Politics and Religion

The difference is that John didn't even pretend to ask what other's had been reading
GaGambler 1860 reads

I can't believe that I am defending Pripus, but his movie lists were conversation starters. John simply posted a list of what he has been reading.

(Doesn't include everything. I read nearly 100 books annually.)

Non-Fiction (roughly divided into genre)
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
Critical Theory: The Essential Readings
Beyond Capitalism and Socialism
The Servile State
The Sovereign Individual
Who Owns America: A New Declaration of Independence
State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America
Homo Americanus

Bacteriology of Humans: An Ecological Perspective
Genomics, Proteomics, and Clinical Bacteriology: Methods and Reviews
Plague Time: The New Germ Theory of Disease
Survival of the Sickest

Tipping Point and Outliers (same author)
What every BODY is saying
Trauma and the Body
EMDR Solutions
Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes
Advanced Hypnotherapy: Hypnodynamic Techniques
How Sex Works
Why men don't listen and women can't read maps

Sword of Truth series (Goodkind)
Dresden Files (Butcher)
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare)

-- Modified on 6/9/2010 11:36:53 AM

Closet_Coprophagic939 reads

A true renaissance man! I am so impressed with your reading list that I shall not even bother to read the body of your posts in future as I am sure I won't be able to comprehend the thoughts coming from such a truly superior mind, just the headers will be more than enough for a simple soul like myself.

No wonder you are always right, and when asked for the time you instruct one on how to build a watch. Wherever do you find a hat large enough to your immense head?

1.The Blank Slate  
2.Modern Denial of Human Nature
3 Experiments with People
4.Phantoms in the Brain
5.The Lucifer effect

Ladies despise men when they leave the seat up.I have been researching for years, why many men don't lift it up before pissing, when away from home. Is it childish rebellion,some sort of genetic coding that leads them to primitive behavior when away from their mate, or do they merely  possess a hidden  anger or contempt towards  me, and a  desire to make my job harder?
Consider yourself fortunate to have someone on staff, that makes piss disappear.
You should greet them with a smile and  conversation sometime. They will  understand why you don't skake their hand, or invite them to dinner.
I can plainly see, how some look away from me.
  That Hurts more than you can imagine.

Coming from a  ninth grader ,I don't see johngaltnh proclaiming he has superior metacognition than the rest of  us, although I will admit he's got me beat, as well as  my clone brother Pri. If that was his intent he certainly wouldn't have admitted he read The Dresden Files..
One of my favorite Fiction books along the lines of good, evil, and magic is Swan Song by Robert McCammon.

But if the chance ever arose, I'd love to shoot the shit with John sometime.

GaGambler967 reads

Not about John, but about you. lmao

I have shared beers with dozens of hobbyists over the years, some have become close friends, others..........Well you can't win them all. lol

There are many on this board I would love to share a beer with, including John. I imagine I would have to apolgize for occasionally calling him a pompous ass, not that he isn't one occasionally, just that I should probably apologize anyhow. lol

This list of people I would enjoy having a beer with on this board is a long one, the list of posters that I would not enjoy spending even five minutes with is a much shorter list, but congratulations, you made it. I don't think that TrannyBoy and I would find much in common either. lmao

It would be a real blast.

Technically speaking, I don't drink beer because I eat a gluten-free diet; but practically any bar should be able to whip up something I'd like, especially if served by a hot babe showing cleavage. LOL

Willie and I disagree on a lot of political stuff. That's to be expected because he works for an entity I wish to destroy. But I still think we'd have fun.

I have no idea whether I actually meet the definition of pompous or not. LOL

Id enjoy a beer with ya, followed by some other activities....   :)
I think you're smart and its very hot.

LOL  you took the words right outta my mouth. I dont think many providers would have a drink with Willy either but I could be wrong

GaGambler819 reads

Next you will be bragging about which art exhibits you have seen this year.

No offense John (well yeah I am lying about that), I don't think anyone really cares about your reading list. It also comes across as if you are feeling a bit haughty and superior about it. It reads like you are trying to impress somebody, but trust me, no one is impressed.

the unusual source materials John cites in his posts and was rather curious as to what he reads. About a month ago, I suggested it might be interesting if he posted his reading list. Several posters have done so in the past, including the late Fast Eddie. You can learn a lot about someone from what he reads.

