Politics and Religion

That's just dumb, WB. She should have been smart enough to STFU.
JakeFromStateFarm 123 reads

She handed Trump a nice, juicy plum.  Totally self-inflected wound.  Good thing Trump is most adept at inflicting them on himself.

Could possibly hurt her in the polls with undecided voters. On the other hand , what she says is accurate. Polls show that 2/3 of Trump supporters are "birthers". If anything, her percentage was too low, as evidenced by Trump's knuckledragging supporters offline & here.

Posted By: bigguy30
So everybody see it but them. Lol

Bad political move, but she's right! I think she could have used a less emotionally loaded word than "deplorable," and she would have gotten her point across, but without a lot of political fallout.

They either have already bought int the Rightwing Nutjob Cult (RNC), or they are voting for Clinton partly BECAUSE they view the Trump Cult with disdain for the very reasons she mentioned.

But what do you expect from a Clinton?  This election -- and the four years after that -- can't go fast enough before America gets another chance to right a wrong.  And no matter what happens this November, it will be wrong.


Posted By: ChoosyCynic
Could possibly hurt her in the polls with undecided voters. On the other hand , what she says is accurate. Polls show that 2/3 of Trump supporters are "birthers". If anything, her percentage was too low, as evidenced by Trump's knuckledragging supporters offline & here.  
Posted By: bigguy30
So everybody see it but them. Lol

But not for the rest of her statement, which was a good political "cleanup move". Trump supporters are in denial if they don't think a significant amount of DT supporters aren't bigots. What she said was certainly accurate, in fact,, she understated the amount of racists who support him.

Posted By: bigguy30
So everybody see it but them. Lol

FatVern132 reads

There are a lot of racists in America too. Both candidates are neck and neck in the polls, always have been. Not every racist is a bigot.  

Posted By: ChoosyCynic
But not for the rest of her statement, which was a good political "cleanup move". Trump supporters are in denial if they don't think a significant amount of DT supporters aren't bigots. What she said was certainly accurate, in fact,, she understated the amount of racists who support him.  
Posted By: bigguy30
So everybody see it but them. Lol

JakeFromStateFarm124 reads

She handed Trump a nice, juicy plum.  Totally self-inflected wound.  Good thing Trump is most adept at inflicting them on himself.

GaGambler142 reads

The less she says, the better. Well the better for her that is. The more we see and hear from Hillary, the harder she is going to find it to keep the wool pulled over the eyes of the voters.  

Hillary is her own worst enemy. Look at her biggest "bumps" they had nothing to do with anything she did, she got bumps by the likes of Obama and others coming out in support for her with THEM making the speeches, not her. The more the American public gets to see of her, the more they are going to grow to despise her and the less unthinkable it will become to vote for Trump instead of her.

Posted By: GaGambler
The less she says, the better. Well the better for her that is. The more we see and hear from Hillary, the harder she is going to find it to keep the wool pulled over the eyes of the voters.  
 Hillary is her own worst enemy. Look at her biggest "bumps" they had nothing to do with anything she did, she got bumps by the likes of Obama and others coming out in support for her with THEM making the speeches, not her. The more the American public gets to see of her, the more they are going to grow to despise her and the less unthinkable it will become to vote for Trump instead of her.

JakeFromStateFarm123 reads

Trump, the serial gaffe-er.  Please don't tempt me to list all the stupid and insulting crap he's spewed over the past few days.  Hillary must made one of her few "unforced errors" and it's a huge deal.  Trump's seem to come with such frequency they just get ignored.  Viz. in the same speech he says re the Iranians he'd "blow them out of the water," then calls her "trigger happy."  I can't wait for the debate.

GaGambler121 reads

but the difference is, Trump has been "out there" since the beginning. Trump has got to have been the most accessible candidate ever, Clinton OTOH must know just how bad she is at speaking as she tends to run and hide and gives very little media access. Not a bad strategy I have to confess, but she has to crawl out from under her rock sometime, and I think Hillary gaffes are going to become the norm, not the exception.

Also keep in mind, the bookies are still offering 20-1 action that Hillary won't even be on the ballot come November, but in all fairness they are offering 14-1 on the same bet for Trump.

The Clintons are very "Machiavellian", Jake, I think there's a chance this was a "planned mistake" to get  her into the headlines & take the spotlight off Trump. Reminds me of a line from "Anatomy of a Murder" : "jury, disregard that statement about the blue cow", which is the equivalent of Hillary "apologizing" for saying that 1/2 of Trump supporters are "racist" , both statements are out in the ozone.

She WAS speaking the truth, btw. If anything, she underestimated, because more than 50 % of Trump supporters are bigots.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
She handed Trump a nice, juicy plum.  Totally self-inflected wound.  Good thing Trump is most adept at inflicting them on himself.

JakeFromStateFarm144 reads

She knew someone would be taping her and should recall what happened to Romney with his "47%" gaffe. The two of you are starting to sound like Pee Wee Herman

saltyballs120 reads

........and he's back to hogging all the media limelight....lol

Posted By: stucaboy

I would have thought the Trump supporters would have gotten it!  ;)

FatVern128 reads

Everything else goes right through it.

GaGambler117 reads

much less a "multiple winner"

We are in the fourth year of the SPOTY's, the winner of the first two titles was Annoyingfungus after most of the rest of the field failed to remain eligible for the vote and then last year the winner by fifty lengths was fg. No one else was even close last year.

as for knuckle dragging, I find no fault in that statement.

JakeFromStateFarm107 reads

bear in mind that, while you invented the SPOTY, I invented the SPOAT (Stupidest Poster of All Time) and I believe I awarded it to Vern

GaGambler114 reads

No one but you even acknowledges your "award"

Sorry Jake, but some things catch on, others don't

JakeFromStateFarm112 reads

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