Politics and Religion

Very Simple Answer
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 564 reads

Educated folks don't vote for certified MORONS

randomvr3012759 reads

The two year free tuition in CC for students who can keep up good grades will help thousands get an education.     $6 billion a year over 10 years is a drop in the bucket for FED.

2010 Federal Government shutdown - $24 billion down the drain
38 attempts to repeal ACA - $138 million
Issa and his Benghazi, IRS, Fast & Furious - $$ millions

Why not rather spend such money on educating people.   Fear:  Educated people are a threat to GOP and FOX PEWS.

So they are going to oppose, obstruct, block and whatever

60 billion over 10 years? And you believe that? Ha! Whenever the govt gives an estimated cost double it  and you get the true cost.  
How much do the states pay? This is about federalizing the CC system  with more red tape, paperwork, and regulat
  And the cost will passed on to the students. The Dem playbook for 50 years: we will give  you free stuff. Don't  worry about  the cost. Just vote for us.

All schools up to end of HS is free!   LOL.   Who is paying for it?

Better than blowing up $24 billion in a shutdown!   Get it or not?

bigguy30618 reads

I wonder why the GOP hates American citizens so much?

The little guy has to fight for themselves or are scum for getting help.

So the GOP has no problems letting big companies get corporate welfare.

-- Modified on 1/10/2015 11:21:20 AM

Posted By: bigguy30
I wonder why the GOP hates American citizens so much?  
 The little guy has to fight for themselves or are scum for getting help.  
 So the GOP has no problems letting big companies get corporate welfare.

-- Modified on 1/10/2015 11:21:20 AM

bigguy30706 reads

Posted By: AliquippaJones
Posted By: bigguy30
I wonder why the GOP hates American citizens so much?  
  The little guy has to fight for themselves or are scum for getting help.  
  So the GOP has no problems letting big companies get corporate welfare.  
 -- Modified on 1/10/2015 11:21:20 AM

It would result in increased investments, output and wages. I don't blame them for dodging  taxes.
Tell me, why do so many liberals  move to states with no income tax????  

Posted By: bigguy30
I wonder why the GOP hates American citizens so much?  
 The little guy has to fight for themselves or are scum for getting help.  
 So the GOP has no problems letting big companies get corporate welfare.

-- Modified on 1/10/2015 11:21:20 AM

bigguy30748 reads

Thanks for proving my points about the GOP mind set.

Also When you look at the Northeast and California.

We liberals are paying plenty of taxes!  

So why can't big business pay their share of taxes?

I know because they are paying congress to protect them!


Posted By: AliquippaJones
 It would result in increased investments, output and wages. I don't blame them for dodging  taxes.  
 Tell me, why do so many liberals  move to states with no income tax????  
Posted By: bigguy30
I wonder why the GOP hates American citizens so much?  
  The little guy has to fight for themselves or are scum for getting help.  
  So the GOP has no problems letting big companies get corporate welfare.  
 -- Modified on 1/10/2015 11:21:20 AM

13rdrf494 reads

47 percent of the population pays no taxes.  If US companies to out of biz or go overseas where they are treated better, they pay no tax anyway even though it makes liberals feel better.  Have a flat tax so we all pay the same

Millions upon millions  of Americans don't have the money, will power,dedication, or enough common sense to learn on their own.  
  I believe helping those who desire to continue their education, with free College, gives those students a better chance at success. Those educated students  would quickly pay back tax payer dollars, with less  taxes in the future required  from the rich and upper middle class.  
  The Government will never  fix a problem that can't  be fixed, by  doling out free money for a  lifetime of poor ignorant  complacency.

  No doubt some will be thinking, everywhere they go they see  ignorant fools with higher education degrees, education doesn't guarantee monetary success or a logical  mind .  
   I believe educated fools are an exception rather than the rule.  
  Why many of them  flock to TER , I have no clue.   :-D  
   I can't blame Democrats attempting to find another way to get more  votes, the racism card is soon to  play out for the final count, among our young.  


Posted By: AliquippaJones
60 billion over 10 years? And you believe that? Ha! Whenever the govt gives an estimated cost double it  and you get the true cost.  
 How much do the states pay? This is about federalizing the CC system  with more red tape, paperwork, and regulat  
   And the cost will passed on to the students. The Dem playbook for 50 years: we will give  you free stuff. Don't  worry about  the cost. Just vote for us.

If someone does not have the will or common sense to get  an education  what good  is  spending money on them? I hatve no problem with helping people who want to help themselves. If they don't  that's on them.
They are the ones the Democrats pander to.