        So John is not being pretentious, or trying to impress anyone but was merely gracious enough to respond to my request.

       I'm just guessing, but may be the Aw Crap and the Aw Shit posts on the GD Board made John realize this might be time to do it.
       Thanks John.

-- Modified on 6/9/2010 1:59:48 PM

Priapus531208 reads

& mitigates my previous jibe, though I'll leave it up in the  vain hope that it amuses someone.

I just finished reading a book about sartorial pachyderms entitled " The Elephants of Style"---------------ugh--------:(

GaGambler787 reads

I probably would not have commented.

You do have to admit, without the context that you provided, his post did sound rather pretentious.

John, my apologies.

-- Modified on 6/9/2010 1:02:05 PM

John doesn't need defended but what is the diff. between him sharing his literary accomplishments and Priapus taking over the board with MOVIE lists?

I guess i won't share my reading of Dante,Freud,Adam Smith,Byron....etc

-- Modified on 6/9/2010 2:47:21 PM

GaGambler1861 reads

I can't believe that I am defending Pripus, but his movie lists were conversation starters. John simply posted a list of what he has been reading.

Priapus531406 reads

Btw, OSP, it's "John didn't need to be defended" & "literary".

As for the movie posts, they were started by others ( Fast Eddie & Xiao ) & I merely picked up on that. & How have they taken over the board when movie threads haven't been posted for weeks ?

In re to literature, Marikod & Xiao were listing
some of their favorite poets ; would have done the same at the time, but was experiencing computer problems. At he risk of sounding like a mangina ( :( ), my favorite poets : Robert Lowell, Blake, Plath, Ginsberg, Dickey, T.S Eliot, Poe & the aforementioned Percy Dovetonsils.--------;)

In re to fiction, my list would be much larger---------will save that for later time, or perhaps, when TER intros. that long awaited REAL general discussion board.

Lastly, an aside to WW----------were you reading "Mein Kampf" when you posted on the Helen Thomas thread yesterday ?----------:)

-- Modified on 6/9/2010 2:38:35 PM

list, considering that I immortalized you in ,,,I believe it was a sonnet, barely a month ago. Did Blake, Plath, or Eliot do that for you? I don't think so.

     But, aside from that glaring omission, great list with the possible exception of Ginsburg. Do you really think he belongs on that list?

    As Hemmingway once said of Jack Keroauc - "that's not writing, that's typing." I kind of feel that way about Ginsburg.

    As for what T.S. Eliot wishes he had written, see below....

Priapus53761 reads

there seems to be critical revisionism toward that particular literary subgenre: at one time, "On the Road" & "Howl" were lauded as masterpieces ;now modern thought seems to trash both works. Been a long time since I've read both works, but thought them great at the time.

So what next to discuss ?-----the anti-semitism of Eliot & Ezra Pound ?-------would go well with the Helen Thomas thread------LOL !

To complement your link , I could pull up Percy Dovetonsils link-------ahhh, fuck it---2 hot in Vegas today-------:)

Lastly, do you find "Ulysses" as overrated as I do ?

-- Modified on 6/9/2010 3:27:19 PM

-- Modified on 6/9/2010 3:28:03 PM

-- Modified on 6/9/2010 3:35:46 PM

My favorite line from Ginsberg ever...

"It was a big electrocution in every paper and mass medium, Television was a baby crawling toward that deathchamber"

"As Hemmingway once said of Jack Keroauc - "that's not writing, that's typing." I kind of feel that way about Ginsburg."

 I agree with you and Hemingway.. I would rather read obituaries than Ginsburg.. certainly more creative IMO
 disclaimer..I don't read the obituaries for fear of finding my name.

I don't think you deserved to be. I am well aware who started what post and when. I was simply calling for TER(HA)fairness. I don't think i've ever considered works(or words)from John,to be of a pretentious nature. Lengthy maybe,but not pretentious. Should a man cower in the corner due to his many degree's?

What is wrong with Mein Kampf? I have a great interest in that work. Never made it all the way through. I plan on another attempt soon. I will not have my eyes shielded from ANY literature of my choosing. I am picking of what I pick up.

Priapus53777 reads

as for Mein Kampf, pick up something by Nietzsche instead. Much value in his work. Of course, both him & Hitler were fucking nuts, but Adolph was a MUCH bigger fucking nut than Nietzsche.

