Politics and Religion

What about Slate Magazine, or do their journalists consider Mein Kampf light summer reading?
HookerWithAHeartOfTinFoil 553 reads

Perhaps you would be so kind as to compile a list of IDF approved international news outlets that I can exclusively cite from, going forward. Maybe the US should employ a version of Google, similar to China's, that blocks all news links that disagree with the "official, state sponsored position" on all topics pertaining to Israeli military policy...

Would that make you happy?

In an Al Jazeera America video, children are shown cheering on rockets aimed at Tel-Aviv, wishing they would land in the United States. Not exactly the scenario willywonka would like to see.

I remember how the Arabs on the streets of Gaza and the West Bank were filmed cheering and dancing and firing their weapons in the air in celebration as the Twin towers came down.

So how will willywonka disparage and attempt to invalidate THIS news item?

Inquiring minds don't give a shit, and call me a troll if you wish, but I'd sure like to read his response.

Below is a photo of Gaza City. Note the four rockets in the upper right side of the photo heading towards Israel. But the point I wish to make is this:The Arabs are claiming devastation in Gaza.
For an area without a power plant supposedly turned to rubble by Israel, Gaza City sure seems well lit. Why do you suppose that is? (Hint: If the Israeli's were 1/10th as brutal and savage as some of you believe, how long do you think it would take Israel to cut off ALL power to the Gaza Strip?

JackDunphy492 reads

Wait aren't YOU Jewish? Do you know how to photoshop? Hmmmmmm....

You know this would be comical if it wasn't so tragic. Now that Willy seems to be chilling, his wife, HookerWithATinFoilHat is taking center stage with her pro-Hamas bullshit.

Even the peeps here who will give Israel a hard time once in awhile have seen what Hamas has done over the last few months and their criticism has slowed to a trickle.

... I accept the theory that Jews probably invented Photoshop.

Certainly a far more military target than the elementary schools targeted by Hamas and their fellow terrorist cowards hiding behind civilians and hospitals.

You sure that tin foil isn't on your head

JackDunphy506 reads

She is SO smart she has equated an explosion as "bad" AND, of course, its Israel's fault. Maybe she is Willy in drag? lol

... their destruction. It's war. If Hamas uses human shields, and stockpiles weapons behind human shields, its on Hamas, not Israel. If tinfoil don't understand that, then her 130 IQ is over-inflated.

"The Dahiya doctrine is a military strategy put forth by the Israeli general Gadi Eizenkot that pertains to asymmetric warfare in an urban setting, in which the army deliberately targets civilians."

These two articles illustrate how Israel has been employing this doctrine:

Israel's assault on Gaza is an expression of the Dahiya doctrine
Opinion: The doctrine provides the basis for employing massive  
force and reckless disreguard for civilian life

Israel is finding it harder to deny targeting Gaza infrastructure
With blackouts, food shortages and sewage in the streets,  
observers say the IDF either targets civilians or has terrible aim

Time for a little Lithium break, my friend.

And I HIGHLY doubt that journalists at the British newspaper, The Guardian, freaking sit around reading the Protocols of the Elders of Zion!

I mean SERIOUSLY. And they call ME a "conspiracy theorist?!" Get a grip, man. Get a grip

Perhaps you would be so kind as to compile a list of IDF approved international news outlets that I can exclusively cite from, going forward. Maybe the US should employ a version of Google, similar to China's, that blocks all news links that disagree with the "official, state sponsored position" on all topics pertaining to Israeli military policy...

Would that make you happy?

...advocate the use of overwhelming, decisive force.

"The reckless disregard for civilian life" is by Hizbollah, firing missiles from civilian areas using civilian human shields.  The U.S. has not faced such enemies but if they will, they'll employ the same strategy.

If people elect leaders who have no qualms about putting civilian lives at risk, then they get what they deserve.

...with anyone.  I don't have a checklist of views I'm supposed to have like you do.

The Powell Doctrine stresses the need for exhausting all non-violent policy and diplomatic options BEFORE employing military force. Israel also has neither "a plausible exit strategy to avoid endless entanglments" NOR do they have "genuine broad international support" for their recent operations in Gaza. Could you please point out some commonalities between these two "doctrines," because I am just not seeing it...  

"The Powell Doctrine states that a list of questions all have to been answered affirmatively before military action is taken by the United States:

1. Is a vital national security interest threatened?  
2. Do we have a clear attainable objective?  
3. Have the risks and costs been fully and frankly analyzed?
4. Have all other non-violent policy means been fully exhausted?  
5. Is there a plausible exit strategy to avoid endless entanglement?  
6. Have the consequences of our action been fully considered?  
7. Is the action supported by the American people?  
8. Do we have genuine broad international support?

...way there would be that much traffic on the streets at this time.

Also, there are a limited number of cars in Aza and not a lot of gasoline either.  In short, I don't think the photo in your post is of Aza.

Your question is fair. The website article was dated August 20, the code for the image indicates it was taken on 7/11/14 (right click the image and inspect element)

The description that accompanied the photo on the Christian Science Monitor website I took it from indicated the photo was of Gaza City, not Aza, the Association of Zoos and Aquariums.

I would not have used it had it been from a Jewish-owned and operated website. Would only fuel the hate-speak

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