Posted By: quadseasonal
Millions upon millions  of Americans don't have the money, will power,dedication, or enough common sense to learn on their own.  
   I believe helping those who desire to continue their education, with free College, gives those students a better chance at success. Those educated students  would quickly pay back tax payer dollars, with less  taxes in the future required  from the rich and upper middle class.  
   The Government will never  fix a problem that can't  be fixed, by  doling out free money for a  lifetime of poor ignorant  complacency.  
   No doubt some will be thinking, everywhere they go they see  ignorant fools with higher education degrees, education doesn't guarantee monetary success or a logical  mind .  
    I believe educated fools are an exception rather than the rule.  
   Why many of them  flock to TER , I have no clue.   :-D    
    I can't blame Democrats attempting to find another way to get more  votes, the racism card is soon to  play out for the final count, among our young.  
Posted By: AliquippaJones
60 billion over 10 years? And you believe that? Ha! Whenever the govt gives an estimated cost double it  and you get the true cost.    
  How much do the states pay? This is about federalizing the CC system  with more red tape, paperwork, and regulat  
    And the cost will passed on to the students. The Dem playbook for 50 years: we will give  you free stuff. Don't  worry about  the cost. Just vote for us.

bigguy30925 reads

So another dumb ass comment by you cop!

Posted By: quadseasonal
Millions upon millions  of Americans don't have the money, will power,dedication, or enough common sense to learn on their own.  
   I believe helping those who desire to continue their education, with free College, gives those students a better chance at success. Those educated students  would quickly pay back tax payer dollars, with less  taxes in the future required  from the rich and upper middle class.  
   The Government will never  fix a problem that can't  be fixed, by  doling out free money for a  lifetime of poor ignorant  complacency.  
   No doubt some will be thinking, everywhere they go they see  ignorant fools with higher education degrees, education doesn't guarantee monetary success or a logical  mind .  
    I believe educated fools are an exception rather than the rule.  
   Why many of them  flock to TER , I have no clue.   :-D    
    I can't blame Democrats attempting to find another way to get more  votes, the racism card is soon to  play out for the final count, among our young.  
Posted By: AliquippaJones
60 billion over 10 years? And you believe that? Ha! Whenever the govt gives an estimated cost double it  and you get the true cost.    
  How much do the states pay? This is about federalizing the CC system  with more red tape, paperwork, and regulat  
    And the cost will passed on to the students. The Dem playbook for 50 years: we will give  you free stuff. Don't  worry about  the cost. Just vote for us.

Tempt the unteachable to want an education they can't commit to, nor one that they really want with free money. Convince them to stay in school, loan them money so they can the rest of their way. Then way they can't afford to pay their school loan debt, because they pursued a career no amount of education could prepare them for. Offer amnesty or the minimum a lower debt payment deal, if you vote Democrat.

I bet, you would not fly on airplane you built yourself.  

This always the problem with the dumb asses, they always equate education to money and jobs. Education is a lot more than thst. Once you figure it out, which you won't, you will know what education is

Where it comes to getting people higher paying jobs. The simplest formula to prove this theory wrong is... More talent in the pool + more qualified applicants = less pay.  

More industry is the answer, not education.

Posted By: comfortzone
The two year free tuition in CC for students who can keep up good grades will help thousands get an education.     $6 billion a year over 10 years is a drop in the bucket for FED.  
 2010 Federal Government shutdown - $24 billion down the drain  
 38 attempts to repeal ACA - $138 million  
 Issa and his Benghazi, IRS, Fast & Furious - $$ millions  
 Why not rather spend such money on educating people.   Fear:  Educated people are a threat to GOP and FOX PEWS.  
 So they are going to oppose, obstruct, block and whatever.  

bigguy30783 reads

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Where it comes to getting people higher paying jobs. The simplest formula to prove this theory wrong is... More talent in the pool + more qualified applicants = less pay.  
 More industry is the answer, not education.  
Posted By: comfortzone
The two year free tuition in CC for students who can keep up good grades will help thousands get an education.     $6 billion a year over 10 years is a drop in the bucket for FED.  
  2010 Federal Government shutdown - $24 billion down the drain  
  38 attempts to repeal ACA - $138 million  
  Issa and his Benghazi, IRS, Fast & Furious - $$ millions  
  Why not rather spend such money on educating people.   Fear:  Educated people are a threat to GOP and FOX PEWS.  
  So they are going to oppose, obstruct, block and whatever.  
-- Modified on 1/10/2015 12:32:51 PM

Serve in the military and then go to school.  

You know what would make more sense? Remove many of the federal restriction on certain industries, that way people won't need a "Education In Regulation" to do what is essentially a labor oriented job.

bigguy30881 reads

The GOP always complains about the little guy.

So the real problem are big business not paying there fair share in taxes!