Gonna read some more one day. I have an interest in Macheavelli presently.

I agree that both Hitler and Nietzsche were  nuts,but the insanely 'genious' have always fascinated me.

But given your religious views, I think you'll find Nietzsche's "The Antichrist" problematic. (*grin*)

One thing that few people realize is that Ayn Rand, especially early on, drew VERY heavily from Nietzsche. She never credited him, instead crediting Aristotle and Aquinas. I wrote a thesis at some point demonstrating that huge portions of Rand's thought came from Nietzsche; and a whole bunch more -- despite her protestations to the contrary -- was Platonic rather than Aristotelian.

Some of Machiavelli's less well-known works are indeed interesting.

A couple of years ago, I read a book called The Politics of Life in which the author applied Machiavellian principles to everyday life in business. It was very interesting.

Never read Machiavelli, one of those authors who have always been on my list that I've never gotten around to.

When I was 18 years old, I was a HUGE Nietzsche fan. Had a few "life is meaningless and has no purpose, so make one up, dipshit" epiphanies in there.

Man did I have a bad day for spelling yesterday.I don't find much,these days,problematic anylonger. Thanks for correcting my 'bottle-laden' pidgeon english.

I agree OSP..
 IMO Movies are designed for masses of shallow individuals with desire of temporary, instant gratification, with little imagination required.
I would much rather sit in a chair outside and read a good book, while breathing fresh air into my brain.
If I read more books I wouldn't be stuck on pri's level..
Yeah Yeah Yeah Pri my friend ..My brain is full of air..lol
Sometimes I can't help myself

there are people as erudite as Johnny boy. lol. A trait I liked about Fast Eddie is how he always shared something he read, that would open up conversations.

Priapus53939 reads

John, known you for awhile & basically you're a good dude. But your latest post makes OSP's look humble by comparison. Something to think about before posting in the future.

Btw, Liorr & Xfean have read double the books you have in past year------trouble is, they haven't had the chance to color any of them yet---------------;)

GaGambler639 reads

He is still basking in the glory of having figured out how to turn the caps lock off. lmao

"Something to think about before posting in the future."

Unlike you Pri I see no Self aggrandizement in Johns posts, When reading his  posts it is easy to tell he never struggles to use words that he doesn't  understand their meaning,and there is a natural flow to his writings even when I have to look up many of his words. Just like using wiki, if you rely on the Urban Dictionary, the words you use don't always have the meaning you intended or their true definition..
Now go look in the mirror and pronounce sesquipedalian  until it is part of your vocabulary..
 Your study lesson below and perhaps you should read the comics for enlightenment.

If you like Gladwell, try "Blink," if you haven't already.

St. Croix1433 reads

He reaffirmed my position on avoiding Korean Airlines - the ethnic theory of plane crashes in Outliers. I flew on Korean Air years ago, and then my brother who is a pilot, told me about their cockpit issues. Hence, always sit in the back of the plane, because planes rarely back into mountains (lol).

ago. Did Korean War end? Planes and ships seem to go down frequently in that part of the world.

St. Croix1292 reads

I think it was 1977 when a Korean commercial plane wandered into Soviet airspace and was shot down. How do you just wander into Soviet airspace, especially back in 1977? For awhile KAL was dropping planes out of the sky, or flying into mountains at a record pace, and it wasn't for mechanical reasons. As my pilot brother would say, the cockpit is designed to be operated by 2 pilots, one checking the other. So the problem was cultural as well as language.

Actually KAL's record is much better, so I might opt to get on one of their planes vs say a United Airlines. Why? Hang out in Narita Airport Tokyo. Watch the flight attendants go by. You got Singapore girls (best looking attendants), Cathay Pacific, JAL, Thai Airways, all of the Asian flight attendants are absolutely hot and will bend over backwards to serve you. Well almost bend over backwards, if you know what I mean. Then you see the United flight attendants, average age about 55, fat, ugly, surly, obnoxious, oh did I say they were union employees.

...I think the reaction from a lot of the guys here demonstrate how functionally illiterate many of them are. Pretty cool list!

Being a musician, my brain is wired to take in new input auditorially, so I almost always have to "read" new books on my Ipod. Not many of the classics are on Books on Tape, so I usually slug through them as much as I can.

