  Crazy people hell bent on killing!  They have an unstoppable will that will not be curtailed by another or any law.  These people are ruthless and resourceful, they will find a way to wreak havoc AR-15 or No AR-15.

Chicago gun homicides are nearly 100% caused by handguns and are also banned there.  How can it be that a banned item can be used in a crime?  Because they are smuggled in by criminals, criminals who congregate in places where they know pickings are easy and people are unprotected.  We can't police our borders, if we banned every gun in America that will not change and guns will flood in from other places in the world.  Know who would have them? Not law abiding citizens but criminals.

When politicians and our president give up their security details and their automatic and semi-automatic weapons while roaming the street freely, I'll consider giving up my arms and my 2nd amendment rights.  Until that time I'll defend them until not one breath remains in my body, not only for myself but for the generations to come.


Cottonmouth133 reads

stop the killing fields in CHIRAQ. The Daiey's , Jane Burn and even Harold Washington did a better job of " community organizing " than those two boobs .

Cottonmouth139 reads

It's Armalite Grayson you dope . And he wants to run for Senate ?

...as much about punctuation as you do about guns.

BTW, what does AK-47 stand for?  Or "Uzi?"  How about WD-40?  :-)  

-- Modified on 6/22/2016 10:28:00 PM

Surprised administration let this through.

GaGambler124 reads

I can't remember for sure, but wasn't it Mari that used to call you that?

Yah, for what's that's worth.

Posted By: GaGambler
I can't remember for sure, but wasn't it Mari that used to call you that?

GaGambler131 reads

To call him a shyster would imply he is really a lawyer and we all believe his story about being an "unemployed porn star" much more than any of us believe he actually passed the bar. Maybe he thinks "passing by a bar" is the same thing.? lol

JakeFromStateFarm131 reads

They told him to grow a thicker skin.  Where is he anyway?

Mr. CNN,  
         Not recognizing  sarcasm is one of the first signs of mental disease.
  I suggest you go to your nearest  mental health facility and get a  check up as quickly as possible.
  There are meds that may help your condition if it's mental and not your slack reading comprehension.
   I have never complained to TER administration about any post directed at me.  
  Never!  Never!  Never!  
   In my entire life I've been called many derogatory names, sissy is not one of them.
     IMO only a certified sissy would complain to TER about some simple words directed to them on a  Hooker review board.  
  I owned you on that entire thread. You were wrong and never admitted it.  
  Not only are you not man enough to admit when you are wrong you are a certified liar.  
  No where in my post did I mention TER administration.  
  Does TER have a principal I am not aware of ?  
  Is TER a school ?  
  Did you not understand my sarcasm in the Principal's spam reply?  

     Have a nice day, Spam brain. :-D

JakeFromStateFarm114 reads

It won't fly.  Your level of sheer stupidity is mind-boggling.
@ GaGa: so much for his "growing a thicker skin."
Your words.  Eat them

FatVern121 reads

Firearm giveaways/raffles are quite polula.

Posted By: borabora
Only in America do we find these .........(fill in the blanks)

This is a killing machine, not a sports toy.

This is not part of a video game. Real people get really killed.

woodchip157 reads

"The gun is so powerful it's shunned by hunting purists and isn't recommended for amateur home defense unless the user wants to risk shooting through his own walls and even into neighbor's homes."

Answer: People with no knowledge of firearms or their owners whatsoever.  

My .308 is much more "powerful" than any AR-15 which is basically .22 caliber (5.56mm) rifle.
My pistols are 9mm, .38, .40, .45 and .50 all way more "powerful" than the dreaded AR-15.  
My shotguns are .73 caliber, more "powerful" but low velocity and very, very deadly at 50 yards or less. One does not even have to have any skill to kill with this weapon. Saw it off and its a street sweeper for someone intent on killing.

My ruger 10/22 can fire as many .22 caliber rounds in a minute as you can pull the trigger, deadly at 100 yards or less. To anti gunners its an assault rifle, to me its good for bringing home small game for the dinner table, target practice and training young people on firearms and to protect themselves.  I could use it for home protection in a pinch.  

If AR-15's are banned then all the above firearms and many more will be gone.  There are over 300 million firearms in this country, banning one single class of them because of how they look is a delusional persons response to something they know they cannot stop.  Crazy people hell bent on killing!  They have an unstoppable will that will not be curtailed by another or any law.  These people are ruthless and resourceful, they will find a way to wreak havoc AR-15 or No AR-15.

Chicago gun homicides are nearly 100% caused by handguns and are also banned there.  How can it be that a banned item can be used in a crime?  Because they are smuggled in by criminals, criminals who congregate in places where they know pickings are easy and people are unprotected.  We can't police our borders, if we banned every gun in America that will not change and guns will flood in from other places in the world.  Know who would have them? Not law abiding citizens but criminals.

When politicians and our president give up their security details and their automatic and semi-automatic weapons while roaming the street freely, I'll consider giving up my arms and my 2nd amendment rights.  Until that time I'll defend them until not one breath remains in my body, not only for myself but for the generations to come.


So, the argument for gun ownership is that if others own guns and you do not, you are at a disadvantage?

Any other reasons?

GaGambler152 reads

Once you figure out a way to get rid of the other 299,999,999 guns in this country. I will be more than happy to buy a baseball bat for protection and you can have my guns too, but not before. As long as criminals have guns, I will too.

You have heard the old saw about "bringing a knife to a gunfight" haven't you? Do we really need to say more?

I eagerly await your plan for disarming every criminal in this country.

woodchip155 reads

get rid of all the guns in the world!  With our boarders a porous as they are and drugs coming in by the tons....the rest of what would happen is just plain an simple.

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