Politics and Religion

Who is this "we" you refer to, I don't see the OP mentioning Presidential races anywhere in his pos
GaGambler 169 reads

nice job of putting words in someone else's mouth and then claiming they are the ones who changed their tune.  

Actually it wasn't a nice job at all, it was very transparent and rather weak to boot.

California always votes "D" anyway!

GaGambler170 reads

nice job of putting words in someone else's mouth and then claiming they are the ones who changed their tune.  

Actually it wasn't a nice job at all, it was very transparent and rather weak to boot.

JakeFromStateFarm140 reads

It was obvious to everyone but you that he was talking about the Presidential campaign.  You argue like a high school debater.  Transparent much?  The next Gubernatorial race in California isn't until 2018.

-- Modified on 9/29/2016 10:18:38 AM

Just pointing out that he needed to be a little clearer in his statement

Short sighted stupid shmucks in Sacramento have fritterd away the Golden Goose.
California despite being a world leading source of food, technology and entertainment, with an economy consistently among worlds top ten producers and yet the state is beyond broke and eating itself up from within as agriculture dries up even the deepest and oldest aquifers in their quest for more water.

California leadership has squandered its wealth for short term political gains.  

From where I sit as one who was politically active for many years and saw the inside rooms, the worst damage was done during the Republican led administrations of Nixon, Reagan, Dukmejian, Wilson and an Ausrtrian body builder riding in on a wave of indignation after Grey Davis failed to prevent Enron from financially raping California, a move from which California and its infrastructure have never recovered.

Democraps were no better, but it was Republican governors who fucked this state.

Just my opinion from first hand experience.


Posted By: PitchingWedge
Posted By: Makwa
California always votes "D" anyway!  

...which, although never enforced, pushed Latinos to the Democrats.

Right now, if California were a country, it would have the 6th largest GDP in the world.  But if the drought doesn't get us, the public employee pension giveaway of a few years ago is going to kill us.



... of legal California state law.

But do you think CA would have the 6th largest economy without cheap immigrant labor? Depends.
Who cleans Silicon Valley toilets and mops Marin County Floors?
Who picks Garlic in Gilroy or Grapes in Napa Valley?
Who cleans up the mess in Hollywood hotels after some douchebag Diva throws a tantrum?
Who will Sheriff Joe shoot  for shits n giggles?
And Who the fuck does Trump think will wind up doing the labor for building his fucking wall?

But in the meantime, illegal immigration choked medical services in California beyond the breaking point.
The drain on the system is overwhelming.

Got to find a balance somewhere but Sacramento is not the answer.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...which, although never enforced, pushed Latinos to the Democrats.  
 Right now, if California were a country, it would have the 6th largest GDP in the world.  But if the drought doesn't get us, the public employee pension giveaway of a few years ago is going to kill us.  

GaGambler183 reads

If you are here from another country, "if you don't pay into the system, you are not eligible to draw from the system"

That policy alone would go billions of dollars in the right direction into getting rid of a lot of the red ink that the illegals have created. I don't feel any moral obligation to feed, clothe, educate or provide medical care for people who have snuck into this country and send all the money they make here back to Mexico without even paying taxes on it.

If you are in this country, legal or otherwise and you contribute, even if you contribute "unequally" you are part of the solution. If you don't, you are not just part of the problem, you are the problem.

People born in this country are a different matter, we do have a certain moral obligation to take care of our own.

And whatever the case, do you really think Drumpf ever had a chance to take California?

stucaboy140 reads

link to cartoons, late night shows, and hollywood celebs.  If you need the Prisoner vote, you are in DEEP trouble.

Find me one post I've put on this page that is only about a cartoon link.  Don't bother.  You can't.
As for your idiotic post, you still have not provided any link to prove your point.
Not only that, you haven't dared to respond to the main point: California isn't even in play in this election. It hasn't gone Republican in decades.
So unwad your panties and bring up something meaningful.

-- Modified on 9/28/2016 7:38:51 PM

stucaboy160 reads

located in a certain town or city.  (still with me Jake or did we lose you?)  As a resident of the town you can now vote in town elections  Now lets say the town has 5000 people and the prison has a population of 6000 or more.  Do you think they might vote in strip clubs?  How about your leftie  children who will never get school funding and never ever be able to read your links; just your cartoons you love so much.

JakeFromStateFarm126 reads

You really are too stupid to talk to.  And still no link to prove your story is even real.
Now keep talking about my nonexistent cartoons.
Please go away and come back when you've borrowed some game.

...is emphasizing "No ID required."  Is there really any possibility that a prisoner behind bars and wearing a number on his shirt will attempt to impersonate someone else and commit voter fraud?


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