Been reading a lot of economics lately.

Free Lunch by David Kay Johnston
Bad Samaritans by Ha-joon Chang
Hamilton's Report on Manufactures
Been picking up Bukunin on Anarchism again too, and flipping through Guns, Germs, & Steal.

Got Paine's Common Sense and Orwell's Animal Farm on the Ipod lately.

Check out Carnage and Culture -- fantastic read!

...I usually read the Constitution once every few months. For a while there, I had the Bill of Rights memorized.

When debating direct democracy on another board, I actually wrote a proposed amendment to the Constitution, using the language set forth in Article 1.  

When you start to break things down into specific powers, and trying to figure out how one would bring in a direct democracy given those powers, it becomes a bit complex.

thought you said you read the US constitution. ugh!

Allows you to look and understand the world by reenforcing what you already believe.

Certainly the Buchanan titles are right wing.

On the other hand, Beyond Capitalism and Socialism and Who Owns America are both serious indictments of capitalism generally, and finance capitalism particularly. One expounds distributism, the other agrarianism; neither of which would be welcome on Wall St.

Critical theory is a distinctly Marxist invention; though it is useful outside that realm.

Books on bacteriology have no "wing," but the hypnotherapy book was a bit left as most psychology stuff is.

Gladwell's is a tad left but not much. Goodkind is pretty right wing, but I don't see Butcher as either.

Sorry, there's a smattering of all sorts of stuff there.

What I believe evolves over time to accommodate new information.

Yes, I have distinct views. But you have their evolution backwards. :-) After all, I worked in the Carter campaign when I was 9-10, and voted Democrat strictly until I was almost 30.

I see your type all the time. You can read a book, but don't know how to cross the street without almost getting hit by a car.

... that you don't have as much experience using an outhouse or shoveling manure as I do!

"that you don't have as much experience using an outhouse or shoveling manure as I do!"

  I always enjoy reading johngaltnh even when I need my dictionary.
 I could tell we have a lot in common, just wasn't sure what it was..
Anyone that wants to come to my jobsite for show and tell let me know..
I am a expert at shoveling manure.. Now you know why Pri and I are peas in a pod.
Or is that peons?

I knew I liked you for a reason!  (*grin*)

I'll never get folks who think just because you read books, you can't shovel manure; or just because you shovel manure you can't read books.

Why not do both?


GaGambler752 reads

Now that takes some doing. lol

BTW Quad, you don't need a dictionary. A simple Google toolbar will do wonders for your vocabulary.

GoogleTutor864 reads

Dumb ass quad doesn't know where to find a  google toolbar.
He's probably at Kmart looking for one.

I actually did my share of shit shoveling as a kid on a farm.
How do you think I put up with the liberal stench that I read on this board?

I find some stench in "liberalism" but also in "conservatism."

I've heard great thingS about it and am curious. If you have time I'd like a cliff's notes! In my mind it is similar to muscle testing and polarity therapies, but I could be way off base.

As you'll likely surmise from my reading list, there is someone in my life suffering from serious PTSD. I got the EMDR book because EMDR is specifically targeted to helping people with PTSD.

Target Audience: This book is for mental health clinicians with a basic knowledge of EMDR and an extremely solid knowledge of psychology generally, PTSD and trauma particularly and solid experience with counseling.

What is EMDR? It stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. But this name is deceptive, as although eye movement is an aspect of EMDR, it fits within a much larger treatment context. IMO, EMDR is better defined procedurally. A good description of a session is here: http://www.emdrnetwork.org/description.html

What this book covers: This book is an extremely thorough treatment, using actual examples, of the practical application of EMDR in clinical practice for dealing with a variety of issues, not just PTSD.

But along with examples, it gives specific background and worthwhile theory behind things such as "Safe Space Imagery" and how to go about setting it up with a client.

This book is a compilation of the work of several authors.

My assessment of the book: I think this book is excellent. It is thorough, covers both theory and practice, and has a lot of worthwhile references as well.

Recommended Adjunct Material: Trauma and the Body

EMDR is one subset of a broader set of ideas of kinesthetic linkage to the internal states of the mind. There is important background on that linkage and the research that is not included in EMDR Solutions. For this background, I recommend Trauma and the Body.

Trauma and the Body is NOT a light read. Basically, it is postdoctoral material; but very thorough and very good.

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