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Serve in the military and then go to school.  
 You know what would make more sense? Remove many of the federal restriction on certain industries, that way people won't need a "Education In Regulation" to do what is essentially a labor oriented job.

I'm addressing unnecessary regulation on industries such as construction and trucking to name a few. Sue happy liberals have raised the cost of business, to where the little guy can't afford to do so.

13rdrf795 reads

We have the highest corporate tax rates in the world.  Get us a flat tax.  Everyone will pay their fair share.  Right now, it is only the upper middle class and rich that pay.  

The top 5 percent pay 60 percent of taxes.   The bottom 50 percent pay 3 percent of the Federal tax revenues.  

But, I want big corporations doing business here, we need the jobs even if they don't pay taxes.  But, they do pay taxes.

Educated folks don't vote for certified MORONS

Posted By: comfortzone
2010 Federal Government shutdown - $24 billion down the drain
Only in your Never, Never Land of fairy tales does the government NOT spending money = "down the drain

24B would have only been enough for one, or a percentage of an existing infrastructure project, however the money would have go a lot farther, a portion would have gone back into the economy, and there would be something to show for it. While education it self can be valuable to the individual, education isn't a measurable asset of GDP.

Some of it may not have been borrowed in the first place. Most of it, unfortunately, still got spent, just not on the normal schedule.

The economy lost $24 billion because of Government shutdown.    $6 billion a year to educate kids who can get jobs and generate income tax revenue.

Posted By: comfortzone
The economy lost $24 billion because of Government shutdown.
The loss to the economy was not anywhere close to $24. The accounting that is used to fabricate that number is almost all smoke and mirrors.

If you want to talk about education please see my other post.

The fastest economies in the world are not focusing on education. Granted these economies/nations are not parallel to the US as far as the amount of growth they have seen. America has an educational deficit, much like the American financial deficit. These deficits have accumulated over a period of decades. There are no retroactive fixes that can turn either of the deficits around.  

This is why people are saying you can't throw money at a problem and expect the problem to right itself. More tax revenue won't solve any issue.

We obviously need to take drastic measures to save/restore our educational system.

In too many areas the public K-12 system is so broken, it takes 2 years of community college just for some high school grads to catch up to where they should have been. If we simply follow this plan, here are some unintended consequences that will happen:

1) The federal government will end up controlling many aspects of community college.
2) The "free" aspects will create further inflationary pressure such that the final real cost of community college will rise faster than other educational systems.
3) The pressure that high school teachers presently experience to inflate grades and "pass on" students that are failing will migrate into community colleges (not just the pressure but the failed students as well). Community college instructors will now be pressured to do the same.

Let’s call this idea what it really is, a change to secondary education. A high school diploma will now be called a 14th grade education. How about we fix K-12 while we’re at it

One of the major faults of PS K-12 are the liberal programs art, music, cultural studies, and who knows what else that have going on today. All this BS needs to be replaced with substance based programs advanced math and science, advanced English reading writing, spelling, language arts, from there students can move into technical studies carpentry, automotive, agricultural these are just off of the top of my head. Students should graduate HS with ability to work in at least five different real world industries. America has more than enough film makers.

bigguy30718 reads

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
One of the major faults of PS K-12 are the liberal programs art, music, cultural studies, and who knows what else that have going on today. All this BS needs to be replaced with substance based programs advanced math and science, advanced English reading writing, spelling, language arts, from there students can move into technical studies carpentry, automotive, agricultural these are just off of the top of my head. Students should graduate HS with ability to work in at least five different real world industries. America has more than enough film makers.

Not art, and music students can get these elements of culture outside of the classroom. Children need to learn real work experience. Students can not obtain these things outside of the classroom. Students are in class in excess of eight hours a day. Students need to learn real skills, which they can apply to real world issues, in the form of employment so they can support themselves when they graduate high school. Like I said people can pursue artistic outlets on their own time, because the majority of time their artistic outlet is not going to provide financial independence.

bigguy30761 reads

So first you say prison is better than public schools.

Then you say schools should teach job skills and cut out arts or music?

I guess you did not know it's high schools where kids can get a high school diploma and also a two year associate degree.

They also get art and music too!

You sound just like two face Mitt with your out of touch comments

What I'm saying is the high school diploma would be the evidence to show that graduates have real world industrial experience. The associate degree isn't much good with out the bachelors degree, and the bachelors degree isn't much good with out the masters degree. These so called degrees do one of two things. A. create a culture of institutional dependency B. Limit the graduates potential, because life gets in the way of earning their next mandated degree. Both of which come with a nice serving financial debt.  

The Democrats have them right where they want them, and economic growth suffers due to the dems pettiness.

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