Politics and Religion

The same thing could be said for Dennis Kucinich who has been all but banished.....
Jack Daniels 1865 reads

from the main stream media.  The guy makes more sense then the other Democratic candidates but no one knows about him because the media won’t give him coverage. He has even gone so far as appearing on the O’Reilly Factor and Hannity and Colmes just to get his message out.

-- Modified on 1/6/2008 3:49:06 PM

Fox wanted to exclude Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter from the debates, and the NH Reps backed Paul and Hunter.

Props to the NH GOP.

GaGambler1317 reads

I've got to agreewith Doc, it's way too early to be letting FOX or any other network decide who has got a chance and who doesn't. I wouldn't vote for either of them at gunpoint, but it's up to the voters(as stupid as they might be) to decide who is, or is not electable, certainly not a news organization.

Jack Daniels1866 reads

from the main stream media.  The guy makes more sense then the other Democratic candidates but no one knows about him because the media won’t give him coverage. He has even gone so far as appearing on the O’Reilly Factor and Hannity and Colmes just to get his message out.

-- Modified on 1/6/2008 3:49:06 PM

A lot of us have never seen the fat lady or the little man at the Fair ..
 Much like Hunter and Duncan a unimportant distraction ..

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